Tencao / TCR-Origins

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Quarry broke the server #74

Open RobinSwe opened 6 years ago

RobinSwe commented 6 years ago

My setup: (as instructed by Bluexin, when asking about powering a quarry by means of RF) RF energycell as main storage -> redstone flux piping -> rf consumer -> energy bridge -> mj producer -> wooden + golden kinetic pipes -> quarry.

Got a diamond chest on top of quarry for resources to be gathered.. ME import bus pulling items to ME drive (disconnected at the time of encountering this issue though)

Conclusion: seem to have crashed the server twice when placing the darn quarry, suggesting a look into it/restricting quarry recipe?

Tencao commented 6 years ago

Will most likely get fixed with the update Friday, please wait until then to reproduce.

RobinSwe commented 6 years ago

Thinking back on this issue, I've just remembered the situation occured while situated within a protected area (nation).

Thinking it might've been a permission related issue?

I have since mined out my desired area by hand and have setup voidminers to allocate resources so the main purpose of my quarry is now gone, and I shouldn't need to setup a new one in a long while, but an issue is still an issue I suppose..