Tencent / ncnn

ncnn is a high-performance neural network inference framework optimized for the mobile platform
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有人试过在arm或者android上用ncnn跑sphereface20吗? #286

Closed ctgushiwei closed 5 years ago

Pinnh commented 6 years ago

I have run sphereface20-on android with ncnn last year,any problem you met?

ctgushiwei commented 6 years ago

@Pinnh i want to known the time you cost on android

Ivan6666 commented 6 years ago

@Pinnh run sphereface on android with ncnn load_model(bin_files.data()) faile ,but run sphereface on ubuntu is ok;

Pinnh commented 6 years ago

sorry, I saw you comment email on phone but forgot to reply. sphereface20 run android is about 360±20ms I not met this issue when run sphereface20 on android, android code is not the same as pc , and init params should from asset

pc: ncnn::Net net; net.load_param_bin("ncnn.param.bin"); net.load_model("ncnn.bin");

android: JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_com_tencent_ncnn_Ncnn_1Init(JNIEnv env, jobject thiz, jbyteArray param, jbyteArray bin){ { int len = env->GetArrayLength(param); param_vec.resize(len); env->GetByteArrayRegion(param, 0, len, (jbyte)param_vec.data()); int ret = net_model.load_param(param_vec.data()); } { int len = env->GetArrayLength(bin); bin_vec.resize(len); env->GetByteArrayRegion(bin, 0, len, (jbyte*)bin_vec.data()); int ret = net_model.load_model(bin_vec.data()); } return JNI_TRUE; } android java: private void initNcnn() throws IOException { byte[] param = null; byte[] bin = null; { InputStream assetsInputStream = getAssets().open("ncnn.param.bin"); int available = assetsInputStream.available(); param = new byte[available]; int byteCode = assetsInputStream.read(param); assetsInputStream.close(); } { InputStream assetsInputStream = getAssets().open("ncnn.bin"); int available = assetsInputStream.available(); bin = new byte[available]; int byteCode = assetsInputStream.read(bin); assetsInputStream.close(); } Ncnn_Init(param, bin); }

EngineeringBoy commented 6 years ago


ctgushiwei commented 6 years ago


EngineeringBoy commented 6 years ago


Pinnh commented 6 years ago

cosine similarity?