Tencent / tinker

Tinker is a hot-fix solution library for Android, it supports dex, library and resources update without reinstall apk.
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使用Bugly接入热更新,有多个classes.dex的基准包,打补丁包时报错 #1653

Open cbdgit opened 2 years ago

cbdgit commented 2 years ago


异常类型:tinker-support/buildTinkerPatchRelease 打补丁包(Patch)报错



是否使用热更新SDK: 使用Bugly SDK接入Tinker

tinkersupport插件版本 : 1.2.3

tinker-android-lib :


Task :app:tinkerPatchRelease -----------------------Tinker patch begin----------------------- configuration: oldApk:F:\ssh\rich-android\app\build\bakApk\app-0510-12-00-25\app-release.apk newApk:F:\ssh\rich-android\app\build\outputs\apk\release\app-release.apk outputFolder:F:\ssh\rich-android\app\build\tmp\tinkerPatch isIgnoreWarning:true isAllowLoaderClassInAnyDex:false isRemoveLoaderForAllDex:false isProtectedApp:false 7-ZipPath:C:\Users\Administrator.gradle\caches\modules-2\files-2.1\com.tencent.mm\SevenZip\1.1.10\4786999cf29d8e3b0c39a80359b5127bda36132a\SevenZip-1.1.10-windows-x86_64.exe useSignAPk:true package meta fields: dex configs: dexMode: jar dexPattern:assets/secondary-dex-..jar dexPattern:classes..dex dex loader:com.orange.rich.app.MyApplication dex loader:com.tencent.tinker.loader. lib configs: libPattern:lib/./..so resource configs: resPattern:assets/. resPattern:res/. resPattern:resources.arsc resPattern:r/. resPattern:AndroidManifest.xml resIgnore change:assets/._meta.txt largeModSize:100kb useApplyResource:true ArkHot: arkHot / patch.apk

config: arkHot patch.apkassets\arkHot_meta.txt Analyze old and new apk files1: old apk1131: app-release.apk, size=12164721, md5=1f5ffd46ee25780e2762bd74598ebc61 new apk: app-release.apk, size=12164721, md5=c023d68a8f681852a8b63c4ce8622214

Warning:ignoreWarning is true, but Uses permissions changed, related uses-permissions: {added:[android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, android.permission.INTERNET],removed:[]}

Manifest was changed, while there's no any new components added. Make sure if such changes were all you expected.

UnZipping apk to F:\ssh\rich-android\app\build\tmp\tinkerPatch\app-release-old ignoreWarning is true, but Uses permissions changed, related uses-permissions: {added:[android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, android.permission.INTERNET],removed:[]}

