TencentYoutuResearch / AnomalyDetection-SoftPatch

Code for NeurIPS 2022 paper "SoftKernel: Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with Noisy Data"
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Implementing Swin Transformer V2 for Feature Extraction in SoftPatch #4

Closed 1amrutesh closed 1 year ago

1amrutesh commented 1 year ago

Description: I am trying to modify the SoftPatch implementation to use a vision transformer-based architecture like Swin Transformer V2 instead of the WideResNet-50 for the feature extraction step. I have encountered some challenges and have questions about how the SoftPatch class must be modified to achieve the correct feature extraction using the Swin Transformer V2 model.


In the original implementation, the WideResNet-50 model is used as the feature extractor. I want to replace it with the Swin Transformer V2 model to leverage the benefits of vision transformers for feature extraction. I have imported the Swin Transformer V2 model and modified the SoftPatch class, but I am not certain if the modifications are logically accurate and compatible with the Swin Transformer V2 model.

Errors and Questions:

In the load method, I have set the feature aggregator to the Swin Transformer V2 model. I am not sure if this is the correct way to integrate the model into the SoftPatch class. Are there any other changes required to properly use the Swin Transformer V2 model as a feature extractor in the SoftPatch class?

The original implementation uses the WideResNet-50 model for feature extraction, and the features are extracted from certain layers. I have set the layers_to_extract_from parameter to ("patch_embed.proj",), which is a Swin Transformer V2 specific layer. Is this the correct layer to extract features from, or should I use a different layer or a combination of layers for feature extraction?

In the _embed method, I have adjusted the feature handling for Swin Transformer V2 patch embeddings. Is this the right way to handle features extracted from the Swin Transformer V2 model? Are there any additional steps required to process the features before passing them to the preprocessing module and the preadapt_aggregator?

The SoftPatch class uses the PatchMaker class for patching and unpatching images. I have modified the PatchMaker class to use the Swin Transformer V2's patch embedding. Is this the correct way to patch and unpatch images using the Swin Transformer V2 model, or are there additional modifications required in the PatchMaker class?

Are there any other changes or modifications needed in the SoftPatch class or any other related classes to ensure compatibility with the Swin Transformer V2 model for feature extraction?

I have provided the modified SoftPatch class below for reference:

 class SoftPatch(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, device):
        super(SoftPatch, self).__init__()
        self.device = device

    def load(
        layers_to_extract_from=("blocks.2", "blocks.3"),
            percentage=0.1, device=torch.device("cuda")
        nn_method=common.FaissNN(False, 4),
        self.backbone = backbone.to(device)
        self.layers_to_extract_from = layers_to_extract_from
        self.input_shape = input_shape

        self.device = device
        self.patch_maker = PatchMaker(patchsize, stride=patchstride)

        self.forward_modules = torch.nn.ModuleDict({})

        feature_aggregator = common.NetworkFeatureAggregator(
            self.backbone, self.layers_to_extract_from, self.device
        feature_dimensions = feature_aggregator.feature_dimensions(input_shape)
        self.forward_modules["feature_aggregator"] = feature_aggregator

        preprocessing = common.Preprocessing(
            feature_dimensions, pretrain_embed_dimension
        self.forward_modules["preprocessing"] = preprocessing

        self.target_embed_dimension = target_embed_dimension
        preadapt_aggregator = common.Aggregator(target_dim=target_embed_dimension)

        _ = preadapt_aggregator.to(self.device)

        self.forward_modules["preadapt_aggregator"] = preadapt_aggregator

        self.anomaly_scorer = common.NearestNeighbourScorer(
            n_nearest_neighbours=anomaly_score_num_nn, nn_method=nn_method

        self.anomaly_segmentor = common.RescaleSegmentor(
            device=self.device, target_size=input_shape[-2:]

        self.featuresampler = featuresampler

        ############SoftPatch ##########
        self.featuresampler = sampler.WeightedGreedyCoresetSampler(
            featuresampler.percentage, featuresampler.device
        self.patch_weight = None
        self.feature_shape = []
        self.lof_k = lof_k
        self.threshold = threshold
        self.coreset_weight = None
        self.weight_method = weight_method
        self.soft_weight_flag = soft_weight_flag

    def embed(self, data):
        if isinstance(data, torch.utils.data.DataLoader):
            features = []
            for image in data:
                if isinstance(image, dict):
                    image = image["image"]
                with torch.no_grad():
                    input_image = image.to(torch.float).to(self.device)
            return features
        return self._embed(data)

    def _embed(self, images, detach=True, provide_patch_shapes=False):
        """Returns feature embeddings for images."""

        def _detach(features):
            if detach:
                return [x.detach().cpu().numpy() for x in features]
            return features

