Tengda-He / kibana

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Summary of existing tests pass situation on kibana 7.7.1 #1

Open Tengda-He opened 2 years ago

Tengda-He commented 2 years ago

Describe the feature: We need to have an overview of kibana 7.7.1 test pass coverage, and what kind of errors the failed tests has. This will guide us on work item plan.

Describe a specific use case for the feature:

2samueld commented 2 years ago

Yarn test

Passed Tests:

Aborted due to warnings. error Command failed with exit code 3. info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.

❌     `run:licenses`

```Running "run:licenses" (run) task
ERROR Non-conforming licenses:
          version: 4.0.0
          all licenses: Custom: https://github.com/testing-library/dom-testing-library/issues/260
          invalid licenses: Custom: https://github.com/testing-library/dom-testing-library/issues/260
          path: node_modules/jest-dom
Warning: non-zero exit code 1 Use --force to continue.

Aborted due to warnings.
error Command failed with exit code 3.
info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.


       using current data
         dashboard filter bar
           filter editor field list
             shows index pattern of vis when one is added:
     retry.try timeout: Error: Add panel still not open, trying again.
    at retry.try (/Users/sam/projects/kibana/test/functional/services/dashboard/add_panel.js:117:19)
  Error: retry.try timeout: Error: Add panel still not open, trying again.
      at retry.try (test/functional/services/dashboard/add_panel.js:117:19)
      at onFailure (test/common/services/retry/retry_for_success.ts:28:9)
      at retryForSuccess (test/common/services/retry/retry_for_success.ts:68:13)

                 └- ✖ fail: "dashboard app using current data dashboard filter bar filter editor field list shows index pattern of vis when one is added"
               └-> "after all" hook
             └-> "after all" hook
           └-> "after all" hook: unloadCurrentData
             │ info [dashboard/current/data] Unloading indices from "mappings.json"
             │ info [o.e.c.m.MetaDataDeleteIndexService] [Sams-MBP] [animals-dogs-2018-01-01/UiB1YiTrRWWZS2ujamQKmg] deleting index
             │ info [dashboard/current/data] Deleted existing index "animals-dogs-2018-01-01"
             │ info [o.e.c.m.MetaDataDeleteIndexService] [Sams-MBP] [animals-dogs-2018-04-10/A9_98tHFSDKE7vY4K8Rmjg] deleting index
             │ info [dashboard/current/data] Deleted existing index "animals-dogs-2018-04-10"
             │ info [o.e.c.m.MetaDataDeleteIndexService] [Sams-MBP] [animals-cats-2018-01-01/0eHap3csTeS4rUF1wfmUSg] deleting index
             │ info [dashboard/current/data] Deleted existing index "animals-cats-2018-01-01"
             │ info [o.e.c.m.MetaDataDeleteIndexService] [Sams-MBP] [animals-cats-2018-04-10/_l-ECyUbREy4TCAnJgJKsA] deleting index
             │ info [dashboard/current/data] Deleted existing index "animals-cats-2018-04-10"
             │ info [o.e.c.m.MetaDataDeleteIndexService] [Sams-MBP] [dogbreeds/_l7ZxYGaRoimgTgqlfK-Gw] deleting index
             │ info [dashboard/current/data] Deleted existing index "dogbreeds"
             │ info [o.e.c.m.MetaDataDeleteIndexService] [Sams-MBP] [logstash-0/QlYQEUB9Q9q8ZrwePJwcVQ] deleting index
             │ info [dashboard/current/data] Deleted existing index "logstash-0"
             │ info [dashboard/current/data] Unloading indices from "data.json.gz"
           └-> "after all" hook
         └-> "after all" hook
     │50 passing (14.0m)
     │11 pending
     │1 failing
     │ debg Sending "SIGTERM" to proc "kibana"
     │ proc [kibana]   log   [23:31:57.138] [info][plugins-system] Stopping all plugins.
     │ proc [kibana]   log   [23:31:57.138] [info][console][plugins] Stopping plugin
     │ proc [kibana]   log   [23:31:57.139] [info][home][plugins] Stopping plugin
     │ proc [kibana]   log   [23:31:57.139] [info][data][plugins] Stopping plugin
     │ proc [kibana]   log   [23:31:57.139] [info][plugins][visualizations] Stopping plugin
     │ proc [kibana]   log   [23:31:57.140] [info][expressions][plugins] Stopping plugin
     │ proc [kibana]   log   [23:31:57.140] [info][bfetch][plugins] Stopping plugin
     │ proc [kibana]   log   [23:31:57.141] [info][plugins][share] Stopping plugin
     │ proc [kibana]   log   [23:31:57.141] [info][apm_oss][plugins] Stopping plugin
     │ proc [kibana]   log   [23:31:57.141] [info][kibanaLegacy][plugins] Stopping plugin
     │ proc [kibana]   log   [23:31:57.142] [info][plugins][testbed] Stopping plugin
     │ proc [kibana]   log   [23:31:57.142] [info][plugins][timelion] Stopping plugin
     │ proc [kibana]   log   [23:31:57.142] [info][plugins][telemetry] Stopping plugin
     │ proc [kibana]   log   [23:31:57.142] [info][plugins][telemetryCollectionManager] Stopping plugin
     │ proc [kibana]   log   [23:31:57.143] [info][metrics][plugins] Stopping plugin
     │ proc [kibana]   log   [23:31:57.143] [info][plugins][usageCollection] Stopping plugin
     │ proc [kibana]   log   [23:31:57.144] [info][plugins][visTypeVega] Stopping plugin
     │ info [kibana] exited with null after 15 minutes
     │ info [o.e.n.Node] [Sams-MBP] stopping ...
     │ info [o.e.n.Node] [Sams-MBP] stopped
     │ info [o.e.n.Node] [Sams-MBP] closing ...
     │ info [o.e.n.Node] [Sams-MBP] closed
     │ info [es] stopped
     │ info [es] cleanup complete

1 functional test failure

Warning: non-zero exit code 1 Use --force to continue.

Aborted due to warnings.
error Command failed with exit code 3.
info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.


 FAIL  src/cli_plugin/remove/remove.test.js
  ● kibana cli › plugin remover › distribution error if x-pack does not exist


    Expected pattern: /Please install the OSS-only distribution to remove X-Pack features/
    Received string:  "Unable to remove plugin because of error: \"Plugin [x-pack] is not installed\""

      81 |       expect(existsSync(settings.pluginPath)).toEqual(false);
      82 |       remove(settings, logger);
    > 83 |       expect(logger.error.getCall(0).args[0]).toMatch(
         |                                               ^
      84 |         /Please install the OSS-only distribution to remove X-Pack features/
      85 |       );
      86 |     });

      at Object.it (src/cli_plugin/remove/remove.test.js:83:47)

 FAIL  src/cli_plugin/lib/error_if_x_pack.test.js
  ● error_if_xpack › should error on remove if x-pack


    Received function did not throw

      42 | 
      43 |   it('should error on remove if x-pack', () => {
    > 44 |     expect(() => errorIfXPackRemove({ plugin: 'x-pack' })).toThrow();
         |                                                            ^
      45 |   });
      46 | 
      47 |   it('should not error on remove if not x-pack', () => {

      at Object.it (src/cli_plugin/lib/error_if_x_pack.test.js:44:60)

 FAIL  src/cli_plugin/lib/is_oss.test.js (9.105s)
  ● is_oss › x-pack installed › should return false

    expect(received).toEqual(expected) // deep equality

    Expected: false
    Received: true

      23 |   describe('x-pack installed', () => {
      24 |     it('should return false', () => {
    > 25 |       expect(isOSS()).toEqual(false);
         |                       ^
      26 |     });
      27 |   });
      28 | });

      at Object.it (src/cli_plugin/lib/is_oss.test.js:25:23)

Test Suites: 3 failed, 2 skipped, 1186 passed, 1189 of 1191 total
Tests:       3 failed, 19 skipped, 2 todo, 8327 passed, 8351 total
Snapshots:   2012 passed, 2012 total
Time:        1189.12s
Ran all test suites.
Jest did not exit one second after the test run has completed.

This usually means that there are asynchronous operations that weren't stopped in your tests. Consider running Jest with `--detectOpenHandles` to troubleshoot this issue.
Fatal error: jest exited with code 1
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.


      76 |     if (!truth) {
    > 77 |       throw new Error(
         |             ^
      78 |         `expected optimizer to ${statement}, states: ${inspect(altStates || msgs, {
      79 |           colors: true,
      80 |           depth: Infinity,

      at assert (packages/kbn-optimizer/src/integration_tests/basic_optimization.test.ts:77:13)
      at Object.<anonymous>.it (packages/kbn-optimizer/src/integration_tests/basic_optimization.test.ts:103:3)

Snapshot Summary
 › 3 snapshots obsolete from 1 test suite. To remove them all, re-run jest with `-u`.
   ↳ packages/kbn-optimizer/src/integration_tests/basic_optimization.test.ts
       • builds expected bundles, saves bundle counts to metadata: 1 async bundle 1
       • builds expected bundles, saves bundle counts to metadata: bar bundle 1
       • builds expected bundles, saves bundle counts to metadata: foo bundle 1

Test Suites: 1 failed, 46 passed, 47 total
Tests:       1 failed, 1 skipped, 328 passed, 330 total
Snapshots:   3 obsolete, 57 passed, 57 total
Time:        505.573s
Ran all test suites.


Warning: Task "karma:unit" failed. Use --force to continue.

Aborted due to warnings.
error Command failed with exit code 3.
info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.

Yarn test:karma

Passed Tests:

Failed Tests:


Warning: Task "karma:unit" failed. Use --force to continue.

Aborted due to warnings.
error Command failed with exit code 3.
info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.

yarn test:karma:debug

Passed Tests:

Failed Tests: N/A

yarn test:mocha:coverage


  3 pending
  1 failing

  1) dev/build/lib/fs
        copies files and directories from source to dest, creating dest if necessary, respecting mode:
    Error: expected '664' to equal '644'
    at Assertion.assert (packages/kbn-expect/expect.js:17:425)
    at Assertion.be.Assertion.equal (packages/kbn-expect/expect.js:40:295)
    at Assertion.be (packages/kbn-expect/expect.js:13:146)
    at Context.it (src/dev/build/lib/__tests__/fs.js:191:73)

error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.
Warning: non-zero exit code 1 Use --force to continue.

Aborted due to warnings.
error Command failed with exit code 3.