UnZipping apk to F:\ssh\rich-android\app\build\tmp\tinkerPatch\app-release-new found modify resource: AndroidManifest.xml, but it is AndroidManifest.xml, just ignore! Check for loader classes in dex: classes.dex Collect class descriptors in classes.dex Check for loader classes in dex: classes2.dex Collect class descriptors in classes2.dex Check if loader classes in classes.dex refer to any classes that is not in loader class patterns. FATAL: method 'findField:LLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/NewClassLoaderInjector;' refers to method 's:LLLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'installDexes:VLLLLZZ' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/SystemClassLoaderAdder;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'checkComplete:ZLLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/TinkerArkHotLoader;' refers to method 'i:LLLLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'checkComplete:ZLLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/TinkerArkHotLoader;' refers to method 'g:LLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'loadTinkerArkHot:ZLLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/TinkerArkHotLoader;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'loadTinkerArkHot:ZLLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/TinkerArkHotLoader;' refers to method 'g:LLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'checkComplete:ZLLLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/TinkerDexLoader;' refers to method 'i:LLLLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'checkComplete:ZLLLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/TinkerDexLoader;' refers to method 'i:LLLLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'checkComplete:ZLLLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/TinkerDexLoader;' refers to method 'g:LLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'deleteOutOfDateOATFile:VL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/TinkerDexLoader;' refers to method 't:LLLLLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'loadTinkerJars:ZLLLLZZ' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/TinkerDexLoader;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'loadTinkerJars:ZLLLLZZ' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/TinkerDexLoader;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'loadTinkerJars:ZLLLLZZ' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/TinkerDexLoader;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'loadTinkerJars:ZLLLLZZ' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/TinkerDexLoader;' refers to method 'g:LLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'loadTinkerJars:ZLLLLZZ' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/TinkerDexLoader;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'loadTinkerJars:ZLLLLZZ' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/TinkerDexLoader;' refers to method 'h:LLLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'loadTinkerJars:ZLLLLZZ' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/TinkerDexLoader;' refers to method 'h:LLLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'run:Z' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/TinkerDexOptimizer$OptimizeWorker;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'checkComplete:ZLLLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/TinkerResourceLoader;' refers to method 'i:LLLLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'checkComplete:ZLLLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/TinkerResourceLoader;' refers to method 'g:LLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'loadTinkerResources:ZLLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/TinkerResourceLoader;' refers to method 'j:LLLLLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'loadTinkerResources:ZLLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/TinkerResourceLoader;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'loadTinkerResources:ZLLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/TinkerResourceLoader;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method ':VL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/TinkerRuntimeException;' refers to method 'g:LLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method ':VLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/TinkerRuntimeException;' refers to method 'g:LLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'checkComplete:ZLLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/TinkerSoLoader;' refers to method 'i:LLLLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'checkComplete:ZLLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/TinkerSoLoader;' refers to method 'g:LLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'uncaughtException:VLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/TinkerUncaughtHandler;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'assignStub:LLIZ' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/hotplug/ActivityStubManager;' refers to method 'g:LLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'loadClass:LLZ' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/hotplug/interceptor/ServiceBinderInterceptor$1;' refers to method 'g:LLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'invoke:LLLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/hotplug/interceptor/ServiceBinderInterceptor$FakeClientBinderHandler;' refers to method 'g:LLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'processIntent:ZLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/hotplug/interceptor/TinkerHackInstrumentation;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'processIntent:ZLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/hotplug/interceptor/TinkerHackInstrumentation;' refers to method 'g:LLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method ':VLLLLLLLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareDexDiffPatchInfo;' refers to method 'g:LLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method ':VLLLLLLLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareDexDiffPatchInfo;' refers to method 'g:LLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method ':VL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareElfFile$ElfHeader;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method ':VL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareElfFile$ElfHeader;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method ':VL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareElfFile$ElfHeader;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method ':VL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareElfFile$ElfHeader;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method ':VLI' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareElfFile$ProgramHeader;' refers to method 'I:LLI' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method ':VLI' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareElfFile$SectionHeader;' refers to method 'I:LLI' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'readUntilLimit:VLLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareElfFile;' refers to method 'r:LLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'getSection:LL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareElfFile;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'getSegment:LL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareElfFile;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method ':VL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareFileLockHelper;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'getBooleanExtra:ZLLZ' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareIntentUtil;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'getBooleanExtra:ZLLZ' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareIntentUtil;' refers to method 'H:LLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'getIntExtra:ILLI' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareIntentUtil;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'getIntExtra:ILLI' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareIntentUtil;' refers to method 'H:LLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'getLongExtra:JLLJ' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareIntentUtil;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'getLongExtra:JLLJ' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareIntentUtil;' refers to method 'H:LLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'getSerializableExtra:LLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareIntentUtil;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'getSerializableExtra:LLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareIntentUtil;' refers