TenderOwl / Norka

Continuous text editor for Linux
MIT License
109 stars 12 forks source link

App icon doesn't follow elementary guidelines #61

Closed bertelking closed 2 years ago

bertelking commented 2 years ago

Norka's app icon doesn't feel like an elementary icon (the same is true of TenderOwl's other apps, Frog and Turtle). The icon is flat and material design-y, perhaps feeling more like a Papirus icon than an elementary icon. I took a look at elementary's iconography guide, and I think the issue is the lack of an outline and the lack of edge highlighting.

As a web writer, I use Norka all the time because it's functionally an excellent app, but I don't keep it pinned to my dock because it looks out of place.

amka commented 2 years ago

I knew someone would tell me that one day :) All you say is true: icons look a bit alien in the elementary. I'm really bad at icons design thus I used freely available icons.

That's a try to make it more "native".

amka commented 2 years ago

Close because elementary OS is not a target platform anymore.