TencentARC / PhotoMaker

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99大佬,能增加采样器CFG等选项吗?想用加速模型~ #84

Open aimarxjg opened 5 months ago

aimarxjg commented 5 months ago

已经在COMFY里面成功使用,也蛮像的 20102032


Paper99 commented 5 months ago

OK, I'll investigate it.

Paper99 commented 5 months ago

An important note: For those GPUs that do not support bfloat16, please change this line to torch_dtype = torch.float16, the speed will be greatly improved (1min/img (before) vs. 14s/img (after) on V100). The minimum GPU memory requirement for PhotoMaker is 15G.

Paper99 commented 5 months ago

This is an alternative solution.

aimarxjg commented 5 months ago


Paper99 commented 5 months ago

Please refer to this URL: https://zenn.dev/neoai/articles/cedda3d17f0a70, for using LCM-LoRA with our PhotoMaker. This blog also provides many analyses. It is interesting.