Tencent / cherry-markdown

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[Feature request] Plantuml support just like mermaid #86

Open hanye9895 opened 2 years ago

hanye9895 commented 2 years ago

For most cases, mermaid should be enough, but for some people, they would like to use plantuml

What does the proposed API look like Just like mermaid:

import Cherry from 'cherry-markdown/dist/cherry-markdown.core';

const registerPlugin = async () => {
  const [{ default: CherryPlantumlPlugin }, plantuml] = await Promise.all([
  Cherry.usePlugin(CherryPlantumlPlugin, {
    plantuml, // pass in plantuml object

registerPlugin().then(() => {
  //  Plug-in registration must be done before Cherry is instantiated
  const cherryInstance = new Cherry({
    id: 'markdown-container',
    value: '# welcome to cherry editor!',
hanye9895 commented 2 years ago

seems already done

hanye9895 commented 2 years ago

But with a further look, seems it do not contain in dist folder~

sunsonliu commented 2 years ago

@jiawei686 Do you have any ideas?

hanye9895 commented 2 years ago

@jiawei686 Do you have any ideas? It seems plantuml addons were not included in dist folder

addon issue

And here is my usage of plantuml (just like mermaid)

const [
          { default: CherryMermaidPlugin },
          { default: mermaid },
          { default: CherryPlantumlPlugin },
          { default: plantuml }
        ] = await Promise.all([
        if (!window.hasPlugin) {
          Cherry.usePlugin(CherryMermaidPlugin, {
          Cherry.usePlugin(CherryPlantumlPlugin, {
          window.hasPlugin = true;

So, I try to include that in the dist folder~ Or, is there another usage of plantuml without import these addons?