Tencent / rapidjson

A fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM style API
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JSON parse error: Invalid encoding in string. (207) #958

Closed myo3 closed 7 years ago

myo3 commented 7 years ago

I have this rather large json, which I feed into a const char array like so:

const char tl_json[] = "["
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When I try to parse it like this:

char tl_buffer[sizeof(tl_json)];
      memcpy(tl_buffer, tl_json, sizeof(tl_json));
      ParseResult ok = tl_document.ParseInsitu(tl_buffer);
      if (!ok) {
        fprintf(stderr, "JSON parse error: %s (%u)",
        GetParseError_En(ok.Code()), ok.Offset());

I get the following error:

JSON parse error: Invalid encoding in string. (207)

And I'm not sure what's wrong with my json b/c I copied & pasted from the Twitter API json (it's the json under "Example Response")

When I copied and pasted I noticed the ' in "we're" was a different character than the normal '. I also fixed the ... b/c that was also copied and pasted wrong. B/c of that I don't get a warning on those characters when I compile in mbed, but that hasn't fixed my main problem: getting the json to parse.

Any help would be appreciated!

To see the json better I've included a indented version:

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myo3 commented 7 years ago

Nvm I figured it out! http://stackoverflow.com/questions/44014903/rapidjson-parse-error-invalid-encoding-in-string-207