Tencent / CodeAnalysis

Static Code Analysis - 静态代码分析
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Deploy tca docker failed,返回码=127,什么原因? #1105

Open YuriTam opened 1 week ago

YuriTam commented 1 week ago

$ bash ./quick_install.sh docker deploy [2024/06/27 10:50:20] [WARN]: This machine had installed git lfs [2024/06/27 10:50:21] [INFO]: start git clone lib ... Cloning into 'tca_lib'... remote: Total 179 (delta 0), reused 179 (delta 0) Receiving objects: 100% (179/179), 24.12 KiB | 4.02 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (2/2), done. Updating files: 100% (158/158), done. Filtering content: 100% (157/157), 108.35 MiB | 7.24 MiB/s, done. [2024/06/27 10:50:42] [INFO]: Download lib success. md5sum: /d/code/CodeAnalysis/.gitattributes: No such file or directory [2024/06/27 10:50:43] [INFO]: update lib: .gitattributes

[2024/06/27 10:51:59] [INFO]: __ [2024/06/27 10:51:59] [INFO]: | | / | /\ [2024/06/27 10:51:59] [INFO]: | | | | / \ [2024/06/27 10:52:00] [INFO]: | | | | / /\ \ [2024/06/27 10:52:00] [INFO]: | | | | / \ [2024/06/27 10:52:00] [INFO]: || \| // \\ [2024/06/27 10:52:00] [INFO]:

[2024/06/27 10:52:00] [INFO]: Start tca using docker [2024/06/27 10:52:00] [WARN]: Deploying TCA with docker/docker-compose depends on docker. Current machine has not installed docker. [2024/06/27 10:52:00] [INFO]: Do you want to install [Docker] by this script? Please enter:[Y/N]Y [2024/06/27 10:52:07] [INFO]: Download docker and install curl: (28) Failed to connect to get.docker.com port 443 after 21053 ms: Couldn't connect to server sh: /tmp/get-docker.sh: No such file or directory rm: cannot remove '/tmp/get-docker.sh': No such file or directory false [2024/06/27 10:52:29] [INFO]: Deploy tca container [2024/06/27 10:52:29] [INFO]: Pull TCA Image: tencenttca/tca:latest [2024/06/27 10:52:29] [INFO]: Deploy tca container command:

Lingghh commented 1 week ago
