TencentARC / MotionCtrl

MotionCtrl: A Unified and Flexible Motion Controller for Video Generation
Apache License 2.0
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About SVD Model Inference Code #27

Open jhj7905 opened 1 month ago

jhj7905 commented 1 month ago

@yxgeee @xinntao @wzhouxiff @eltociear @yeliudev Hello, Thank you for releasing great work. I have questions about SVD Model Inference Code. Why do you multiply np.array([3, 1, 4]) to pose?? Can you tell me it in details? https://github.com/TencentARC/MotionCtrl/blob/30953f7f618ca7e7226c9b0c0713cb6539d25b82/main/inference/motionctrl_cmcm.py#L85

And if I want to train the model with lower resolution(1024x576 -> 512x320), how do i modify the code? Thank you in advance

yshen47 commented 1 month ago

Same question, "Why do you multiply np.array([3, 1, 4]) to pose??"