        _ = self.forward_modules["feature_aggregator"].eval()
        with torch.no_grad():
            features = self.forward_modules["feature_aggregator"](images)

        features = [features[layer] for layer in self.layers_to_extract_from]

        features = [
            self.patch_maker.patchify(x, return_spatial_info=True) for x in features
        patch_shapes = [x[1] for x in features]
        features = [x[0] for x in features]
        ref_num_patches = patch_shapes[0]

        for i in range(1, len(features)):
            _features = features[i]
            patch_dims = patch_shapes[i]
            print("_features.shape:", _features.shape)
            print("patch_dims:", patch_dims)
            _features = _features.reshape(
                _features.shape[0], patch_dims[0], patch_dims[1], *_features.shape[2:]
            _features = _features.permute(0, -3, -2, -1, 1, 2)
            perm_base_shape = _features.shape
            _features = _features.reshape(-1, *_features.shape[-2:])
            _features = F.interpolate(
                size=(ref_num_patches[0], ref_num_patches[1]),
            _features = _features.squeeze(1)
            _features = _features.reshape(
                *perm_base_shape[:-2], ref_num_patches[0], ref_num_patches[1]
            _features = _features.permute(0, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3)
            _features = _features.reshape(len(_features), -1, *_features.shape[-3:])
            features[i] = _features
        features = [x.reshape(-1, *x.shape[-3:]) for x in features]

        # As different feature backbones & patching provide differently
        # sized features, these are brought into the correct form here.
        features = self.forward_modules["preprocessing"](features)
        features = self.forward_modules["preadapt_aggregator"](features)

        if provide_patch_shapes:
            return _detach(features), patch_shapes
        return _detach(features)

    def fit(self, training_data):
        This function computes the embeddings of the training data and fills the
        memory bank of SPADE.

    def _fill_memory_bank(self, input_data):
        """Computes and sets the support features for SPADE."""
        _ = self.forward_modules.eval()

        def _image_to_features(input_image):
            with torch.no_grad():
                input_image = input_image.to(torch.float).to(self.device)
                return self._embed(input_image)

        features = []
        with tqdm.tqdm(
            input_data, desc="Computing support features...", leave=True
        ) as data_iterator:
            for image in data_iterator:
                if isinstance(image, dict):
                    image = image["image"]

        features = np.concatenate(features, axis=0)

        with torch.no_grad():
            # pdb.set_trace()
            self.feature_shape = self._embed(
                image.to(torch.float).to(self.device), provide_patch_shapes=True
            patch_weight = self._compute_patch_weight(features)

            # normalization
            # patch_weight = (patch_weight - patch_weight.quantile(0.5, dim=1, keepdim=True)).reshape(-1) + 1

            patch_weight = patch_weight.reshape(-1)
            threshold = torch.quantile(patch_weight, 1 - self.threshold)
            sampling_weight = torch.where(patch_weight > threshold, 0, 1)
            self.patch_weight = patch_weight.clamp(min=0)

            sample_features, sample_indices = self.featuresampler.run(features)
            features = sample_features
            self.coreset_weight = self.patch_weight[sample_indices].cpu().numpy()


    def _compute_patch_weight(self, features: np.ndarray):
        if isinstance(features, np.ndarray):
            features = torch.from_numpy(features)

        reduced_features = self.featuresampler._reduce_features(features)
        patch_features = reduced_features.reshape(
            self.feature_shape[0] * self.feature_shape[1],

        # if aligned:
        #     codebook = patch_features[0]
        #     assign = []
        #     for i in range(1, patch_features.shape[0]):
        #         dist = torch.cdist(codebook, patch_features[i]).cpu().numpy()
        #         row_ind, col_ind = linear_assignment(dist)
        #         assign.append(col_ind)
        #         patch_features[i]=torch.index_select(patch_features[i], 0, torch.from_numpy(col_ind).to(self.device))

        patch_features = patch_features.permute(1, 0, 2)

        if self.weight_method == "lof":
            patch_weight = self._compute_lof(self.lof_k, patch_features).transpose(
                -1, -2
        elif self.weight_method == "lof_gpu":
            patch_weight = self._compute_lof_gpu(self.lof_k, patch_features).transpose(
                -1, -2
        elif self.weight_method == "nearest":
            patch_weight = self._compute_nearest_distance(patch_features).transpose(
                -1, -2
            patch_weight = patch_weight + 1
        elif self.weight_method == "gaussian":
            gaussian = multi_variate_gaussian.MultiVariateGaussian(
                patch_features.shape[2], patch_features.shape[0]
            stats = gaussian.fit(patch_features)
            patch_weight = self._compute_distance_with_gaussian(
                patch_features, stats
            ).transpose(-1, -2)
            patch_weight = patch_weight + 1
            raise ValueError("Unexpected weight method")

