Tencent / tinker

Tinker is a hot-fix solution library for Android, it supports dex, library and resources update without reinstall apk.
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[tinker] Fix log output error #1571

Closed lzb6666 closed 1 year ago

lzb6666 commented 3 years ago



The current log displays the output of unsigned.apk, signed.apk and signed_ 7zip.apk is located in the build/tmp folder. However, they are actually in the build/output folder. It took me some time to find them.

I noticed that APK was moved in a separate commit, and in order to be compatible with Command mode. Therefore, the parameter outputDir is added to mark the output position of APK, and the original outputdir is renamed to tmpDir to mark the position of intermediate product.

tencent-adm commented 3 years ago

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