Tencent / TNN

TNN: developed by Tencent Youtu Lab and Guangying Lab, a uniform deep learning inference framework for mobile、desktop and server. TNN is distinguished by several outstanding features, including its cross-platform capability, high performance, model compression and code pruning. Based on ncnn and Rapidnet, TNN further strengthens the support and performance optimization for mobile devices, and also draws on the advantages of good extensibility and high performance from existed open source efforts. TNN has been deployed in multiple Apps from Tencent, such as Mobile QQ, Weishi, Pitu, etc. Contributions are welcome to work in collaborative with us and make TNN a better framework.
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Pose demo #637

Closed KyoukaMinaduki closed 3 years ago

KyoukaMinaduki commented 3 years ago

Hello. I wonder whether there are or will be any demo for pose estimation? Either for mobile devices(andorid or ios) or x86.

devandong commented 3 years ago

Hi, two pose demos are under development and will be released in a few days. If you want to try it now, you could switch to the feature_demo_skeleton branch and it can run on iOS devices.

KyoukaMinaduki commented 3 years ago

Oh thank you. I am waiting. BTW, the pose demos on android and ios, and x86 demos with C++,will be released recently together, right?

devandong commented 3 years ago

We will provide C++ code and an iOS app for these two demos. All core operations are handled in the C++ code and the ObjC layer just focues on the user interface and camera. The android and x86 demos may not catch up with the iOS app, so if you want a full-platform support, you may need to implement them for now with the reference to current demos.

jizhu1023 commented 3 years ago

Hi @devandong, the pose-related model files in the two pose demo branches (feature_demo_sleleton, feature_demo_blazepose) are missing and cannot be downloaded through the "download_model.sh" (404: Not Found). We want to test the two demos. Could you update the model link? Many thanks in advance!

devandong commented 3 years ago

Hi @devandong, the pose-related model files in the two pose demo branches (feature_demo_sleleton, feature_demo_blazepose) are missing and cannot be downloaded through the "download_model.sh" (404: Not Found). We want to test the two demos. Could you update the model link? Many thanks in advance!

Reply in TNN QQ group.

devandong commented 3 years ago

blazepose and skeleton demos have benn merged into master.