yarn test:ftr

$ node scripts/functional_tests
 warn ❗️❗️❗️
 warn ❗️❗️❗️
 warn ❗️❗️❗️
 warn   Don't forget to use `node scripts/build_kibana_platform_plugins` to build plugins you plan on testing
 warn ❗️❗️❗️
 warn ❗️❗️❗️
 warn ❗️❗️❗️
 info Running /home/chris/kibana/test/functional/config.js
 │ info Config loaded
 │ info Installing from snapshot
    │ info version: 7.7.1
    │ info install path: /home/chris/kibana/.es/es-test-cluster
    │ info license: oss
    │ info Downloading snapshot manifest from https://storage.googleapis.com/kibana-ci-es-snapshots-daily/7.7.1/manifest-latest-verified.json
    │ info Daily snapshot manifest not found, falling back to permanent manifest
    │ info Downloading snapshot manifest from https://storage.googleapis.com/kibana-ci-es-snapshots-permanent/7.7.1/manifest.json
    │ info verifying cache of https://storage.googleapis.com/kibana-ci-es-snapshots-permanent/7.7.1/elasticsearch-oss-7.7.1-SNAPSHOT-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
    │ info etags match, reusing cache from 2021-10-12T14:48:09.556Z
    │ info extracting /home/chris/kibana/.es/cache/elasticsearch-oss-7.7.1-SNAPSHOT-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
    │ info extracted to /home/chris/kibana/.es/es-test-cluster
    │ info created /home/chris/kibana/.es/es-test-cluster/ES_TMPDIR
 │ info Starting
    │ info [o.e.e.NodeEnvironment] [ChrisLinux] using [1] data paths, mounts [[/ (/dev/nvme1n1p3)]], net usable_space [365.6gb], net total_space [456.9gb], types [ext4]
    │ info [o.e.e.NodeEnvironment] [ChrisLinux] heap size [1gb], compressed ordinary object pointers [true]
    │ info [o.e.n.Node] [ChrisLinux] node name [ChrisLinux], node ID [rnortMI1RcydIR3pF9wyZA], cluster name [es-test-cluster]
    │ info [o.e.n.Node] [ChrisLinux] version[7.7.1-SNAPSHOT], pid[13105], build[oss/tar/30681451450959ebf3eedac65acad63f49eef548/2020-06-02T19:33:11.337066Z], OS[Linux/5.8.0-63-generic/amd64], JVM[AdoptOpenJDK/OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM/14.0.1/14.0.1+7]
    │ info [o.e.n.Node] [ChrisLinux] JVM home [/home/chris/kibana/.es/es-test-cluster/jdk]
    │ info [o.e.n.Node] [ChrisLinux] JVM arguments [-Xshare:auto, -Des.networkaddress.cache.ttl=60, -Des.networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl=10, -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch, -Xss1m, -Djava.awt.headless=true, -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8, -Djna.nosys=true, -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow, -XX:+ShowCodeDetailsInExceptionMessages, -Dio.netty.noUnsafe=true, -Dio.netty.noKeySetOptimization=true, -Dio.netty.recycler.maxCapacityPerThread=0, -Dio.netty.allocator.numDirectArenas=0, -Dlog4j.shutdownHookEnabled=false, -Dlog4j2.disable.jmx=true, -Djava.locale.providers=SPI,COMPAT, -Xms1g, -Xmx1g, -XX:+UseG1GC, -XX:G1ReservePercent=25, -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=30, -Djava.io.tmpdir=/home/chris/kibana/.es/es-test-cluster/ES_TMPDIR, -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError, -XX:HeapDumpPath=data, -XX:ErrorFile=logs/hs_err_pid%p.log, -Xlog:gc*,gc+age=trace,safepoint:file=logs/gc.log:utctime,pid,tags:filecount=32,filesize=64m, -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=536870912, -Des.path.home=/home/chris/kibana/.es/es-test-cluster, -Des.path.conf=/home/chris/kibana/.es/es-test-cluster/config, -Des.distribution.flavor=oss, -Des.distribution.type=tar, -Des.bundled_jdk=true]
    │ info [o.e.n.Node] [ChrisLinux] version [7.7.1-SNAPSHOT] is a pre-release version of Elasticsearch and is not suitable for production
    │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [aggs-matrix-stats]
    │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [analysis-common]
    │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [ingest-common]
    │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [ingest-geoip]
    │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [ingest-user-agent]
    │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [lang-expression]
    │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [lang-mustache]
    │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [lang-painless]
    │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [mapper-extras]
    │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [parent-join]
    │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [percolator]
    │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [rank-eval]
    │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [reindex]
    │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [repository-url]
    │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [tasks]
    │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [transport-netty4]
    │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] no plugins loaded
    │ info [o.e.d.DiscoveryModule] [ChrisLinux] using discovery type [single-node] and seed hosts providers [settings]
    │ info [o.e.n.Node] [ChrisLinux] initialized
    │ info [o.e.n.Node] [ChrisLinux] starting ...
    │ info [o.e.t.TransportService] [ChrisLinux] publish_address {}, bound_addresses {[::1]:9301}, {}
    │ info [o.e.c.c.Coordinator] [ChrisLinux] setting initial configuration to VotingConfiguration{rnortMI1RcydIR3pF9wyZA}
    │ info [o.e.c.s.MasterService] [ChrisLinux] elected-as-master ([1] nodes joined)[{ChrisLinux}{rnortMI1RcydIR3pF9wyZA}{RzhVt8c4Sq-K6T-wTU3fcA}{}{}{dimr} elect leader, _BECOME_MASTER_TASK_, _FINISH_ELECTION_], term: 1, version: 1, delta: master node changed {previous [], current [{ChrisLinux}{rnortMI1RcydIR3pF9wyZA}{RzhVt8c4Sq-K6T-wTU3fcA}{}{}{dimr}]}
    │ info [o.e.c.c.CoordinationState] [ChrisLinux] cluster UUID set to [0ibGfgUtRcS7xq6mo6yXMg]
    │ info [o.e.c.s.ClusterApplierService] [ChrisLinux] master node changed {previous [], current [{ChrisLinux}{rnortMI1RcydIR3pF9wyZA}{RzhVt8c4Sq-K6T-wTU3fcA}{}{}{dimr}]}, term: 1, version: 1, reason: Publication{term=1, version=1}
    │ info [o.e.g.GatewayService] [ChrisLinux] recovered [0] indices into cluster_state
    │ info [o.e.h.AbstractHttpServerTransport] [ChrisLinux] publish_address {}, bound_addresses {[::1]:9220}, {}
    │ info [o.e.n.Node] [ChrisLinux] started
    │ warn assuming ES isn't initialized completely, trying again in 1.5 seconds
    │ warn assuming ES isn't initialized completely, trying again in 3 seconds
    │ info security is not enabled, unable to set native realm passwords
    │ info [kibana] > node scripts/kibana --no-base-path --env.name=development --optimize.bundleDir=/home/chris/kibana/optimize/bundles --logging.json=false --server.port=5620 --optimize.watchPort=5630 --optimize.watchPrebuild=true --status.allowAnonymous=true --optimize.enabled=true --elasticsearch.hosts=http://elastic:changeme@localhost:9220 --elasticsearch.username=kibana --elasticsearch.password=changeme --home.disableWelcomeScreen=true --telemetry.banner=false --server.maxPayloadBytes=1679958 --plugin-path=/home/chris/kibana/test/common/fixtures/plugins/newsfeed --newsfeed.service.urlRoot=http://localhost:5620 --newsfeed.service.pathTemplate=/api/_newsfeed-FTS-external-service-simulators/kibana/v{VERSION}.json --oss --telemetry.optIn=false
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:23.801] [warning][plugins-discovery] Explicit plugin paths [/home/chris/kibana/test/common/fixtures/plugins/newsfeed] should only be used in development. Relative imports may not work properly in production.
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:23.810] [warning][plugins-discovery] Expect plugin "id" in camelCase, but found: apm_oss
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:24.347] [warning][legacy-plugins] Unable to scan directory for plugins "/home/chris/kibana/plugins"
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:24.674] [info][plugins-system] Setting up [33] plugins: [visTypeVega,usageCollection,metrics,telemetryCollectionManager,telemetry,timelion,testbed,kibanaLegacy,devTools,apm_oss,uiActions,statusPage,share,savedObjects,newsfeed,kibanaUtils,kibanaReact,inspector,embeddable,esUiShared,discover,bfetch,expressions,visualizations,data,home,console,management,advancedSettings,telemetryManagementSection,navigation,dashboard,charts]
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:24.764] [info][savedobjects-service] Waiting until all Elasticsearch nodes are compatible with Kibana before starting saved objects migrations...
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:24.791] [info][savedobjects-service] Starting saved objects migrations
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:24.808] [info][savedobjects-service] Creating index .kibana_1.
    │ info [o.e.c.m.MetaDataCreateIndexService] [ChrisLinux] [.kibana_1] creating index, cause [api], templates [], shards [1]/[1], mappings [_doc]
    │ info [o.e.c.r.a.AllocationService] [ChrisLinux] updating number_of_replicas to [0] for indices [.kibana_1]
    │ info [o.e.c.r.a.AllocationService] [ChrisLinux] Cluster health status changed from [YELLOW] to [GREEN] (reason: [shards started [[.kibana_1][0]]]).
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:25.118] [info][savedobjects-service] Pointing alias .kibana to .kibana_1.
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:25.162] [info][savedobjects-service] Finished in 360ms.
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:25.163] [info][plugins-system] Starting [16] plugins: [visTypeVega,usageCollection,metrics,telemetryCollectionManager,telemetry,timelion,testbed,kibanaLegacy,apm_oss,share,bfetch,expressions,visualizations,data,home,console]
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:26.997] [info][optimize] Optimizing and caching bundles for core, kibana, status_page and timelion. This may take a few minutes
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:27.090] [info][optimize:dynamic_dll_plugin] Started dynamic dll plugin tasks
    │ proc [kibana] Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run the following command: `yarn upgrade`
    │ proc [kibana] Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run the following command: `yarn upgrade`
    │ proc [kibana] Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run the following command: `yarn upgrade`
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:32.963] [info][optimize:dynamic_dll_plugin] No need to compile client vendors dll
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:32.963] [info][optimize:dynamic_dll_plugin] Finished all dynamic dll plugin tasks
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:32.965] [info][optimize] Optimization of bundles for core, kibana, status_page and timelion complete in 5.97 seconds
    │ proc [kibana] Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run the following command: `yarn upgrade`
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.732] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/core/public/index.scss (theme=light)
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.732] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/core/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.733] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/input_control_vis/public/index.scss (theme=light)
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.733] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/input_control_vis/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.733] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/index.scss (theme=light)
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.733] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.733] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana_react/public/index.scss (theme=light)
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.733] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana_react/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.733] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/newsfeed/public/index.scss (theme=light)
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.734] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/newsfeed/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.734] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/tile_map/public/index.scss (theme=light)
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.734] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/tile_map/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.734] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/timelion/public/index.scss (theme=light)
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.734] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/timelion/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.734] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_default_editor/public/index.scss (theme=light)
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.734] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_default_editor/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.734] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_markdown/public/index.scss (theme=light)
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.735] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_markdown/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.735] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_metric/public/index.scss (theme=light)
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.735] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_metric/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.735] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_table/public/index.scss (theme=light)
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.735] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_table/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.735] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_tagcloud/public/index.scss (theme=light)
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.735] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_tagcloud/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.735] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_timelion/public/index.scss (theme=light)
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.735] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_timelion/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.736] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_timeseries/public/index.scss (theme=light)
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.736] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_timeseries/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.736] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_vega/public/index.scss (theme=light)
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.736] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_vega/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.736] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/index.scss (theme=light)
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.736] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.759] [info][status][plugin:newsfeed-fixtures@0.0.0] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.760] [info][status][plugin:apm_oss@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.762] [info][status][plugin:console_legacy@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.769] [info][status][plugin:kibana@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.773] [info][status][plugin:elasticsearch@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to yellow - Waiting for Elasticsearch
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.773] [info][status][plugin:elasticsearch@7.7.1] Status changed from yellow to green - Ready
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.777] [info][status][plugin:interpreter@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.779] [info][status][plugin:input_control_vis@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.782] [info][status][plugin:kibana_react@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.786] [info][status][plugin:stack-management@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.788] [info][status][plugin:region_map@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.794] [info][status][plugin:ui_metric@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.795] [info][status][plugin:vis_default_editor@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.796] [info][status][plugin:markdown_vis@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.797] [info][status][plugin:metric_vis@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.798] [info][status][plugin:table_vis@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.799] [info][status][plugin:tagcloud@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.800] [info][status][plugin:timelion_vis@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.801] [info][status][plugin:vis_type_vega@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.802] [info][status][plugin:vis_type_vislib@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.804] [info][listening] Server running at http://localhost:5620
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:34.835] [info][server][Kibana][http] http server running at http://localhost:5620
    │ info Config loaded
    │ warn Failure loading service "__webdriver__"
    │ERROR SessionNotCreatedError: session not created: This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 81
    │       at Object.throwDecodedError (/home/chris/kibana/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/error.js:550:15)
    │       at parseHttpResponse (/home/chris/kibana/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/http.js:565:13)
    │       at Executor.execute (/home/chris/kibana/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/http.js:491:26)
    │       at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
    │ warn Failure loading service "browser"
    │ERROR SessionNotCreatedError: session not created: This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 81
    │       at Object.throwDecodedError (/home/chris/kibana/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/error.js:550:15)
    │       at parseHttpResponse (/home/chris/kibana/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/http.js:565:13)
    │       at Executor.execute (/home/chris/kibana/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/http.js:491:26)
    │       at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
    │ warn Failure loading service "find"
    │ERROR SessionNotCreatedError: session not created: This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 81
    │       at Object.throwDecodedError (/home/chris/kibana/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/error.js:550:15)
    │       at parseHttpResponse (/home/chris/kibana/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/http.js:565:13)
    │       at Executor.execute (/home/chris/kibana/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/http.js:491:26)
    │       at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:35.642] [info][plugins-system] Stopping all plugins.
