Tencent / tinker

Tinker is a hot-fix solution library for Android, it supports dex, library and resources update without reinstall apk.
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如何解决这个异常 #1477

Open Xxj-star opened 3 years ago

Xxj-star commented 3 years ago

----------------------tinker build warning ------------------------------------ tinker auto operation: excluding annotation processor and source template from app packaging. Enable dx jumboMode to reduce package size. enable dx jumboMode to reduce package size. disable preDexLibraries to prevent ClassDefNotFoundException when your app is booting. disable archive dex mode so far for keeping dex apply.

tinker will change your build configs: we will add TINKER_ID=null in your build output manifest file build/intermediates/manifests/full/*

if minifyEnabled is true you will find the gen proguard rule file at build/intermediates/tinker_intermediates/tinker_proguard.pro and we will help you to put it in the proguardFiles.

if multiDexEnabled is true you will find the gen multiDexKeepProguard file at build/intermediates/tinker_intermediates/tinker_multidexkeep.pro and we will help you to put it in the MultiDexKeepProguardFile.

if applyResourceMapping file is exist we will build app apk with resource R.txt file if resources.arsc has changed, you should use applyResource mode to build the new apk!

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.