TencentYoutuResearch / CrowdCounting-P2PNet

The official codes for the ICCV2021 Oral presentation "Rethinking Counting and Localization in Crowds: A Purely Point-Based Framework"
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How to run model on video input? #52

Closed mariosconsta closed 1 year ago

mariosconsta commented 1 year ago

Hello, thank you for this project. My question is, how can I have a video input instead of a single image? I would like to test it with a video or a webcam in real time.

zaki1003 commented 1 year ago

I added video prediction in my code you can check it in my repository : https://github.com/zaki1003/CrowdCounting-P2PNet

I also added an explanation and a demo in the Readme.

mariosconsta commented 1 year ago

Thank you @zaki1003 !