Open halfambition opened 5 months ago
This seems to be fixed in the "develop" branch.
I had another problem when I tried building though: "TPSProjectEditorTarget modifies the values of properties: [ bStrictConformanceMode ]. This is not allowed"
I was able to get past it by changing the TPSProjectEditor.Target.cs to be: "DefaultBuildSettings = BuildSettingsVersion.V4;"
Edit: Packaging failed with the same error but for the TPSProject.Target.cs, so probably a good idea to update that and TPSProjectServer.Target.CS to BuildSettingsVersion.V4 as well.
Edit2: Packaging still failed, but with a new error: "Content is missing from cook. Source package referenced an object in target package but the target package was marked NeverCook or is not cookable for the target platform." I was able to fix it by unchecking the "Exclude editor content when cooking" in the project settings, then I was able to successfully package a build. However when running it, the AI spawns in the same position and don't move. My player character is able to move around and shoot them and they ragdoll, so it's certainly doing some lua scripts. Not sure why that's the case... They spawn in random locations and chase the player in the editor so there's something being lost in the packaging.
Edit3: The AI not moving in packaged builds seemed to be due to the navmesh not working, not sure why it was broken somehow while it worked fine in the editor. I dragged in a cube into the MainMap level and repackaged it and it worked perfectly. So I deleted the cube and saved the level, and packaged again, and it still worked, so that's a mystery. All good at least, everything seems to be working as expected on UE 5.4.3 with these changes.
错误提示1:Error CS0117 : 'WindowsCompiler' does not contain a definition for 'VisualStudio2019' 解决方案1:修改Plugins\UnLua\Source\ThirdParty\Lua\Lua.Build.cs文件中的 if (Target.Platform.IsInGroup(UnrealPlatformGroup.Windows)) { ... } 注释掉没有安装的VS版本判断语句就可以。
错误提示2:UnLuaTemplate.h(95): Error C2653 : “TChooseClass”: 不是类或命名空间名称 UnLuaLegacy.h(856): Error C2065 : “TChooseClass”: 未声明的标识 解决方案2:在Plugins\UnLua\Source\UnLua\Public\UnLuaTemplate.h文件里引入Templates/ChooseClass.h头文件即可。 ![Uploading image.png…]()