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不知道生成时是否参考了原图的脸型? #111

Open cqflgl opened 5 months ago

cqflgl commented 5 months ago


原图是长脸,基底模型是SG161222/RealVisXL_V3.0_Turbo, prompt = "closeup portrait, girl img, from front, short black wavy hair, pale complexion, white lace, sky-blue dress, puff sleeves, earings, necklace, simple pure color background", negative_prompt = "nsfw, lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, blurry, username, text", 可以看出,生成结果的脸型和原图还是有明显区别的。

原图: 原图

生成图: RealVisXL-1 RealVisXL-2

Paper99 commented 5 months ago

对于Turbo和LCM模型需要将Style Strength Ratio调低一些以保证更好的identity. For Turbo and LCM models, the Style Strength Ratio needs to be lowered to ensure better identity.

Please refer to this URL: https://zenn.dev/neoai/articles/cedda3d17f0a70, for using LCM-LoRA with our PhotoMaker. This blog also provides many analyses. It is interesting.