GFPGAN aims at developing Practical Algorithms for Real-world Face Restoration.
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Why does the same image in my local output file size is different with the image in the demo output file size? #247

Open y80x86ol opened 1 year ago

y80x86ol commented 1 year ago

Origin image size: 80KB

Demo: (output image size: 1.6M) https://replicate.com/tencentarc/gfpgan params: 'version': '1.3' 'upscale': 2

My local: (output image size: 268KB) Macbook pro: used unoptimized RealESRGAN on CPU. params: args = { 'input': '', 'output': '', 'version': '1.3', 'upscale': 2, 'bg_upsampler': 'realesrgan', 'bg_tile': 400, 'suffix': None, 'only_center_face': False, 'aligned': False, 'ext': 'auto' }

Please take a look at it. Thanks!

umarmuzammil commented 1 year ago

Having same problem for some old images. I guess It fails to recognize a face if the image is scanned and not a actual digital copy.