TencentYoutuResearch / CrowdCounting-P2PNet

The official codes for the ICCV2021 Oral presentation "Rethinking Counting and Localization in Crowds: A Purely Point-Based Framework"
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定位性能汇报 #76

Open streamer-AP opened 3 months ago

streamer-AP commented 3 months ago

汇报一个测试的结果,给定的权重用run_test测试不出51的MAE。 大家知道是什么原因吗? 按照原代码的结果 loss_point应该没参与运算。 所以并没有预测offset的能力,看起来预测并没有偏移。 按照给定的权重测试STA上sigma=4和sigma=8的定位结果: -----Localization performance----- AP_small: 0.361040369146978 AR_small: 0.36263137900468534 F1m_small: 0.3618341251389872 AP_large: 0.7220303083789303 AR_large: 0.7252121058629859 F1m_large: 0.7236177094915597 -----Counting performance----- MAE: 59.92307692307692 MSE: 98.57568074918294 NAE: 0.15530747253417876

lp-094 commented 3 days ago


streamer-AP commented 2 days ago


lp-094 commented 2 days ago
