Tencent / HaboMalHunter

HaboMalHunter is a sub-project of Habo Malware Analysis System (https://habo.qq.com), which can be used for automated malware analysis and security assessment on the Linux system.
725 stars 220 forks source link

Undefined name 'self' in ./util/stat/is_exec/is_exec.py #15

Open cclauss opened 5 years ago

cclauss commented 5 years ago

flake8 testing of https://github.com/Tencent/HaboMalHunter on Python 2.7.14

$ flake8 . --count --select=E901,E999,F821,F822,F823 --show-source --statistics

./AnalyzeControl.py:556:15: F821 undefined name 'main_dynamic'
        dest_file = main_dynamic
./AnalyzeControl.py:560:43: F821 undefined name 'main_dynamic'
        log.info("main dynamic log updated %s", main_dynamic)
./util/stat/is_exec/is_exec.py:40:4: F821 undefined name 'self'
            self.log.error("CalledProcessError: %s",str(e))
3     F821 undefined name 'main_dynamic'