TencentCloud / TIMSDK

Tencent Cloud Chat features a comprehensive suite of solutions including global access, one-to-one chat, group chat, message push, profile and relationship chain hosting, and account authentication.
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ios Demo 清空会话未读数 -onTotalUnreadMessageCountChanged 不回调 #1287

Closed ygg29 closed 1 year ago

ygg29 commented 1 year ago


SDK 调用方法 -markC2CMessage 清空会话未读数,但是方法 -onTotalUnreadMessageCountChanged 不回调

【当前现象】:方法 -onTotalUnreadMessageCountChanged 不回调 【集成包】:IMSDK 【机型】:iPhone 12 mini

Tencent-Alice commented 1 year ago

HI 根据您的问题可以描述下业务场景, 这个是否是必现呢 ,可以提供下其相关信息 ,方便进一步排查 技术问题 欢迎交流 Q2562367495 注明来意

Tencent-Alice commented 1 year ago

https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/269/77559#.E6.B8.85.E7.A9.BA.E4.BC.9A.E8.AF.9D.E6.9C.AA.E8.AF.BB.E6.B6.88.E6.81.AF.E6.95.B0 可以参考下