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:35.642] [info][console][plugins] Stopping plugin
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:35.642] [info][home][plugins] Stopping plugin
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:35.642] [info][data][plugins] Stopping plugin
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:35.642] [info][plugins][visualizations] Stopping plugin
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:35.643] [info][expressions][plugins] Stopping plugin
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:35.643] [info][bfetch][plugins] Stopping plugin
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:35.643] [info][plugins][share] Stopping plugin
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:35.643] [info][apm_oss][plugins] Stopping plugin
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:35.643] [info][kibanaLegacy][plugins] Stopping plugin
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:35.643] [info][plugins][testbed] Stopping plugin
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:35.644] [info][plugins][timelion] Stopping plugin
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:35.644] [info][plugins][telemetry] Stopping plugin
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:35.644] [info][plugins][telemetryCollectionManager] Stopping plugin
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:35.644] [info][metrics][plugins] Stopping plugin
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:35.644] [info][plugins][usageCollection] Stopping plugin
    │ proc [kibana]   log   [19:53:35.644] [info][plugins][visTypeVega] Stopping plugin
    │ info [kibana] exited with null after a few seconds
    │ info [o.e.n.Node] [ChrisLinux] stopping ...
    │ info [o.e.n.Node] [ChrisLinux] stopped
    │ info [o.e.n.Node] [ChrisLinux] closing ...
    │ info [o.e.n.Node] [ChrisLinux] closed
    │ info [es] stopped
    │ info [es] cleanup complete

Failure initializing 3 service(s)
    at ProviderCollection.loadAll (/home/chris/kibana/packages/kbn-test/src/functional_test_runner/lib/providers/provider_collection.ts:67:13)
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)

error Command failed with exit code 1.

yarn test:ftr:server && --config test/functional/config.js | --config test/api_integration/config --config test/functional/config.js

$ node scripts/functional_tests_server --config test/functional/config.js
 info Installing from snapshot
   │ info version: 7.7.1
   │ info install path: /home/chris/kibana/.es/es-test-cluster
   │ info license: oss
   │ info Downloading snapshot manifest from https://storage.googleapis.com/kibana-ci-es-snapshots-daily/7.7.1/manifest-latest-verified.json
   │ info Daily snapshot manifest not found, falling back to permanent manifest
   │ info Downloading snapshot manifest from https://storage.googleapis.com/kibana-ci-es-snapshots-permanent/7.7.1/manifest.json
   │ info verifying cache of https://storage.googleapis.com/kibana-ci-es-snapshots-permanent/7.7.1/elasticsearch-oss-7.7.1-SNAPSHOT-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
   │ info etags match, reusing cache from 2021-10-12T14:48:09.556Z
   │ info install directory already exists, removing
   │ info extracting /home/chris/kibana/.es/cache/elasticsearch-oss-7.7.1-SNAPSHOT-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
   │ info extracted to /home/chris/kibana/.es/es-test-cluster
   │ info created /home/chris/kibana/.es/es-test-cluster/ES_TMPDIR
 info Starting
   │ info [o.e.e.NodeEnvironment] [ChrisLinux] using [1] data paths, mounts [[/ (/dev/nvme1n1p3)]], net usable_space [365.6gb], net total_space [456.9gb], types [ext4]
   │ info [o.e.e.NodeEnvironment] [ChrisLinux] heap size [1gb], compressed ordinary object pointers [true]
   │ info [o.e.n.Node] [ChrisLinux] node name [ChrisLinux], node ID [_vUDGppsTKCjBNJX37Dn-Q], cluster name [es-test-cluster]
   │ info [o.e.n.Node] [ChrisLinux] version[7.7.1-SNAPSHOT], pid[9111], build[oss/tar/30681451450959ebf3eedac65acad63f49eef548/2020-06-02T19:33:11.337066Z], OS[Linux/5.8.0-63-generic/amd64], JVM[AdoptOpenJDK/OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM/14.0.1/14.0.1+7]
   │ info [o.e.n.Node] [ChrisLinux] JVM home [/home/chris/kibana/.es/es-test-cluster/jdk]
   │ info [o.e.n.Node] [ChrisLinux] JVM arguments [-Xshare:auto, -Des.networkaddress.cache.ttl=60, -Des.networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl=10, -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch, -Xss1m, -Djava.awt.headless=true, -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8, -Djna.nosys=true, -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow, -XX:+ShowCodeDetailsInExceptionMessages, -Dio.netty.noUnsafe=true, -Dio.netty.noKeySetOptimization=true, -Dio.netty.recycler.maxCapacityPerThread=0, -Dio.netty.allocator.numDirectArenas=0, -Dlog4j.shutdownHookEnabled=false, -Dlog4j2.disable.jmx=true, -Djava.locale.providers=SPI,COMPAT, -Xms1g, -Xmx1g, -XX:+UseG1GC, -XX:G1ReservePercent=25, -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=30, -Djava.io.tmpdir=/home/chris/kibana/.es/es-test-cluster/ES_TMPDIR, -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError, -XX:HeapDumpPath=data, -XX:ErrorFile=logs/hs_err_pid%p.log, -Xlog:gc*,gc+age=trace,safepoint:file=logs/gc.log:utctime,pid,tags:filecount=32,filesize=64m, -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=536870912, -Des.path.home=/home/chris/kibana/.es/es-test-cluster, -Des.path.conf=/home/chris/kibana/.es/es-test-cluster/config, -Des.distribution.flavor=oss, -Des.distribution.type=tar, -Des.bundled_jdk=true]
   │ info [o.e.n.Node] [ChrisLinux] version [7.7.1-SNAPSHOT] is a pre-release version of Elasticsearch and is not suitable for production
   │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [aggs-matrix-stats]
   │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [analysis-common]
   │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [ingest-common]
   │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [ingest-geoip]
   │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [ingest-user-agent]
   │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [lang-expression]
   │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [lang-mustache]
   │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [lang-painless]
   │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [mapper-extras]
   │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [parent-join]
   │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [percolator]
   │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [rank-eval]
   │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [reindex]
   │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [repository-url]
   │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [tasks]
   │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [transport-netty4]
   │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] no plugins loaded
   │ info [o.e.d.DiscoveryModule] [ChrisLinux] using discovery type [single-node] and seed hosts providers [settings]
   │ info [o.e.n.Node] [ChrisLinux] initialized
   │ info [o.e.n.Node] [ChrisLinux] starting ...
   │ info [o.e.t.TransportService] [ChrisLinux] publish_address {}, bound_addresses {[::1]:9301}, {}
   │ info [o.e.c.c.Coordinator] [ChrisLinux] setting initial configuration to VotingConfiguration{_vUDGppsTKCjBNJX37Dn-Q}
   │ info [o.e.c.s.MasterService] [ChrisLinux] elected-as-master ([1] nodes joined)[{ChrisLinux}{_vUDGppsTKCjBNJX37Dn-Q}{TBZsYERrTLWzJZZPDnSlIA}{}{}{dimr} elect leader, _BECOME_MASTER_TASK_, _FINISH_ELECTION_], term: 1, version: 1, delta: master node changed {previous [], current [{ChrisLinux}{_vUDGppsTKCjBNJX37Dn-Q}{TBZsYERrTLWzJZZPDnSlIA}{}{}{dimr}]}
   │ info [o.e.c.c.CoordinationState] [ChrisLinux] cluster UUID set to [VWVYyzdXTYi5HdyADbQI1g]
   │ info [o.e.c.s.ClusterApplierService] [ChrisLinux] master node changed {previous [], current [{ChrisLinux}{_vUDGppsTKCjBNJX37Dn-Q}{TBZsYERrTLWzJZZPDnSlIA}{}{}{dimr}]}, term: 1, version: 1, reason: Publication{term=1, version=1}
   │ info [o.e.g.GatewayService] [ChrisLinux] recovered [0] indices into cluster_state
   │ info [o.e.h.AbstractHttpServerTransport] [ChrisLinux] publish_address {}, bound_addresses {[::1]:9220}, {}
   │ info [o.e.n.Node] [ChrisLinux] started
   │ warn assuming ES isn't initialized completely, trying again in 1.5 seconds
   │ warn assuming ES isn't initialized completely, trying again in 3 seconds
   │ info security is not enabled, unable to set native realm passwords
   │ info [kibana] > node scripts/kibana --no-base-path --env.name=development --optimize.bundleDir=/home/chris/kibana/optimize/bundles --logging.json=false --server.port=5620 --optimize.watchPort=5630 --optimize.watchPrebuild=true --status.allowAnonymous=true --optimize.enabled=true --elasticsearch.hosts=http://elastic:changeme@localhost:9220 --elasticsearch.username=kibana --elasticsearch.password=changeme --home.disableWelcomeScreen=true --telemetry.banner=false --server.maxPayloadBytes=1679958 --plugin-path=/home/chris/kibana/test/common/fixtures/plugins/newsfeed --newsfeed.service.urlRoot=http://localhost:5620 --newsfeed.service.pathTemplate=/api/_newsfeed-FTS-external-service-simulators/kibana/v{VERSION}.json --oss --telemetry.optIn=false --dev --no-dev-config
   │ proc [kibana]   log   [15:26:20.833] [warning][plugins-discovery] Explicit plugin paths [/home/chris/kibana/test/common/fixtures/plugins/newsfeed] should only be used in development. Relative imports may not work properly in production.
   │ proc [kibana]   log   [15:26:20.843] [warning][plugins-discovery] Expect plugin "id" in camelCase, but found: apm_oss
   │ proc [kibana]   log   [15:26:21.408] [warning][legacy-plugins] Unable to scan directory for plugins "/home/chris/kibana/plugins"
   │ proc [kibana]   log   [15:26:21.756] [info][plugins-service] Plugin initialization disabled.
   │ proc [kibana]   log   [15:26:21.760] [warning][savedobjects-service] Skipping Saved Object migrations on startup. Note: Individual documents will still be migrated when read or written.
   │ proc [kibana] np bld   log   [11:26:22.115] [info][@kbn/optimizer] initialized, 30 bundles cached
   │ proc [kibana] np bld   log   [11:26:22.115] [success][@kbn/optimizer] all bundles cached, success after 0.2 sec
   │ proc [kibana]  watching for changes  (1656 files)
   │ proc [kibana] (node:9398) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 online listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit
   │ proc [kibana]  restarting server  due to changes in
   │ proc [kibana]  - "src/plugins/vis_type_timeseries/server/lib/vis_data/request_processors/table/split_by_everything.js"
   │ proc [kibana]  - "src/plugins/vis_type_timeseries/server/lib/vis_data/request_processors/table/split_by_terms.js"
   │ proc [kibana]  - "src/plugins/vis_type_timeseries/server/lib/vis_data/response_processors/table/_series_agg.js"
   │ proc [kibana]  - "src/plugins/vis_type_timeseries/server/lib/vis_data/response_processors/table/drop_last_bucket.js"
   │ proc [kibana]  - "src/plugins/vis_type_timeseries/server/lib/vis_data/response_processors/table/index.js"
   │ proc [kibana]  - "src/plugins/vis_type_timeseries/server/lib/vis_data/response_processors/table/math.js"
   │ proc [kibana]  - "src/plugins/vis_type_timeseries/server/lib/vis_data/response_processors/table/percentile.js"
   │ proc [kibana]  - "src/plugins/vis_type_timeseries/server/lib/vis_data/response_processors/table/percentile_rank.js"
   │ proc [kibana]  - "src/plugins/vis_type_timeseries/server/lib/vis_data/response_processors/table/series_agg.js"
   │ proc [kibana]  - "src/plugins/vis_type_timeseries/server/lib/vis_data/response_processors/table/std_metric.js"
   │ proc [kibana]  - "src/plugins/vis_type_timeseries/server/lib/vis_data/response_processors/table/std_sibling.js"
   │ proc [kibana]  restarting server  due to changes in "src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/server/routes/api/management/saved_objects"
   │ proc [kibana]  restarting server  due to changes in
   │ proc [kibana]  - "src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/server/routes/api/management/saved_objects/find.js"
   │ proc [kibana]  - "src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/server/routes/api/management/saved_objects/relationships.js"
   │ proc [kibana]  - "src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/server/routes/api/management/saved_objects/scroll.js"
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:26.386] [warning][plugins-discovery] Explicit plugin paths [/home/chris/kibana/test/common/fixtures/plugins/newsfeed] should only be used in development. Relative imports may not work properly in production.
