Tencent / TBase

TBase is an enterprise-level distributed HTAP database. Through a single database cluster to provide users with highly consistent distributed database services and high-performance data warehouse services, a set of integrated enterprise-level solutions is formed.
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tabse怎么更新软件版本,并保留数据 #124

Open tiancai45 opened 2 years ago

tiancai45 commented 2 years ago

tabse怎么更新软件版本,并保留数据. 现在只能备份.再导入. 有别的方法吗?

tiancai45 commented 2 years ago


JennyJennyChen commented 2 years ago

1、开源的升级到2.3.0需要备份再导入,其他版本直接替换bin包(为保险起见,建议先保存原来的bin,然后再操作以备出问题了回滚) 2、商业版本另说