Tencent / UnLua

A feature-rich, easy-learning and highly optimized Lua scripting plugin for UE.
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Information About Unlua Visual Studio Code Extension #263

Open dyanikoglu opened 3 years ago

dyanikoglu commented 3 years ago

I saw something about visual studio code extension being mentioned in docs for lua / unreal engine support. Is there any information about ETA for this extension, and is it currently available for testing?

hernanzhou commented 3 years ago

UnLua does not support any VSCode extension, but generates Lua intellisense files of unreal c++ in ‘Plugins\UnLua\Intermediate\IntelliSense’ after rebuild your project. You could set this path into any VSCode lua extension's intellisense path such as ‘Emmylua’ to use Lua autocomplete.

hernanzhou commented 3 years ago

UnLua does not support any VSCode extension, but generates Lua intellisense files of unreal c++ in ‘Plugins\UnLua\Intermediate\IntelliSense’ after rebuild your project. You could set this path into any VSCode lua extension's intellisense path such as ‘Emmylua’ to use Lua autocomplete.

And the source code of generate lua intellisense files are in UnLuaIntelliSense.cpp, you could see this file for details.

kevinofsias commented 3 years ago

UnLua does not support any VSCode extension, but generates Lua intellisense files of unreal c++ in ‘Plugins\UnLua\Intermediate\IntelliSense’ after rebuild your project. You could set this path into any VSCode lua extension's intellisense path such as ‘Emmylua’ to use Lua autocomplete.


hernanzhou commented 3 years ago

UnLua does not support any VSCode extension, but generates Lua intellisense files of unreal c++ in ‘Plugins\UnLua\Intermediate\IntelliSense’ after rebuild your project. You could set this path into any VSCode lua extension's intellisense path such as ‘Emmylua’ to use Lua autocomplete.


安装 emmylua 插件之后,目前是只能将 lua 智能提示的符号文件加入到 脚本目录中,这样就可以使用了

kevinofsias commented 3 years ago

UnLua does not support any VSCode extension, but generates Lua intellisense files of unreal c++ in ‘Plugins\UnLua\Intermediate\IntelliSense’ after rebuild your project. You could set this path into any VSCode lua extension's intellisense path such as ‘Emmylua’ to use Lua autocomplete.


安装 emmylua 插件之后,目前是只能将 lua 智能提示的符号文件加入到 脚本目录中,这样就可以使用了
