Tencent / tencent-ml-images

Largest multi-label image database; ResNet-101 model; 80.73% top-1 acc on ImageNet
3.06k stars 515 forks source link

The last 6,902,811 rows of train_urls.txt and the last 38,739 rows of val_urls.txt are URLs from ImageNet?? #20

Closed idealboy closed 6 years ago

idealboy commented 6 years ago

The last 6,902,811 rows of train_urls.txt and the last 38,739 rows of val_urls.txt are URLs from ImageNet.

it means:

The last 6,902,811 rows of train_urls.txt and the last 38,739 rows of val_urls.txt are URLs from OpenImage?

wubaoyuan commented 6 years ago

@idealboy You are right. Thanks a lot for indicating this typo. It is fixed now.