Tencent / tinker

Tinker is a hot-fix solution library for Android, it supports dex, library and resources update without reinstall apk.
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fix: use android.jar as bootstrapClasspath #1646

Open shifujun opened 2 years ago

shifujun commented 2 years ago

Some projects like aosp-dexutils are using java-library plugin, but they are used in Android platform. That means it compiled against standard JDK, maybe JDK11, but run under android.jar.

We should set android.jar as bootstrapClasspath of javac, like com.android.library did.

Before this commit:

#verify use JDK11
javac --version
javac 11.0.11

#compile a java-library project
./gradlew :third-party:aosp-dexutils:compileJava

# disassemble class and check target method signature
javap -c -verbose third-party/aosp-dexutils/build\
/classes/java/main/com/tencent/tinker/android/dex/Dex.class \
| grep 'Method java/nio/ByteBuffer.position'

# output contains:

After this commit, output change to:
