Tencent / MMKV

An efficient, small mobile key-value storage framework developed by WeChat. Works on Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and POSIX.
17.1k stars 1.88k forks source link

Unhandled Exception: Invalid argument(s): Failed to load dynamic library 'libmmkv.so': dlopen failed: library "libmmkv.so" not found #1331

Closed yoyo89757001 closed 1 week ago

yoyo89757001 commented 3 weeks ago

在网络上找到这个帖子,不知道是不是这个bug的原因: https://blog.csdn.net/pengbo6665631/article/details/129391587

lingol commented 3 weeks ago

Maybe. Can you verify that it works?

jzlhll commented 3 weeks ago

有点不负责任的感觉。1.3.5开始直接ban掉了v1.3.5 / 2024-04-24 Drop armv7 & x86 support.,x86和v7a的支持(大概率是这个原因)。从打包后的包解压可以看到,只有arm64-v8a和x64目录里面有库。而1.3.4打包解压后,是4个目录有的。 而如果你是googlePlay发布的话,由于平台又做了cpu架构的区别分发,用户v7a手机下载到的真实程序就没了。 下图是1.3.4打包出来的结果: screenshot-20240624-095343 所以你懂得,降级吧,再也不升级了。

lingol commented 3 weeks ago

有点不负责任的感觉。1.3.5开始直接ban掉了v1.3.5 / 2024-04-24

Drop armv7 & x86 support.,x86和v7a的支持(大概率是这个原因)。从打包后的包解压可以看到,只有arm64-v8a和x64目录里面有库。而1.3.4打包解压后,是4个目录有的。





Don't spam everywhere. If armv7 is the issue you can always fork mmkv and add back armv7 support by yourself. It's open sourced.

jzlhll commented 3 weeks ago

有点不负责任的感觉。1.3.5开始直接ban掉了v1.3.5 / 2024-04-24 Drop armv7 & x86 support.,x86和v7a的支持(大概率是这个原因)。从打包后的包解压可以看到,只有arm64-v8a和x64目录里面有库。而1.3.4打包解压后,是4个目录有的。 而如果你是googlePlay发布的话,由于平台又做了cpu架构的区别分发,用户v7a手机下载到的真实程序就没了。 下图是1.3.4打包出来的结果: screenshot-20240624-095343 所以你懂得,降级吧,再也不升级了。

Don't spam everywhere. If armv7 is the issue you can always fork mmkv and add back armv7 support by yourself. It's open sourced.


lingol commented 1 week ago

It's improved a little bit in v1.3.6.

lingol commented 1 week ago

v1.3.7 LTS has just been release.

This Long Term Support (LTS) release primarily reintroduces support for the ARMv7 architecture and lowers the minimum SDK version requirement to 21. Please note that only critical bug fixes will be applied to the 1.3.x series.

New features will be introduced in version 2.0 and later, which will discontinue support for 32-bit architectures and raise the minimum SDK version requirement to 23.