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:26.396] [warning][plugins-discovery] Expect plugin "id" in camelCase, but found: apm_oss
   │ proc [kibana] optmzr   log   [15:26:26.426] [warning][plugins-discovery] Explicit plugin paths [/home/chris/kibana/test/common/fixtures/plugins/newsfeed] should only be used in development. Relative imports may not work properly in production.
   │ proc [kibana] optmzr   log   [15:26:26.438] [warning][plugins-discovery] Expect plugin "id" in camelCase, but found: apm_oss
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:26.989] [warning][legacy-plugins] Unable to scan directory for plugins "/home/chris/kibana/plugins"
   │ proc [kibana] optmzr   log   [15:26:26.997] [warning][legacy-plugins] Unable to scan directory for plugins "/home/chris/kibana/plugins"
   │ proc [kibana] optmzr   log   [15:26:27.355] [info][plugins-service] Plugin initialization disabled.
   │ proc [kibana] optmzr   log   [15:26:27.360] [warning][savedobjects-service] Skipping Saved Object migrations on startup. Note: Individual documents will still be migrated when read or written.
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:27.371] [info][plugins-system] Setting up [33] plugins: [visTypeVega,usageCollection,metrics,telemetryCollectionManager,telemetry,timelion,testbed,kibanaLegacy,devTools,apm_oss,uiActions,statusPage,share,savedObjects,newsfeed,kibanaUtils,kibanaReact,inspector,embeddable,esUiShared,discover,bfetch,expressions,visualizations,data,home,console,management,advancedSettings,telemetryManagementSection,navigation,dashboard,charts]
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:27.482] [info][savedobjects-service] Waiting until all Elasticsearch nodes are compatible with Kibana before starting saved objects migrations...
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:27.504] [info][savedobjects-service] Starting saved objects migrations
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:27.520] [info][savedobjects-service] Creating index .kibana_1.
   │ info [o.e.c.m.MetaDataCreateIndexService] [ChrisLinux] [.kibana_1] creating index, cause [api], templates [], shards [1]/[1], mappings [_doc]
   │ info [o.e.c.r.a.AllocationService] [ChrisLinux] updating number_of_replicas to [0] for indices [.kibana_1]
   │ info [o.e.c.r.a.AllocationService] [ChrisLinux] Cluster health status changed from [YELLOW] to [GREEN] (reason: [shards started [[.kibana_1][0]]]).
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:27.855] [info][savedobjects-service] Pointing alias .kibana to .kibana_1.
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:27.897] [info][savedobjects-service] Finished in 382ms.
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:27.898] [info][plugins-system] Starting [16] plugins: [visTypeVega,usageCollection,metrics,telemetryCollectionManager,telemetry,timelion,testbed,kibanaLegacy,apm_oss,share,bfetch,expressions,visualizations,data,home,console]
   │ proc [kibana] optmzr   log   [15:26:28.724] [info][optimize:dynamic_dll_plugin] Started dynamic dll plugin tasks
   │ proc [kibana] optmzr   log   [15:26:28.761] [info][optimize] Optimization started
   │ proc [kibana] Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run the following command: `yarn upgrade`
   │ proc [kibana] Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run the following command: `yarn upgrade`
   │ proc [kibana] Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run the following command: `yarn upgrade`
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:29.872] [info][optimize] Waiting for optimizer to be ready
   │ proc [kibana] optmzr   log   [15:26:34.769] [info][optimize:dynamic_dll_plugin] No need to compile client vendors dll
   │ proc [kibana] optmzr   log   [15:26:34.770] [info][optimize:dynamic_dll_plugin] Finished all dynamic dll plugin tasks
   │ proc [kibana] optmzr   log   [15:26:34.772] [info][optimize] Optimization success in 6.01 seconds
   │ proc [kibana] optmzr   log   [15:26:35.006] [info] Plugin initialization disabled.
   │ proc [kibana] Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run the following command: `yarn upgrade`
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.948] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/core/public/index.scss (theme=light)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.949] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/core/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.949] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/input_control_vis/public/index.scss (theme=light)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.949] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/input_control_vis/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.949] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/index.scss (theme=light)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.949] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.949] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana_react/public/index.scss (theme=light)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.950] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana_react/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.950] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/newsfeed/public/index.scss (theme=light)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.950] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/newsfeed/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.950] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/tile_map/public/index.scss (theme=light)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.950] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/tile_map/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.950] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/timelion/public/index.scss (theme=light)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.950] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/timelion/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.951] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_default_editor/public/index.scss (theme=light)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.951] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_default_editor/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.951] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_markdown/public/index.scss (theme=light)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.951] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_markdown/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.951] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_metric/public/index.scss (theme=light)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.951] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_metric/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.951] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_table/public/index.scss (theme=light)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.951] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_table/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.952] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_tagcloud/public/index.scss (theme=light)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.952] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_tagcloud/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.952] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_timelion/public/index.scss (theme=light)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.952] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_timelion/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.952] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_timeseries/public/index.scss (theme=light)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.952] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_timeseries/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.952] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_vega/public/index.scss (theme=light)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.953] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_vega/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.953] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/index.scss (theme=light)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.953] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.975] [info][status][plugin:newsfeed-fixtures@0.0.0] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.976] [info][status][plugin:apm_oss@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.977] [info][status][plugin:console_legacy@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.985] [info][status][plugin:kibana@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.987] [info][status][plugin:elasticsearch@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to yellow - Waiting for Elasticsearch
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.988] [info][status][plugin:elasticsearch@7.7.1] Status changed from yellow to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.992] [info][status][plugin:interpreter@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.993] [info][status][plugin:input_control_vis@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.994] [info][status][plugin:kibana_react@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.995] [info][status][plugin:stack-management@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:36.997] [info][status][plugin:region_map@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:37.002] [info][status][plugin:ui_metric@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:37.005] [info][status][plugin:vis_default_editor@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:37.007] [info][status][plugin:markdown_vis@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:37.008] [info][status][plugin:metric_vis@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:37.009] [info][status][plugin:table_vis@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:37.009] [info][status][plugin:tagcloud@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:37.010] [info][status][plugin:timelion_vis@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:37.012] [info][status][plugin:vis_type_vega@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:37.013] [info][status][plugin:vis_type_vislib@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:37.016] [info][listening] Server running at http://localhost:5620
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:26:37.043] [info][server][Kibana][http] http server running at http://localhost:5620
   │ succ
   │    Elasticsearch and Kibana are ready for functional testing. Start the functional tests
   │    in another terminal session by running this command from this directory:
   │        node scripts/functional_test_runner

--config test/api_integration/config

$ node scripts/functional_tests_server --config test/api_integration/config.js
 info Installing from snapshot
   │ info version: 7.7.1
   │ info install path: /home/chris/kibana/.es/es-test-cluster
   │ info license: oss
   │ info Downloading snapshot manifest from https://storage.googleapis.com/kibana-ci-es-snapshots-daily/7.7.1/manifest-latest-verified.json
   │ info Daily snapshot manifest not found, falling back to permanent manifest
   │ info Downloading snapshot manifest from https://storage.googleapis.com/kibana-ci-es-snapshots-permanent/7.7.1/manifest.json
   │ info verifying cache of https://storage.googleapis.com/kibana-ci-es-snapshots-permanent/7.7.1/elasticsearch-oss-7.7.1-SNAPSHOT-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
   │ info etags match, reusing cache from 2021-10-12T14:48:09.556Z
   │ info install directory already exists, removing
   │ info extracting /home/chris/kibana/.es/cache/elasticsearch-oss-7.7.1-SNAPSHOT-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
   │ info extracted to /home/chris/kibana/.es/es-test-cluster
   │ info created /home/chris/kibana/.es/es-test-cluster/ES_TMPDIR
 info Starting
   │ info [o.e.e.NodeEnvironment] [ChrisLinux] using [1] data paths, mounts [[/ (/dev/nvme1n1p3)]], net usable_space [365.6gb], net total_space [456.9gb], types [ext4]
   │ info [o.e.e.NodeEnvironment] [ChrisLinux] heap size [1gb], compressed ordinary object pointers [true]
   │ info [o.e.n.Node] [ChrisLinux] node name [ChrisLinux], node ID [Q3OiSUxwTkS3amRrwPYm2Q], cluster name [es-test-cluster]
   │ info [o.e.n.Node] [ChrisLinux] version[7.7.1-SNAPSHOT], pid[11185], build[oss/tar/30681451450959ebf3eedac65acad63f49eef548/2020-06-02T19:33:11.337066Z], OS[Linux/5.8.0-63-generic/amd64], JVM[AdoptOpenJDK/OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM/14.0.1/14.0.1+7]
   │ info [o.e.n.Node] [ChrisLinux] JVM home [/home/chris/kibana/.es/es-test-cluster/jdk]
   │ info [o.e.n.Node] [ChrisLinux] JVM arguments [-Xshare:auto, -Des.networkaddress.cache.ttl=60, -Des.networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl=10, -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch, -Xss1m, -Djava.awt.headless=true, -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8, -Djna.nosys=true, -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow, -XX:+ShowCodeDetailsInExceptionMessages, -Dio.netty.noUnsafe=true, -Dio.netty.noKeySetOptimization=true, -Dio.netty.recycler.maxCapacityPerThread=0, -Dio.netty.allocator.numDirectArenas=0, -Dlog4j.shutdownHookEnabled=false, -Dlog4j2.disable.jmx=true, -Djava.locale.providers=SPI,COMPAT, -Xms1g, -Xmx1g, -XX:+UseG1GC, -XX:G1ReservePercent=25, -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=30, -Djava.io.tmpdir=/home/chris/kibana/.es/es-test-cluster/ES_TMPDIR, -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError, -XX:HeapDumpPath=data, -XX:ErrorFile=logs/hs_err_pid%p.log, -Xlog:gc*,gc+age=trace,safepoint:file=logs/gc.log:utctime,pid,tags:filecount=32,filesize=64m, -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=536870912, -Des.path.home=/home/chris/kibana/.es/es-test-cluster, -Des.path.conf=/home/chris/kibana/.es/es-test-cluster/config, -Des.distribution.flavor=oss, -Des.distribution.type=tar, -Des.bundled_jdk=true]
   │ info [o.e.n.Node] [ChrisLinux] version [7.7.1-SNAPSHOT] is a pre-release version of Elasticsearch and is not suitable for production
   │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [aggs-matrix-stats]
   │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [analysis-common]
   │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [ingest-common]
   │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [ingest-geoip]
   │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [ingest-user-agent]
   │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [lang-expression]
   │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [lang-mustache]
   │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [lang-painless]
   │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [mapper-extras]
   │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [parent-join]
   │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [percolator]
   │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [rank-eval]
   │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [reindex]
   │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [repository-url]
   │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [tasks]
   │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] loaded module [transport-netty4]
   │ info [o.e.p.PluginsService] [ChrisLinux] no plugins loaded
   │ info [o.e.d.DiscoveryModule] [ChrisLinux] using discovery type [single-node] and seed hosts providers [settings]
   │ info [o.e.n.Node] [ChrisLinux] initialized
   │ info [o.e.n.Node] [ChrisLinux] starting ...
   │ info [o.e.t.TransportService] [ChrisLinux] publish_address {}, bound_addresses {[::1]:9301}, {}
   │ info [o.e.c.c.Coordinator] [ChrisLinux] setting initial configuration to VotingConfiguration{Q3OiSUxwTkS3amRrwPYm2Q}
   │ info [o.e.c.s.MasterService] [ChrisLinux] elected-as-master ([1] nodes joined)[{ChrisLinux}{Q3OiSUxwTkS3amRrwPYm2Q}{2HZehXnhRNqm3NBEsjQtcA}{}{}{dimr} elect leader, _BECOME_MASTER_TASK_, _FINISH_ELECTION_], term: 1, version: 1, delta: master node changed {previous [], current [{ChrisLinux}{Q3OiSUxwTkS3amRrwPYm2Q}{2HZehXnhRNqm3NBEsjQtcA}{}{}{dimr}]}
   │ info [o.e.c.c.CoordinationState] [ChrisLinux] cluster UUID set to [N2rSscTgRa66RBtE8x6L2A]
   │ info [o.e.c.s.ClusterApplierService] [ChrisLinux] master node changed {previous [], current [{ChrisLinux}{Q3OiSUxwTkS3amRrwPYm2Q}{2HZehXnhRNqm3NBEsjQtcA}{}{}{dimr}]}, term: 1, version: 1, reason: Publication{term=1, version=1}
   │ info [o.e.h.AbstractHttpServerTransport] [ChrisLinux] publish_address {}, bound_addresses {[::1]:9220}, {}
   │ info [o.e.n.Node] [ChrisLinux] started
   │ info [o.e.g.GatewayService] [ChrisLinux] recovered [0] indices into cluster_state
   │ warn assuming ES isn't initialized completely, trying again in 1.5 seconds
   │ warn assuming ES isn't initialized completely, trying again in 3 seconds
   │ info security is not enabled, unable to set native realm passwords
   │ info [kibana] > node scripts/kibana --no-base-path --env.name=development --optimize.bundleDir=/home/chris/kibana/optimize/bundles --logging.json=false --server.port=5620 --optimize.watchPort=5630 --optimize.watchPrebuild=true --status.allowAnonymous=true --elasticsearch.hosts=http://elastic:changeme@localhost:9220 --elasticsearch.username=kibana --elasticsearch.password=changeme --home.disableWelcomeScreen=true --telemetry.banner=false --server.maxPayloadBytes=1679958 --plugin-path=/home/chris/kibana/test/common/fixtures/plugins/newsfeed --newsfeed.service.urlRoot=http://localhost:5620 --newsfeed.service.pathTemplate=/api/_newsfeed-FTS-external-service-simulators/kibana/v{VERSION}.json --oss --telemetry.optIn=false --optimize.enabled=false --elasticsearch.healthCheck.delay=3600000 --server.xsrf.disableProtection=true --server.compression.referrerWhitelist=["some-host.com"] --dev --no-dev-config
   │ proc [kibana]   log   [15:35:52.930] [warning][plugins-discovery] Explicit plugin paths [/home/chris/kibana/test/common/fixtures/plugins/newsfeed] should only be used in development. Relative imports may not work properly in production.
   │ proc [kibana]   log   [15:35:52.939] [warning][plugins-discovery] Expect plugin "id" in camelCase, but found: apm_oss
   │ proc [kibana]   log   [15:35:53.520] [warning][legacy-plugins] Unable to scan directory for plugins "/home/chris/kibana/plugins"
   │ proc [kibana]   log   [15:35:53.871] [info][plugins-service] Plugin initialization disabled.
   │ proc [kibana]   log   [15:35:53.875] [warning][savedobjects-service] Skipping Saved Object migrations on startup. Note: Individual documents will still be migrated when read or written.
   │ proc [kibana]  watching for changes  (1656 files)
   │ proc [kibana] (node:11480) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 online listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit
   │ proc [kibana]  restarting server  due to changes in
   │ proc [kibana]  - "src/plugins/vis_type_timeseries/server/lib/vis_data/response_processors/series/std_sibling.js"
   │ proc [kibana]  - "src/plugins/vis_type_timeseries/server/lib/vis_data/response_processors/series/time_shift.js"
   │ proc [kibana]  - "src/plugins/vis_type_timeseries/server/lib/vis_data/response_processors/table/_series_agg.js"
   │ proc [kibana]  - "src/plugins/vis_type_timeseries/server/lib/vis_data/response_processors/table/drop_last_bucket.js"
   │ proc [kibana]  - "src/plugins/vis_type_timeseries/server/lib/vis_data/response_processors/table/index.js"
   │ proc [kibana]  - "src/plugins/vis_type_timeseries/server/lib/vis_data/response_processors/table/math.js"
   │ proc [kibana]  - "src/plugins/vis_type_timeseries/server/lib/vis_data/response_processors/table/percentile.js"
   │ proc [kibana]  - "src/plugins/vis_type_timeseries/server/lib/vis_data/response_processors/table/percentile_rank.js"
   │ proc [kibana]  - "src/plugins/vis_type_timeseries/server/lib/vis_data/response_processors/table/series_agg.js"
   │ proc [kibana]  - "src/plugins/vis_type_timeseries/server/lib/vis_data/response_processors/table/std_metric.js"
   │ proc [kibana]  - "src/plugins/vis_type_timeseries/server/lib/vis_data/response_processors/table/std_sibling.js"
   │ proc [kibana]  restarting server  due to changes in "src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/server/routes/api/management/saved_objects"
   │ proc [kibana]  restarting server  due to changes in
   │ proc [kibana]  - "src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/server/routes/api/management/saved_objects/find.js"
   │ proc [kibana]  - "src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/server/routes/api/management/saved_objects/relationships.js"
   │ proc [kibana]  - "src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/server/routes/api/management/saved_objects/scroll.js"
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:35:57.960] [warning][plugins-discovery] Explicit plugin paths [/home/chris/kibana/test/common/fixtures/plugins/newsfeed] should only be used in development. Relative imports may not work properly in production.
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:35:57.971] [warning][plugins-discovery] Expect plugin "id" in camelCase, but found: apm_oss
   │ proc [kibana] optmzr   log   [15:35:57.993] [warning][plugins-discovery] Explicit plugin paths [/home/chris/kibana/test/common/fixtures/plugins/newsfeed] should only be used in development. Relative imports may not work properly in production.
   │ proc [kibana] optmzr   log   [15:35:58.005] [warning][plugins-discovery] Expect plugin "id" in camelCase, but found: apm_oss
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:35:58.555] [warning][legacy-plugins] Unable to scan directory for plugins "/home/chris/kibana/plugins"
   │ proc [kibana] optmzr   log   [15:35:58.595] [warning][legacy-plugins] Unable to scan directory for plugins "/home/chris/kibana/plugins"
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:35:58.930] [info][plugins-system] Setting up [33] plugins: [visTypeVega,usageCollection,metrics,telemetryCollectionManager,telemetry,timelion,testbed,kibanaLegacy,devTools,apm_oss,uiActions,statusPage,share,savedObjects,newsfeed,kibanaUtils,kibanaReact,inspector,embeddable,esUiShared,discover,bfetch,expressions,visualizations,data,home,console,management,advancedSettings,telemetryManagementSection,navigation,dashboard,charts]
   │ proc [kibana] optmzr   log   [15:35:58.970] [info][plugins-service] Plugin initialization disabled.
   │ proc [kibana] optmzr   log   [15:35:58.975] [warning][savedobjects-service] Skipping Saved Object migrations on startup. Note: Individual documents will still be migrated when read or written.
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:35:59.024] [info][savedobjects-service] Waiting until all Elasticsearch nodes are compatible with Kibana before starting saved objects migrations...
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:35:59.049] [info][savedobjects-service] Starting saved objects migrations
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:35:59.067] [info][savedobjects-service] Creating index .kibana_1.
   │ info [o.e.c.m.MetaDataCreateIndexService] [ChrisLinux] [.kibana_1] creating index, cause [api], templates [], shards [1]/[1], mappings [_doc]
   │ info [o.e.c.r.a.AllocationService] [ChrisLinux] updating number_of_replicas to [0] for indices [.kibana_1]
   │ info [o.e.c.r.a.AllocationService] [ChrisLinux] Cluster health status changed from [YELLOW] to [GREEN] (reason: [shards started [[.kibana_1][0]]]).
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:35:59.393] [info][savedobjects-service] Pointing alias .kibana to .kibana_1.
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:35:59.433] [info][savedobjects-service] Finished in 372ms.
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:35:59.434] [info][plugins-system] Starting [16] plugins: [visTypeVega,usageCollection,metrics,telemetryCollectionManager,telemetry,timelion,testbed,kibanaLegacy,apm_oss,share,bfetch,expressions,visualizations,data,home,console]
   │ proc [kibana] optmzr   log   [15:36:00.035] [info] Plugin initialization disabled.
   │ proc [kibana] Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run the following command: `yarn upgrade`
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.061] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/core/public/index.scss (theme=light)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.062] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/core/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.062] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/input_control_vis/public/index.scss (theme=light)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.062] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/input_control_vis/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.062] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/index.scss (theme=light)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.063] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.063] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana_react/public/index.scss (theme=light)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.063] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/kibana_react/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.063] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/newsfeed/public/index.scss (theme=light)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.063] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/newsfeed/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.063] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/tile_map/public/index.scss (theme=light)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.063] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/tile_map/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.064] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/timelion/public/index.scss (theme=light)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.064] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/timelion/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.064] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_default_editor/public/index.scss (theme=light)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.064] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_default_editor/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.064] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_markdown/public/index.scss (theme=light)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.064] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_markdown/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.064] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_metric/public/index.scss (theme=light)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.064] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_metric/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.065] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_table/public/index.scss (theme=light)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.065] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_table/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.065] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_tagcloud/public/index.scss (theme=light)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.065] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_tagcloud/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.065] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_timelion/public/index.scss (theme=light)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.065] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_timelion/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.065] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_timeseries/public/index.scss (theme=light)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.065] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_timeseries/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.066] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_vega/public/index.scss (theme=light)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.066] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/vis_type_vega/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.066] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/index.scss (theme=light)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.066] [info][scss] Compiled CSS: /home/chris/kibana/src/legacy/core_plugins/visualizations/public/index.scss (theme=dark)
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.094] [info][status][plugin:newsfeed-fixtures@0.0.0] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.095] [info][status][plugin:apm_oss@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.096] [info][status][plugin:console_legacy@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.105] [info][status][plugin:kibana@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.110] [info][status][plugin:elasticsearch@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to yellow - Waiting for Elasticsearch
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.111] [info][status][plugin:elasticsearch@7.7.1] Status changed from yellow to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.114] [info][status][plugin:interpreter@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.115] [info][status][plugin:input_control_vis@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.116] [info][status][plugin:kibana_react@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.117] [info][status][plugin:stack-management@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.119] [info][status][plugin:region_map@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.127] [info][status][plugin:ui_metric@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.128] [info][status][plugin:vis_default_editor@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.129] [info][status][plugin:markdown_vis@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.130] [info][status][plugin:metric_vis@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.131] [info][status][plugin:table_vis@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.133] [info][status][plugin:tagcloud@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.134] [info][status][plugin:timelion_vis@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.135] [info][status][plugin:vis_type_vega@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.136] [info][status][plugin:vis_type_vislib@7.7.1] Status changed from uninitialized to green - Ready
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.138] [info][listening] Server running at http://localhost:5620
   │ proc [kibana] server   log   [15:36:03.171] [info][server][Kibana][http] http server running at http://localhost:5620
   │ succ
   │    Elasticsearch and Kibana are ready for functional testing. Start the functional tests
   │    in another terminal session by running this command from this directory:
   │        node scripts/functional_test_runner

yarn test:ftr:runner (run in separate terminal when ftr:server is running) --config test/functional/config.js

$ node scripts/functional_test_runner --config test/functional/config.js
 debg Loading config file from "/home/chris/kibana/test/functional/config.js"
 debg Loading config file from "/home/chris/kibana/test/common/config.js"
 info Config loaded
 debg randomness seed: 1634311991533
 debg [webdriver] Creating session
 warn Failure loading service "__webdriver__"
ERROR SessionNotCreatedError: session not created: This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 81
        at Object.throwDecodedError (/home/chris/kibana/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/error.js:550:15)
        at parseHttpResponse (/home/chris/kibana/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/http.js:565:13)
        at Executor.execute (/home/chris/kibana/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/http.js:491:26)
        at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
 warn Failure loading service "browser"
ERROR SessionNotCreatedError: session not created: This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 81
        at Object.throwDecodedError (/home/chris/kibana/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/error.js:550:15)
        at parseHttpResponse (/home/chris/kibana/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/http.js:565:13)
        at Executor.execute (/home/chris/kibana/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/http.js:491:26)
        at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
 warn Failure loading service "find"
ERROR SessionNotCreatedError: session not created: This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 81
        at Object.throwDecodedError (/home/chris/kibana/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/error.js:550:15)
        at parseHttpResponse (/home/chris/kibana/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/http.js:565:13)
        at Executor.execute (/home/chris/kibana/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/http.js:491:26)
        at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
ERROR Error: Failure initializing 3 service(s)
        at ProviderCollection.loadAll (/home/chris/kibana/packages/kbn-test/src/functional_test_runner/lib/providers/provider_collection.ts:67:13)
        at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
error Command failed with exit code 1.

