Tencent / nohost

基于 Whistle 实现的多账号多环境远程配置及抓包调试平台
1.42k stars 162 forks source link

主程你的项目还是一如既往的文档缺漏啊 #85

Closed aogg closed 2 years ago

aogg commented 3 years ago

Usage: n2 [options]


install     Install the plugin
uninstall   Uninstall the plugin
run         Start a front service
start       Start a background service
stop        Stop current background service
restart     Restart current background service
help        Display help information


-h, --help                   output usage information
-p, --port [proxyPort]       set the listening port or host:port (8080 by default)
-n, --username [username]    set the username to admin
-w, --password [password]    set the password to admin
-o, --nohostDomain [domain]  set the nohost domain (as: nohost.imweb.io,xxx.yyy.com)
-a, --account <account>      set the account for installing the plugin (all accounts by default)
-s, --storage <host:port>    set the host:port of server to save the request data
-M, --mode [mode]            set the starting mode (as: prod)
-V, --version                output the version number
avwo commented 3 years ago

hhh 我的问题,可以先看看:https://nohost.pro/,有问题提 issue,或参与完善文档 https://github.com/Tencent/nohost/tree/master/docs