英文:BK-CI(BlueKing Continuous Integration) is a free and open source CI service. The visual UI orchestration pipeline can help you easily automate the build-test-release workflow and deliver your products continuously, quickly and with few bugs.
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「One-stop RD solution」 更新为 「One-stop CI/CD solution」
蓝盾介绍优化 中文:BK-CI是一个免费且开源的CI服务,可视化的UI编排流水线可助你轻松进行自动化构建-测试-发布工作流,持续、快速、高质量地交付你的产品。 英文:BK-CI(BlueKing Continuous Integration) is a free and open source CI service. The visual UI orchestration pipeline can help you easily automate the build-test-release workflow and deliver your products continuously, quickly and with few bugs.
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