Tencent / tinker

Tinker is a hot-fix solution library for Android, it supports dex, library and resources update without reinstall apk.
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gradle插件版本过高会导致失败!!! #1609

Open zhangzheng567 opened 2 years ago

zhangzheng567 commented 2 years ago

classpath "com.android.tools.build:gradle:7.0.2" 编译会失败: log: It is too late to modify additionalParameters It has already been read to configure this project. Consider either moving this call to be during evaluation, or using the variant API.

classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.5.3' 编译会成功


Aracoix commented 2 years ago

agp 7 不支持

fredzzt commented 2 years ago

我classpath "com.android.tools.build:gradle:4.2.0" 没问题,7.0.2会报同样的错误