to method 'H:LLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'getStringArrayListExtra:LLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareIntentUtil;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'getStringArrayListExtra:LLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareIntentUtil;' refers to method 'H:LLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'getStringExtra:LLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareIntentUtil;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'getStringExtra:LLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareIntentUtil;' refers to method 'H:LLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'getPatchInfoFile:LL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/SharePatchFileUtil;' refers to method 'h:LLLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'getPatchInfoLockFile:LL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/SharePatchFileUtil;' refers to method 'h:LLLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'getPatchVersionDirectory:LL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/SharePatchFileUtil;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'optimizedPathFor:LLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/SharePatchFileUtil;' refers to method 'n:LLLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'optimizedPathFor:LLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/SharePatchFileUtil;' refers to method 'g:LLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'safeDeleteFile:ZL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/SharePatchFileUtil;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'safeDeleteFile:ZL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/SharePatchFileUtil;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'readAndCheckProperty:LL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/SharePatchInfo;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'rewritePatchInfoFile:ZLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/SharePatchInfo;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'findConstructor:LLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareReflectUtil;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'findField:LLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareReflectUtil;' refers to method 's:LLLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'findMethod:LLLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareReflectUtil;' refers to method 's:LLLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'findMethod:LLLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareReflectUtil;' refers to method 's:LLLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'parseResPatchInfoFirstLine:VLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareResPatchInfo;' refers to method 'g:LLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'toString:L' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareResPatchInfo;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'changeTestDexToClassN:LLI' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareTinkerInternals;' refers to method 'c:LLIL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'getCurrentInstructionSet:L' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareTinkerInternals;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'getCurrentInstructionSet:L' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareTinkerInternals;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'getManifestTinkerID:LL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareTinkerInternals;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'getManifestTinkerID:LL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareTinkerInternals;' refers to method 'H:LLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'getProcessNameInternal:LL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareTinkerInternals;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'getProcessNameInternal:LL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareTinkerInternals;' refers to method 'H:LLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'getSafeModeCount:IL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareTinkerInternals;' refers to method 'g:LLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'getTinkerSwitchSPKey:LL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareTinkerInternals;' refers to method 'g:LLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'isSystemOTA:ZL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareTinkerInternals;' refers to method 'g:LLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'isSystemOTA:ZL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareTinkerInternals;' refers to method 'i:LLLLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'isSystemOTA:ZL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareTinkerInternals;' refers to method 'i:LLLLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'setSafeModeCount:VLI' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareTinkerInternals;' refers to method 'g:LLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'printLog:VLLLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareTinkerLog;' refers to method 'g:LLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'run:V' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/TinkerLogInlineFence$1$1;' refers to method 'h:LLLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'run:V' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/TinkerLogInlineFence$1$1;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'run:V' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/TinkerLogInlineFence$1$1;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'run:V' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/TinkerLogInlineFence$1$1;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'run:V' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/TinkerLogInlineFence$1$1;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'run:V' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/TinkerLogInlineFence$1$1;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'run:V' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/TinkerLogInlineFence$1$1;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'handleMessageImpl:VL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/TinkerLogInlineFence;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'onFailed:VLLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/TinkerDexLoader$1;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'onStart:VLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/TinkerDexLoader$1;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'onSuccess:VLLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/TinkerDexLoader$1;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'tryLoadPatchFilesInternal:VLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/TinkerLoader;' refers to method 'g:LLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'tryLoadPatchFilesInternal:VLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/TinkerLoader;' refers to method 'o:LL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'tryLoadPatchFilesInternal:VLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/TinkerLoader;' refers to method 'h:LLLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'parseLaunchMode:IL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/hotplug/IncrementComponentManager$1;' refers to method 'g:LLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. FATAL: method 'printErrStackTrace:VLLLL' in loader class 'Lcom/tencent/tinker/loader/shareutil/ShareTinkerLog$1;' refers to method 'r:LLL' in class 'Lf/a/a/a/a;' which is not in loader class, this may cause crash when patch is loaded. Check if loader classes in classes2.dex refer to any classes that is not in loader class patterns.

Task :app:tinkerPatchRelease FAILED

Execution failed for task ':app:tinkerPatchRelease'.

com.tencent.tinker.build.util.TinkerPatchException: There are fatal reasons that cause Tinker interrupt patch generating procedure, see logs above.

wangshuimen commented 2 years ago


liangdong9676 commented 2 years ago

这是我目前用的版本 没有任何问题

compileSdkVersion = 28

classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:3.3.3' classpath "com.tencent.bugly:tinker-support:1.2.1"


api 'com.tencent.bugly:crashreport_upgrade:1.5.23' api 'com.tencent.bugly:nativecrashreport:3.9.2' api 'com.tencent.tinker:tinker-android-lib:'

yuanhejie commented 1 year ago

keepDexApply = false 试试

ccclll1990 commented 1 year ago

keepDexApply = false 试试

已经是 keepDexApply = false,还是不能打patch包