yarn test:ftr:runner (run in separate terminal when ftr:server is running) --config test/api_integration/config.js

            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (0ms) "apis index_patterns index_patterns/service/lib index_patterns/* error handler convertEsError() converts indexNotFoundErrors into NoMatchingIndices errors"
        └-> wraps other errors in Boom
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (0ms) "apis index_patterns index_patterns/service/lib index_patterns/* error handler convertEsError() wraps other errors in Boom"
        └-> handles errors that are already Boom errors
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (0ms) "apis index_patterns index_patterns/service/lib index_patterns/* error handler convertEsError() handles errors that are already Boom errors"
        └-> preserves headers from Boom errors
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (0ms) "apis index_patterns index_patterns/service/lib index_patterns/* error handler convertEsError() preserves headers from Boom errors"
        └-> "after all" hook
        └-> "after all" hook
        │ info [index_patterns/basic_index] Unloading indices from "mappings.json"
        │ info [index_patterns/basic_index] Deleted existing index "basic_index"
        │ info [index_patterns/basic_index] Unloading indices from "data.json.gz"
        └-> "after all" hook
    └-> "after all" hook
    └-: index_patterns/_fields_for_time_pattern
    └-> "before all" hook
    └-: errors
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> returns 404 when no indices match
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (10ms) "apis index_patterns index_patterns/_fields_for_time_pattern errors returns 404 when no indices match"
        └-> "after all" hook
    └-: pattern
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> "before all" hook
        │ info [index_patterns/daily_index] Loading "mappings.json"
        │ info [index_patterns/daily_index] Loading "data.json.gz"
        │ info [index_patterns/daily_index] Created index "logs-2017.01.01"
        │ debg [index_patterns/daily_index] "logs-2017.01.01" settings {"index":{"number_of_shards":"1","number_of_replicas":"1"}}
        │ info [index_patterns/daily_index] Created index "logs-2017.01.02"
        │ debg [index_patterns/daily_index] "logs-2017.01.02" settings {"index":{"number_of_shards":"1","number_of_replicas":"1"}}
        │ info [index_patterns/daily_index] Indexed 1 docs into "logs-2017.01.01"
        │ info [index_patterns/daily_index] Indexed 1 docs into "logs-2017.01.02"
        └-> matches indices with compatible patterns
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (16ms) "apis index_patterns index_patterns/_fields_for_time_pattern pattern matches indices with compatible patterns"
        └-> respects look_back parameter
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (7ms) "apis index_patterns index_patterns/_fields_for_time_pattern pattern respects look_back parameter"
        └-> includes a field for each of `meta_fields` names
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (8ms) "apis index_patterns index_patterns/_fields_for_time_pattern pattern includes a field for each of `meta_fields` names"
        └-> "after all" hook
        │ info [index_patterns/daily_index] Unloading indices from "mappings.json"
        │ info [index_patterns/daily_index] Deleted existing index "logs-2017.01.01"
        │ info [index_patterns/daily_index] Deleted existing index "logs-2017.01.02"
        │ info [index_patterns/daily_index] Unloading indices from "data.json.gz"
        └-> "after all" hook
    └-: query params
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> "before all" hook
        │ info [index_patterns/daily_index] Loading "mappings.json"
        │ info [index_patterns/daily_index] Loading "data.json.gz"
        │ info [index_patterns/daily_index] Created index "logs-2017.01.01"
        │ debg [index_patterns/daily_index] "logs-2017.01.01" settings {"index":{"number_of_shards":"1","number_of_replicas":"1"}}
        │ info [index_patterns/daily_index] Created index "logs-2017.01.02"
        │ debg [index_patterns/daily_index] "logs-2017.01.02" settings {"index":{"number_of_shards":"1","number_of_replicas":"1"}}
        │ info [index_patterns/daily_index] Indexed 1 docs into "logs-2017.01.01"
        │ info [index_patterns/daily_index] Indexed 1 docs into "logs-2017.01.02"
        └-> requires `pattern` query param
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (3ms) "apis index_patterns index_patterns/_fields_for_time_pattern query params requires `pattern` query param"
        └-> requires `look_back` query param
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (1ms) "apis index_patterns index_patterns/_fields_for_time_pattern query params requires `look_back` query param"
        └-> supports `meta_fields` query param in JSON format
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (6ms) "apis index_patterns index_patterns/_fields_for_time_pattern query params supports `meta_fields` query param in JSON format"
        └-> supports `meta_fields` query param in string array format
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (5ms) "apis index_patterns index_patterns/_fields_for_time_pattern query params supports `meta_fields` query param in string array format"
        └-> requires `look_back` to be a number
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (2ms) "apis index_patterns index_patterns/_fields_for_time_pattern query params requires `look_back` to be a number"
        └-> requires `look_back` to be greater than one
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (2ms) "apis index_patterns index_patterns/_fields_for_time_pattern query params requires `look_back` to be greater than one"
        └-> "after all" hook
        │ info [index_patterns/daily_index] Unloading indices from "mappings.json"
        │ info [index_patterns/daily_index] Deleted existing index "logs-2017.01.01"
        │ info [index_patterns/daily_index] Deleted existing index "logs-2017.01.02"
        │ info [index_patterns/daily_index] Unloading indices from "data.json.gz"
        └-> "after all" hook
    └-> "after all" hook
    └-: index_patterns/_fields_for_wildcard route
    └-> "before all" hook
    └-: params
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> "before all" hook
        │ info [index_patterns/basic_index] Loading "mappings.json"
        │ info [index_patterns/basic_index] Loading "data.json.gz"
        │ info [index_patterns/basic_index] Created index "basic_index"
        │ debg [index_patterns/basic_index] "basic_index" settings {"index":{"number_of_shards":"1","number_of_replicas":"1"}}
        │ info [index_patterns/basic_index] Indexed 1 docs into "basic_index"
        └-> requires a pattern query param
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (2ms) "apis index_patterns index_patterns/_fields_for_wildcard route params requires a pattern query param"
        └-> accepts a JSON formatted meta_fields query param
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (10ms) "apis index_patterns index_patterns/_fields_for_wildcard route params accepts a JSON formatted meta_fields query param"
        └-> accepts meta_fields query param in string array
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (9ms) "apis index_patterns index_patterns/_fields_for_wildcard route params accepts meta_fields query param in string array"
        └-> rejects a comma-separated list of meta_fields
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (3ms) "apis index_patterns index_patterns/_fields_for_wildcard route params rejects a comma-separated list of meta_fields"
        └-> rejects unexpected query params
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (3ms) "apis index_patterns index_patterns/_fields_for_wildcard route params rejects unexpected query params"
        └-> "after all" hook
        │ info [index_patterns/basic_index] Unloading indices from "mappings.json"
        │ info [index_patterns/basic_index] Deleted existing index "basic_index"
        │ info [index_patterns/basic_index] Unloading indices from "data.json.gz"
        └-> "after all" hook
    └-: conflicts
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> "before all" hook
        │ info [index_patterns/conflicts] Loading "mappings.json"
        │ info [index_patterns/conflicts] Loading "data.json.gz"
        │ info [index_patterns/conflicts] Created index "logs-2017.01.02"
        │ debg [index_patterns/conflicts] "logs-2017.01.02" settings {"index":{"number_of_shards":"1","number_of_replicas":"1"}}
        │ info [index_patterns/conflicts] Created index "logs-2017.01.01"
        │ debg [index_patterns/conflicts] "logs-2017.01.01" settings {"index":{"number_of_shards":"1","number_of_replicas":"1"}}
        │ info [index_patterns/conflicts] Indexed 2 docs into "logs-2017.01.02"
        │ info [index_patterns/conflicts] Indexed 2 docs into "logs-2017.01.01"
        └-> flags fields with mismatched types as conflicting
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (7ms) "apis index_patterns index_patterns/_fields_for_wildcard route conflicts flags fields with mismatched types as conflicting"
        └-> "after all" hook
        │ info [index_patterns/conflicts] Unloading indices from "mappings.json"
        │ info [index_patterns/conflicts] Deleted existing index "logs-2017.01.02"
        │ info [index_patterns/conflicts] Deleted existing index "logs-2017.01.01"
        │ info [index_patterns/conflicts] Unloading indices from "data.json.gz"
        └-> "after all" hook
    └-: response
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> "before all" hook
        │ info [index_patterns/basic_index] Loading "mappings.json"
        │ info [index_patterns/basic_index] Loading "data.json.gz"
        │ info [index_patterns/basic_index] Created index "basic_index"
        │ debg [index_patterns/basic_index] "basic_index" settings {"index":{"number_of_shards":"1","number_of_replicas":"1"}}
        │ info [index_patterns/basic_index] Indexed 1 docs into "basic_index"
        └-> returns a flattened version of the fields in es
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (8ms) "apis index_patterns index_patterns/_fields_for_wildcard route response returns a flattened version of the fields in es"
        └-> always returns a field for all passed meta fields
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (5ms) "apis index_patterns index_patterns/_fields_for_wildcard route response always returns a field for all passed meta fields"
        └-> returns 404 when the pattern does not exist
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (5ms) "apis index_patterns index_patterns/_fields_for_wildcard route response returns 404 when the pattern does not exist"
        └-> "after all" hook
        │ info [index_patterns/basic_index] Unloading indices from "mappings.json"
        │ info [index_patterns/basic_index] Deleted existing index "basic_index"
        │ info [index_patterns/basic_index] Unloading indices from "data.json.gz"
        └-> "after all" hook
    └-> "after all" hook
    └-> "after all" hook
   └-: KQL
    └-> "before all" hook
    └-: telemetry API
    └-> "before all" hook
    └-> "before all" hook
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Loading "mappings.json"
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Loading "data.json.gz"
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Deleted existing index [".kibana_1"]
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Created index ".kibana"
        │ debg [saved_objects/basic] ".kibana" settings {"index":{"number_of_shards":"1","number_of_replicas":"1"}}
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Indexed 8 docs into ".kibana"
        │ debg Migrating saved objects
    └-> should increment the opt *in* counter in the .kibana/kql-telemetry document
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (424ms) "apis KQL telemetry API should increment the opt *in* counter in the .kibana/kql-telemetry document"
    └-> should increment the opt *out* counter in the .kibana/kql-telemetry document
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (998ms) "apis KQL telemetry API should increment the opt *out* counter in the .kibana/kql-telemetry document"
    └-> should report success when opt *in* is incremented successfully
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (1.0s) "apis KQL telemetry API should report success when opt *in* is incremented successfully"
    └-> should report success when opt *out* is incremented successfully
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (1.0s) "apis KQL telemetry API should report success when opt *out* is incremented successfully"
    └-> should only accept literal boolean values for the opt_in POST body param
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (8ms) "apis KQL telemetry API should only accept literal boolean values for the opt_in POST body param"
    └-> "after all" hook
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Unloading indices from "mappings.json"
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Deleted existing index [".kibana_2",".kibana_1"]
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Unloading indices from "data.json.gz"
    └-> "after all" hook
    └-> "after all" hook
   └-: management apis
    └-> "before all" hook
    └-: saved_objects
    └-> "before all" hook
    └-: find
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-: with kibana index
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> "before all" hook
            │ info [saved_objects/basic] Loading "mappings.json"
            │ info [saved_objects/basic] Loading "data.json.gz"
            │ info [saved_objects/basic] Created index ".kibana"
            │ debg [saved_objects/basic] ".kibana" settings {"index":{"number_of_shards":"1","number_of_replicas":"1"}}
            │ info [saved_objects/basic] Indexed 8 docs into ".kibana"
            │ debg Migrating saved objects
        └-> should return 200 with individual responses
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (13ms) "apis management apis saved_objects find with kibana index should return 200 with individual responses"
        └-: unknown type
            └-> "before all" hook
            └-> should return 200 with empty response
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (3ms) "apis management apis saved_objects find with kibana index unknown type should return 200 with empty response"
            └-> "after all" hook
        └-: page beyond total
            └-> "before all" hook
            └-> should return 200 with empty response
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (7ms) "apis management apis saved_objects find with kibana index page beyond total should return 200 with empty response"
            └-> "after all" hook
        └-: unknown search field
            └-> "before all" hook
            └-> should return 400 when using searchFields
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (7ms) "apis management apis saved_objects find with kibana index unknown search field should return 400 when using searchFields"
            └-> "after all" hook
        └-> "after all" hook
            │ info [saved_objects/basic] Unloading indices from "mappings.json"
            │ info [saved_objects/basic] Deleted existing index [".kibana_2",".kibana_1"]
            │ info [saved_objects/basic] Unloading indices from "data.json.gz"
        └-> "after all" hook
        └-: without kibana index
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> should return 200 with empty response
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (6ms) "apis management apis saved_objects find without kibana index should return 200 with empty response"
        └-: unknown type
            └-> "before all" hook
            └-> should return 200 with empty response
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (5ms) "apis management apis saved_objects find without kibana index unknown type should return 200 with empty response"
            └-> "after all" hook
        └-: missing type
            └-> "before all" hook
            └-> should return 400
