Tenderly / hardhat-tenderly

Tenderly plugin for HardHat
154 stars 40 forks source link

Doesn't detect chainId if network name is not exact #158

Open yashnaman opened 11 months ago

yashnaman commented 11 months ago

Everything related to verification breaks apart if the network name is not exact as below. It would be beneficial to try to get the chainId from the RPC if the network name is not exact in the network config.

  mainnet: '1',
  main: '1',
  ropsten: '3',
  'ropsten-testnet': '3',
  rinkeby: '4',
  'rinkeby-testnet': '4',
  goerli: '5',
  'goerli-tesnet': '5',
  optimistic: '10',
  optimism: '10',
  cronos: '25',
  rsk: '30',
  'rsk-testnet': '31',
  kovan: '42',
  'kovan-testnet': '42',
  bsc: '56',
  binance: '56',
  'optimistic-kovan': '69',
  'bsc-testnet': '97',
  rialto: '97',
  'bsc-railto': '97',
  poa: '99',
  xdai: '100',
  'gnosis-chain': '100',
  matic: '137',
  'matic-mainnet': '137',
  polygon: '137',
  fantom: '250',
  ftm: '250',
  'fantom-mainnet': '250',
  'optimistic-goerli': '420',
  'optimism-testnet': '420',
  moonbeam: '1284',
  moonriver: '1285',
  'fantom-testnet': '4002',
  'ftm-testnet': '4002',
  arbitrum: '42161',
  'avalanche-testnet': '43113',
  'avalanche-fuji': '43113',
  'ava-fuji': '43113',
  'c-chain-fuji': '43113',
  fuji: '43113',
  avalanche: '43114',
  'avalanche-mainnet': '43114',
  ava: '43114',
  'c-chain': '43114',
  'matic-mumbai': '80001',
  'polygon-mumbai': '80001',
  'polygon-testnet': '80001',
  'matic-testnet': '80001',
  mumbai: '80001',
  'arbitrum-rinkeby': '421611',
  'arbitrum-goerli': '421613',
  sepolia: '11155111',
  'sepolia-testnet': '11155111',
  'arbitrum-nova': '42170',
  'boba-bnb-testnet': '9728',
  'boba-binance-rialto': '9728',
  'base-goerli': '84531',
  'base-testnet': '84531',
  holesky: '17000',
  'holesky-tesnet': '17000',
  zora: '7777777',
  'zora-mainnet': '7777777',
  'boba-goerli': '2888',
  'boba-avalanche-testnet': '4328',
  'boba-avalanche-fuju': '4328',
  'boba-bnb': '56288',
  'boba-binance': '56288',
  'cronos-testnet': '338',
  base: '8453',
  'base-mainnet': '8453',
  'boba-ethereum': '288',
  'polygon-mainnet': '137',
  'boba-avalanche': '43288',
  'bnb-testnet': '97',
  'binance-rialto': '97',
  bnb: '56',
  'bnb-mainnet': '56',
  'bsc-mainnet': '56',
  'binance-mainnet': '56',
  'arbitrum-one': '42161'