        # if aligned:
        #     patch_weight = patch_weight.cpu().numpy()
        #     for i in range(0, patch_weight.shape[0]):
        #         patch_weight[i][assign[i]] = patch_weight[i]
        #     patch_weight = torch.from_numpy(patch_weight).to(self.device)

        return patch_weight

    def _compute_distance_with_gaussian(
        self, embedding: torch.Tensor, stats: [torch.Tensor]
    ) -> torch.Tensor:
            embedding (Tensor): Embedding Vector
            stats (List[Tensor]): Mean and Covariance Matrix of the multivariate Gaussian distribution

            Anomaly score of a test image via mahalanobis distance.
        # patch, batch, channel = embedding.shape
        embedding = embedding.permute(1, 2, 0)

        mean, inv_covariance = stats
        delta = (embedding - mean).permute(2, 0, 1)

        distances = (torch.matmul(delta, inv_covariance) * delta).sum(2)
        distances = torch.sqrt(distances)

        return distances

    def _compute_nearest_distance(self, embedding: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        patch, batch, _ = embedding.shape

        x_x = (embedding**2).sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True).expand(patch, batch, batch)
        dist_mat = (
            + x_x.transpose(-1, -2)
            - 2 * embedding.matmul(embedding.transpose(-1, -2))
        ).abs() ** 0.5
        nearest_distance = torch.topk(dist_mat, dim=-1, largest=False, k=2)[0].sum(
        )  #
        # nearest_distance = nearest_distance.transpose(0, 1).reshape(batch * patch)
        return nearest_distance

    def _compute_lof(self, k, embedding: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        patch, batch, _ = embedding.shape  # 784x219x128
        clf = LocalOutlierFactor(n_neighbors=int(k), metric="l2")
        scores = torch.zeros(size=(patch, batch), device=embedding.device)
        for i in range(patch):
            scores[i] = torch.Tensor(-clf.negative_outlier_factor_)
            # scores[i] = scores[i] / scores[i].mean()   # normalization
        # embedding = embedding.reshape(patch*batch, channel)
        # clf.fit(embedding.cpu())
        # scores = torch.Tensor(- clf.negative_outlier_factor_)
        # scores = scores.reshape(patch, batch)
        return scores

    def _compute_lof_gpu(self, k, embedding: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        GPU support

        patch, batch, _ = embedding.shape

        # calculate distance
        x_x = (embedding**2).sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True).expand(patch, batch, batch)
        dist_mat = (
            + x_x.transpose(-1, -2)
            - 2 * embedding.matmul(embedding.transpose(-1, -2))
        ).abs() ** 0.5 + 1e-6

        # find neighborhoods
        top_k_distance_mat, top_k_index = torch.topk(
            dist_mat, dim=-1, largest=False, k=k + 1
        top_k_distance_mat, top_k_index = (
            top_k_distance_mat[:, :, 1:],
            top_k_index[:, :, 1:],
        k_distance_value_mat = top_k_distance_mat[:, :, -1]

        # calculate reachability distance
        reach_dist_mat = torch.max(
            .expand(patch, batch, batch)
            .transpose(-1, -2),
        )  # Transposing is important
        top_k_index_hot = torch.zeros(
            size=dist_mat.shape, device=top_k_index.device
        ).scatter_(-1, top_k_index, 1)

        # Local reachability density
        lrd_mat = k / (top_k_index_hot * reach_dist_mat).sum(dim=-1)

        # calculate local outlier factor
        lof_mat = (
                lrd_mat.unsqueeze(2).expand(patch, batch, batch).transpose(-1, -2)
                * top_k_index_hot
            / k
        ) / lrd_mat
        return lof_mat

    def _chunk_lof(self, k, embedding: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        width, height, batch, channel = embedding.shape
        chunk_size = 2

        new_width, new_height = int(width / chunk_size), int(height / chunk_size)
        new_patch = new_width * new_height
        new_batch = batch * chunk_size * chunk_size

        split_width = torch.stack(embedding.split(chunk_size, dim=0), dim=0)
        split_height = torch.stack(split_width.split(chunk_size, dim=1 + 1), dim=1)

        new_embedding = split_height.view(new_patch, new_batch, channel)
        lof_mat = self._compute_lof(k, new_embedding)
        chunk_lof_mat = lof_mat.reshape(
            new_width, new_height, chunk_size, chunk_size, batch
        chunk_lof_mat = chunk_lof_mat.transpose(1, 2).reshape(width, height, batch)
        return chunk_lof_mat