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (3ms) "apis management apis saved_objects find without kibana index missing type should return 400"
            └-> "after all" hook
        └-: page beyond total
            └-> "before all" hook
            └-> should return 200 with empty response
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (12ms) "apis management apis saved_objects find without kibana index page beyond total should return 200 with empty response"
            └-> "after all" hook
        └-: unknown search field
            └-> "before all" hook
            └-> should return 400 when using searchFields
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (3ms) "apis management apis saved_objects find without kibana index unknown search field should return 400 when using searchFields"
            └-> "after all" hook
        └-> "after all" hook
        └-: meta attributes injected properly
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> "before all" hook
            │ info [management/saved_objects] Loading "mappings.json"
            │ info [management/saved_objects] Loading "data.json.gz"
            │ info [management/saved_objects] Created index ".kibana"
            │ debg [management/saved_objects] ".kibana" settings {"index":{"number_of_shards":"1","auto_expand_replicas":"0-1","number_of_replicas":"0"}}
            │ info [management/saved_objects] Indexed 7 docs into ".kibana"
            │ debg Migrating saved objects
        └-> should inject meta attributes for searches
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (9ms) "apis management apis saved_objects find meta attributes injected properly should inject meta attributes for searches"
        └-> should inject meta attributes for dashboards
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (7ms) "apis management apis saved_objects find meta attributes injected properly should inject meta attributes for dashboards"
        └-> should inject meta attributes for visualizations
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (8ms) "apis management apis saved_objects find meta attributes injected properly should inject meta attributes for visualizations"
        └-> should inject meta attributes for index patterns
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (9ms) "apis management apis saved_objects find meta attributes injected properly should inject meta attributes for index patterns"
        └-> "after all" hook
            │ info [management/saved_objects] Unloading indices from "mappings.json"
            │ info [management/saved_objects] Deleted existing index [".kibana_2",".kibana_1"]
            │ info [management/saved_objects] Unloading indices from "data.json.gz"
        └-> "after all" hook
        └-> "after all" hook
    └-: relationships
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> "before all" hook
        │ info [management/saved_objects] Loading "mappings.json"
        │ info [management/saved_objects] Loading "data.json.gz"
        │ info [management/saved_objects] Created index ".kibana"
        │ debg [management/saved_objects] ".kibana" settings {"index":{"number_of_shards":"1","auto_expand_replicas":"0-1","number_of_replicas":"0"}}
        │ info [management/saved_objects] Indexed 7 docs into ".kibana"
        │ debg Migrating saved objects
        └-: searches
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> should validate search response schema
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (21ms) "apis management apis saved_objects relationships searches should validate search response schema"
        └-> should work for searches
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (12ms) "apis management apis saved_objects relationships searches should work for searches"
        └-> should filter based on savedObjectTypes
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (12ms) "apis management apis saved_objects relationships searches should filter based on savedObjectTypes"
        └-> should return 404 if search finds no results
        └-> "after all" hook
        └-: dashboards
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> should validate dashboard response schema
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (10ms) "apis management apis saved_objects relationships dashboards should validate dashboard response schema"
        └-> should work for dashboards
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (10ms) "apis management apis saved_objects relationships dashboards should work for dashboards"
        └-> should filter based on savedObjectTypes
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (9ms) "apis management apis saved_objects relationships dashboards should filter based on savedObjectTypes"
        └-> should return 404 if dashboard finds no results
        └-> "after all" hook
        └-: visualizations
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> should validate visualization response schema
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (14ms) "apis management apis saved_objects relationships visualizations should validate visualization response schema"
        └-> should work for visualizations
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (8ms) "apis management apis saved_objects relationships visualizations should work for visualizations"
        └-> should filter based on savedObjectTypes
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (7ms) "apis management apis saved_objects relationships visualizations should filter based on savedObjectTypes"
        └-> should return 404 if  visualizations finds no results
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (3ms) "apis management apis saved_objects relationships visualizations should return 404 if  visualizations finds no results"
        └-> "after all" hook
        └-: index patterns
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> should validate visualization response schema
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (14ms) "apis management apis saved_objects relationships index patterns should validate visualization response schema"
        └-> should work for index patterns
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (8ms) "apis management apis saved_objects relationships index patterns should work for index patterns"
        └-> should filter based on savedObjectTypes
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (7ms) "apis management apis saved_objects relationships index patterns should filter based on savedObjectTypes"
        └-> should return 404 if index pattern finds no results
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (3ms) "apis management apis saved_objects relationships index patterns should return 404 if index pattern finds no results"
        └-> "after all" hook
        └-> "after all" hook
        │ info [management/saved_objects] Unloading indices from "mappings.json"
        │ info [management/saved_objects] Deleted existing index [".kibana_2",".kibana_1"]
        │ info [management/saved_objects] Unloading indices from "data.json.gz"
        └-> "after all" hook
    └-> "after all" hook
    └-> "after all" hook
   └-: saved_objects
    └-> "before all" hook
    └-: _bulk_create
    └-> "before all" hook
    └-: with kibana index
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> "before all" hook
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Loading "mappings.json"
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Loading "data.json.gz"
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Created index ".kibana"
        │ debg [saved_objects/basic] ".kibana" settings {"index":{"number_of_shards":"1","number_of_replicas":"1"}}
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Indexed 8 docs into ".kibana"
        │ debg Migrating saved objects
        └-> should return 200 with individual responses
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (481ms) "apis saved_objects _bulk_create with kibana index should return 200 with individual responses"
        └-> "after all" hook
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Unloading indices from "mappings.json"
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Deleted existing index [".kibana_2",".kibana_1"]
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Unloading indices from "data.json.gz"
        └-> "after all" hook
    └-: without kibana index
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> should return 200 with individual responses
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (1.0s) "apis saved_objects _bulk_create without kibana index should return 200 with individual responses"
        └-> "after all" hook
    └-> "after all" hook
    └-: _bulk_get
    └-> "before all" hook
    └-: with kibana index
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> "before all" hook
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Loading "mappings.json"
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Loading "data.json.gz"
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Deleted existing index [".kibana"]
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Created index ".kibana"
        │ debg [saved_objects/basic] ".kibana" settings {"index":{"number_of_shards":"1","number_of_replicas":"1"}}
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Indexed 8 docs into ".kibana"
        │ debg Migrating saved objects
        └-> should return 200 with individual responses
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (6ms) "apis saved_objects _bulk_get with kibana index should return 200 with individual responses"
        └-> "after all" hook
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Unloading indices from "mappings.json"
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Deleted existing index [".kibana_2",".kibana_1"]
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Unloading indices from "data.json.gz"
        └-> "after all" hook
    └-: without kibana index
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> should return 200 with individual responses
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (6ms) "apis saved_objects _bulk_get without kibana index should return 200 with individual responses"
        └-> "after all" hook
    └-> "after all" hook
    └-: create
    └-> "before all" hook
    └-: with kibana index
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> "before all" hook
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Loading "mappings.json"
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Loading "data.json.gz"
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Created index ".kibana"
        │ debg [saved_objects/basic] ".kibana" settings {"index":{"number_of_shards":"1","number_of_replicas":"1"}}
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Indexed 8 docs into ".kibana"
        │ debg Migrating saved objects
        └-> should return 200
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (482ms) "apis saved_objects create with kibana index should return 200"
        └-> "after all" hook
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Unloading indices from "mappings.json"
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Deleted existing index [".kibana_2",".kibana_1"]
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Unloading indices from "data.json.gz"
        └-> "after all" hook
    └-: without kibana index
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> should return 200 and create kibana index
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (1.0s) "apis saved_objects create without kibana index should return 200 and create kibana index"
        └-> "after all" hook
    └-> "after all" hook
    └-: delete
    └-> "before all" hook
    └-: with kibana index
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> "before all" hook
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Loading "mappings.json"
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Loading "data.json.gz"
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Deleted existing index [".kibana"]
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Created index ".kibana"
        │ debg [saved_objects/basic] ".kibana" settings {"index":{"number_of_shards":"1","number_of_replicas":"1"}}
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Indexed 8 docs into ".kibana"
        │ debg Migrating saved objects
        └-> should return 200 when deleting a doc
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (489ms) "apis saved_objects delete with kibana index should return 200 when deleting a doc"
        └-> should return generic 404 when deleting an unknown doc
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (1.0s) "apis saved_objects delete with kibana index should return generic 404 when deleting an unknown doc"
        └-> "after all" hook
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Unloading indices from "mappings.json"
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Deleted existing index [".kibana_2",".kibana_1"]
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Unloading indices from "data.json.gz"
        └-> "after all" hook
    └-: without kibana index
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> returns generic 404 when kibana index is missing
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (4ms) "apis saved_objects delete without kibana index returns generic 404 when kibana index is missing"
        └-> "after all" hook
    └-> "after all" hook
    └-: export
    └-> "before all" hook
    └-: with kibana index
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-: basic amount of saved objects
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> "before all" hook
            │ info [saved_objects/basic] Loading "mappings.json"
            │ info [saved_objects/basic] Loading "data.json.gz"
            │ info [saved_objects/basic] Created index ".kibana"
            │ debg [saved_objects/basic] ".kibana" settings {"index":{"number_of_shards":"1","number_of_replicas":"1"}}
            │ info [saved_objects/basic] Indexed 8 docs into ".kibana"
            │ debg Migrating saved objects
        └-> should return objects in dependency order
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (18ms) "apis saved_objects export with kibana index basic amount of saved objects should return objects in dependency order"
        └-> should exclude the export details if asked
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (9ms) "apis saved_objects export with kibana index basic amount of saved objects should exclude the export details if asked"
        └-> should support including dependencies when exporting selected objects
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (12ms) "apis saved_objects export with kibana index basic amount of saved objects should support including dependencies when exporting selected objects"
        └-> should support including dependencies when exporting by type
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (11ms) "apis saved_objects export with kibana index basic amount of saved objects should support including dependencies when exporting by type"
        └-> should support including dependencies when exporting by type and search
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (39ms) "apis saved_objects export with kibana index basic amount of saved objects should support including dependencies when exporting by type and search"
        └-> should throw error when object doesn't exist
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (5ms) "apis saved_objects export with kibana index basic amount of saved objects should throw error when object doesn't exist"
        └-> should return 400 when exporting unsupported type
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (3ms) "apis saved_objects export with kibana index basic amount of saved objects should return 400 when exporting unsupported type"
        └-> should return 400 when exporting objects with unsupported type
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (3ms) "apis saved_objects export with kibana index basic amount of saved objects should return 400 when exporting objects with unsupported type"
        └-> "after all" hook
