Tencent / VasDolly

Android V1 and V2 Signature Channel Package Plugin
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命令行添加渠道信息报not have precise channel package mode错误 #114

Closed wjh177 closed 2 years ago

wjh177 commented 3 years ago

命令行添加渠道信息报not have precise channel package mode错误。 apk地址是https://g66.gdl.netease.com/mrzh_release_netease_180.apk 是网易的明日之后

wjh177 commented 3 years ago


not have apk signature block Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: not have precise channel package mode at com.leon.channel.command.Util.writeChannel(Util.java:110) at com.leon.channel.command.Main.main(Main.java:175)

yanyongshan commented 2 years ago

无法获取Apk的签名类型,检查签名算法是V1和V2,如在build.gradle中配置: signingConfigs { release { ... v1SigningEnabled true v2SigningEnabled false }

    debug {
        v1SigningEnabled true
        v2SigningEnabled false