    def predict(self, data):
        if isinstance(data, torch.utils.data.DataLoader):
            return self._predict_dataloader(data)
        return self._predict(data)

    def _predict_dataloader(self, dataloader):
        """This function provides anomaly scores/maps for full dataloaders."""
        _ = self.forward_modules.eval()

        scores = []
        masks = []
        labels_gt = []
        masks_gt = []
        with tqdm.tqdm(dataloader, desc="Inferring...", leave=True) as data_iterator:
            for image in data_iterator:
                if isinstance(image, dict):
                    image = image["image"]
                _scores, _masks = self._predict(image)
                for score, mask in zip(_scores, _masks):
        return scores, masks, labels_gt, masks_gt

    def _predict(self, images):
        """Infer score and mask for a batch of images."""
        images = images.to(torch.float).to(self.device)
        _ = self.forward_modules.eval()

        batchsize = images.shape[0]
        with torch.no_grad():
            features, patch_shapes = self._embed(images, provide_patch_shapes=True)
            features = np.asarray(features)

            image_scores, _, indices = self.anomaly_scorer.predict([features])
            if self.soft_weight_flag:
                indices = indices.squeeze()
                # indices = torch.tensor(indices).to(self.device)
                weight = np.take(self.coreset_weight, axis=0, indices=indices)

                image_scores = image_scores * weight
                # image_scores = weight

            patch_scores = image_scores

            image_scores = self.patch_maker.unpatch_scores(
                image_scores, batchsize=batchsize
            image_scores = image_scores.reshape(*image_scores.shape[:2], -1)
            image_scores = self.patch_maker.score(image_scores)

            patch_scores = self.patch_maker.unpatch_scores(
                patch_scores, batchsize=batchsize
            scales = patch_shapes[0]
            patch_scores = patch_scores.reshape(batchsize, scales[0], scales[1])

            masks = self.anomaly_segmentor.convert_to_segmentation(patch_scores)

        return [score for score in image_scores], [mask for mask in masks]

    def _params_file(filepath, prepend=""):
        return os.path.join(filepath, prepend + "params.pkl")

    def save_to_path(self, save_path: str, prepend: str = "") -> None:
        LOGGER.info("Saving data.")
            save_path, save_features_separately=False, prepend=prepend
        params = {
            "backbone.name": self.backbone.name,
            "layers_to_extract_from": self.layers_to_extract_from,
            "input_shape": self.input_shape,
            "pretrain_embed_dimension": self.forward_modules[
            "target_embed_dimension": self.forward_modules[
            "patchsize": self.patch_maker.patchsize,
            "patchstride": self.patch_maker.stride,
            "anomaly_scorer_num_nn": self.anomaly_scorer.n_nearest_neighbours,
        with open(self._params_file(save_path, prepend), "wb") as save_file:
            pickle.dump(params, save_file, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

    def load_from_path(
        load_path: str,
        device: torch.device,
        nn_method: common.FaissNN(False, 4),
        prepend: str = "",
    ) -> None:
        LOGGER.info("Loading and initializing.")
        with open(self._params_file(load_path, prepend), "rb") as load_file:
            params = pickle.load(load_file)
        params["backbone"] = backbones.load(params["backbone.name"])
        params["backbone"].name = params["backbone.name"]
        del params["backbone.name"]
        self.load(**params, device=device, nn_method=nn_method)

        self.anomaly_scorer.load(load_path, prepend)  

I get the error RuntimeError: shape '[8, 36, 1536, 36, 3, 3]' is invalid for input of size 3981312. I am using the swinv2_large_window12_192_22k variant from the timm library. I have also resized the images to the size 192 to match with the swin architecture. I am using the MVTec-AD dataset. I sincerely appreciate any help or guidance you can provide in modifying the SoftPatch class to use the Swin Transformer V2 model for feature extraction.

jam-cc commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure if your issue has been resolved. Switching to Backbone for feature extraction is a good idea, but we have only conducted experiments on CNN-based models. If you want to experiment with Swin Transformer V2, I suggest that you also use combinations of different layers. As for which specific layers to use, this would require more experimentation on your part. We suspect that the features from intermediate layers should be more effective for anomaly detection.

Based on the code you provided, it seems that the _embed method has not been changed much. Could you please provide more detailed information, including the location where the error occurs? Modifications to the PatchMaker need to be consistent with the characteristics of the sliding window. Its main function is to divide the features into blocks.

Based on your error message, it seems to be a simple tensor mismatch issue due to different total element numbers. I guess this is caused by the sliding window mechanism of the Swin Transformer, where a single extracted feature in the intermediate layer is only a part of the entire image, so it cannot be adjusted to the scale of the entire image features.