Tencent / TubeMQ

TubeMQ has been donated to the Apache Software Foundation and renamed to InLong, please visit the new Apache repository: https://github.com/apache/incubator-inlong
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Make je version configurable #72

Closed gosonzhang closed 5 years ago

gosonzhang commented 5 years ago

Considering that the business environment using TubeMQ is java 7 and does not allow upgrades, it's a better support method to adjust the je version to a lower version than 7.3.7, such as 6.1.5.

考虑到使用TubeMQ的商业环境是Java 7,并且不允许升级,将je版本调整为低于7.3.7(例如6.1.5)的版本是一种比较好的支持方法。

gosonzhang commented 5 years ago

Je 7.3.7 requires java 8, the previous version is available in java 7 environment

tisonkun commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your explanation :-)