TencentARC / PhotoMaker

PhotoMaker [CVPR 2024]
9.28k stars 740 forks source link

Is this compatible with ComfyUI? #29

Open Branc93 opened 7 months ago

Branc93 commented 7 months ago

As per title. If not, I'm new to diffusers, if anyone can guide me. Can it be used for let's say with Segmind SSD 1B and this used as an IP adapter in a gradio UI?

bmaltais commented 7 months ago

I hope this will ported to a ComfyUI node soon by a brave person. This would be awesome.

johndpope commented 7 months ago

seek and you will find https://github.com/search?q=photomaker&type=repositories

bmaltais commented 7 months ago

This one appear to work... but it is a bit rough... the node could be improved but a good start: https://github.com/StartHua/Comfyui-Mine-PhotoMaker


Paper99 commented 7 months ago

It's really cool!

Are there any resources based on our PhotoMaker? Please leave a link to discussion and we will acknowledge and list it in the README.

TooAiArt commented 7 months ago

Is it possible to change the realvisxl model for another checkpoint?

bmaltais commented 7 months ago

Is it possible to change the realvisxl model for another checkpoint?

My guess is that it should be possible. A proper ComfyUI node should be able to take a model as an input, a latent, etc... at the moment I have not found a PhotoMaker ComfyUI node that have exposed models and latents via inputs...

Paper99 commented 7 months ago

Thanks for @bmaltais's reminder

Here are the two ComfyUI node project:



shiimizu commented 7 months ago