            │ info [saved_objects/basic] Unloading indices from "mappings.json"
            │ info [saved_objects/basic] Deleted existing index [".kibana_2",".kibana_1"]
            │ info [saved_objects/basic] Unloading indices from "data.json.gz"
        └-> "after all" hook
        └-: 10,000 objects
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> "before all" hook
            │ info [saved_objects/10k] Loading "mappings.json"
            │ info [saved_objects/10k] Loading "data.json.gz"
            │ info [saved_objects/10k] Created index ".kibana"
            │ debg [saved_objects/10k] ".kibana" settings {"index":{"number_of_shards":"1","number_of_replicas":"1"}}
            │ info [saved_objects/10k] Indexed 10000 docs into ".kibana"
            │ debg Migrating saved objects
        └-> should return 400 when exporting without type or objects passed in
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (4ms) "apis saved_objects export with kibana index 10,000 objects should return 400 when exporting without type or objects passed in"
        └-> should return 200 when exporting by single type
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (12ms) "apis saved_objects export with kibana index 10,000 objects should return 200 when exporting by single type"
        └-> should return 200 when exporting by array type
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (8ms) "apis saved_objects export with kibana index 10,000 objects should return 200 when exporting by array type"
        └-> should return 200 when exporting by objects
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (5ms) "apis saved_objects export with kibana index 10,000 objects should return 200 when exporting by objects"
        └-> should return 400 when exporting by type and objects
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (6ms) "apis saved_objects export with kibana index 10,000 objects should return 400 when exporting by type and objects"
        └-> "after all" hook
            │ info [saved_objects/10k] Unloading indices from "mappings.json"
            │ info [saved_objects/10k] Deleted existing index [".kibana_2",".kibana_1"]
            │ info [saved_objects/10k] Unloading indices from "data.json.gz"
        └-> "after all" hook
        └-: 10,001 objects
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> "before all" hook
            │ info [saved_objects/10k] Loading "mappings.json"
            │ info [saved_objects/10k] Loading "data.json.gz"
            │ info [saved_objects/10k] Created index ".kibana"
            │ debg [saved_objects/10k] ".kibana" settings {"index":{"number_of_shards":"1","number_of_replicas":"1"}}
            │ info [saved_objects/10k] Indexed 10000 docs into ".kibana"
            │ debg Migrating saved objects
        └-> should return 400 when exporting more than 10,000
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (276ms) "apis saved_objects export with kibana index 10,001 objects should return 400 when exporting more than 10,000"
        └-> "after all" hook
            │ info [saved_objects/10k] Unloading indices from "mappings.json"
            │ info [saved_objects/10k] Deleted existing index [".kibana_2",".kibana_1"]
            │ info [saved_objects/10k] Unloading indices from "data.json.gz"
        └-> "after all" hook
        └-> "after all" hook
    └-: without kibana index
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> should return empty response
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (6ms) "apis saved_objects export without kibana index should return empty response"
        └-> "after all" hook
    └-> "after all" hook
    └-: find
    └-> "before all" hook
    └-: with kibana index
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> "before all" hook
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Loading "mappings.json"
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Loading "data.json.gz"
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Created index ".kibana"
        │ debg [saved_objects/basic] ".kibana" settings {"index":{"number_of_shards":"1","number_of_replicas":"1"}}
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Indexed 8 docs into ".kibana"
        │ debg Migrating saved objects
        └-> should return 200 with individual responses
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (11ms) "apis saved_objects find with kibana index should return 200 with individual responses"
        └-: unknown type
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> should return 200 with empty response
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (3ms) "apis saved_objects find with kibana index unknown type should return 200 with empty response"
        └-> "after all" hook
        └-: page beyond total
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> should return 200 with empty response
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (8ms) "apis saved_objects find with kibana index page beyond total should return 200 with empty response"
        └-> "after all" hook
        └-: unknown search field
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> should return 200 with empty response
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (6ms) "apis saved_objects find with kibana index unknown search field should return 200 with empty response"
        └-> "after all" hook
        └-: with a filter
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> should return 200 with a valid response
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (17ms) "apis saved_objects find with kibana index with a filter should return 200 with a valid response"
        └-> wrong type should return 400 with Bad Request
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
body {"statusCode":400,"error":"Bad Request","message":"This type dashboard is not allowed: Bad Request"}
            └- ✓ pass  (6ms) "apis saved_objects find with kibana index with a filter wrong type should return 400 with Bad Request"
        └-> KQL syntax error should return 400 with Bad Request
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
body {"statusCode":400,"error":"Bad Request","message":"KQLSyntaxError: Expected AND, OR, end of input, whitespace but \"<\" found.\ndashboard.attributes.title:foo<invalid\n------------------------------^: Bad Request"}
            └- ✓ pass  (4ms) "apis saved_objects find with kibana index with a filter KQL syntax error should return 400 with Bad Request"
        └-> "after all" hook
        └-> "after all" hook
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Unloading indices from "mappings.json"
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Deleted existing index [".kibana_2",".kibana_1"]
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Unloading indices from "data.json.gz"
        └-> "after all" hook
    └-: without kibana index
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> should return 200 with empty response
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (4ms) "apis saved_objects find without kibana index should return 200 with empty response"
        └-: unknown type
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> should return 200 with empty response
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (2ms) "apis saved_objects find without kibana index unknown type should return 200 with empty response"
        └-> "after all" hook
        └-: missing type
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> should return 400
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (2ms) "apis saved_objects find without kibana index missing type should return 400"
        └-> "after all" hook
        └-: page beyond total
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> should return 200 with empty response
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (3ms) "apis saved_objects find without kibana index page beyond total should return 200 with empty response"
        └-> "after all" hook
        └-: unknown search field
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> should return 200 with empty response
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (3ms) "apis saved_objects find without kibana index unknown search field should return 200 with empty response"
        └-> "after all" hook
        └-: with a filter
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> should return 200 with an empty response
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (6ms) "apis saved_objects find without kibana index with a filter should return 200 with an empty response"
        └-> wrong type should return 400 with Bad Request
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
body {"statusCode":400,"error":"Bad Request","message":"This type dashboard is not allowed: Bad Request"}
            └- ✓ pass  (4ms) "apis saved_objects find without kibana index with a filter wrong type should return 400 with Bad Request"
        └-> "after all" hook
        └-> "after all" hook
    └-> "after all" hook
    └-: get
    └-> "before all" hook
    └-: with kibana index
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> "before all" hook
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Loading "mappings.json"
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Loading "data.json.gz"
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Created index ".kibana"
        │ debg [saved_objects/basic] ".kibana" settings {"index":{"number_of_shards":"1","number_of_replicas":"1"}}
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Indexed 8 docs into ".kibana"
        │ debg Migrating saved objects
        └-> should return 200
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (8ms) "apis saved_objects get with kibana index should return 200"
        └-: doc does not exist
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> should return same generic error as when index does not exist
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (4ms) "apis saved_objects get with kibana index doc does not exist should return same generic error as when index does not exist"
        └-> "after all" hook
        └-> "after all" hook
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Unloading indices from "mappings.json"
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Deleted existing index [".kibana_2",".kibana_1"]
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Unloading indices from "data.json.gz"
        └-> "after all" hook
    └-: without kibana index
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> should return basic 404 without mentioning index
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (6ms) "apis saved_objects get without kibana index should return basic 404 without mentioning index"
        └-> "after all" hook
    └-> "after all" hook
    └-: import
    └-> "before all" hook
    └-: with kibana index
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-: with basic data existing
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> "before all" hook
            │ info [saved_objects/basic] Loading "mappings.json"
            │ info [saved_objects/basic] Loading "data.json.gz"
            │ info [saved_objects/basic] Created index ".kibana"
            │ debg [saved_objects/basic] ".kibana" settings {"index":{"number_of_shards":"1","number_of_replicas":"1"}}
            │ info [saved_objects/basic] Indexed 8 docs into ".kibana"
            │ debg Migrating saved objects
        └-> should return 200
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (520ms) "apis saved_objects import with kibana index with basic data existing should return 200"
        └-> should return 415 when no file passed in
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (2ms) "apis saved_objects import with kibana index with basic data existing should return 415 when no file passed in"
        └-> should return errors when conflicts exist
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (7ms) "apis saved_objects import with kibana index with basic data existing should return errors when conflicts exist"
        └-> should return 200 when conflicts exist but overwrite is passed in
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (1.0s) "apis saved_objects import with kibana index with basic data existing should return 200 when conflicts exist but overwrite is passed in"
        └-> should return 200 when trying to import unsupported types
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (3ms) "apis saved_objects import with kibana index with basic data existing should return 200 when trying to import unsupported types"
        └-> should return 400 when trying to import more than 10,000 objects
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (475ms) "apis saved_objects import with kibana index with basic data existing should return 400 when trying to import more than 10,000 objects"
        └-> should return errors when index patterns or search are missing
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (7ms) "apis saved_objects import with kibana index with basic data existing should return errors when index patterns or search are missing"
        └-> "after all" hook
            │ info [saved_objects/basic] Unloading indices from "mappings.json"
            │ info [saved_objects/basic] Deleted existing index [".kibana_2",".kibana_1"]
            │ info [saved_objects/basic] Unloading indices from "data.json.gz"
        └-> "after all" hook
        └-> "after all" hook
    └-> "after all" hook
    └-: resolve_import_errors
    └-> "before all" hook
    └-: without kibana index
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> should return 200 and import nothing when empty parameters are passed in
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (4ms) "apis saved_objects resolve_import_errors without kibana index should return 200 and import nothing when empty parameters are passed in"
        └-> should return 200 and import everything when overwrite parameters contains all objects
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (1.0s) "apis saved_objects resolve_import_errors without kibana index should return 200 and import everything when overwrite parameters contains all objects"
        └-> should return 400 when no file passed in
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (5ms) "apis saved_objects resolve_import_errors without kibana index should return 400 when no file passed in"
        └-> should return 200 when retrying unsupported types
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (4ms) "apis saved_objects resolve_import_errors without kibana index should return 200 when retrying unsupported types"
        └-> should return 400 when resolving conflicts with a file containing more than 10,000 objects
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (80ms) "apis saved_objects resolve_import_errors without kibana index should return 400 when resolving conflicts with a file containing more than 10,000 objects"
        └-> should return 200 with errors when missing references
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (6ms) "apis saved_objects resolve_import_errors without kibana index should return 200 with errors when missing references"
        └-> "after all" hook
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Unloading indices from "mappings.json"
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Deleted existing index [".kibana"]
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Unloading indices from "data.json.gz"
        └-> "after all" hook
    └-: with kibana index
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-: with basic data existing
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> "before all" hook
            │ info [saved_objects/basic] Loading "mappings.json"
            │ info [saved_objects/basic] Loading "data.json.gz"
            │ info [saved_objects/basic] Created index ".kibana"
            │ debg [saved_objects/basic] ".kibana" settings {"index":{"number_of_shards":"1","number_of_replicas":"1"}}
            │ info [saved_objects/basic] Indexed 8 docs into ".kibana"
            │ debg Migrating saved objects
        └-> should return 200 when skipping all the records
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (8ms) "apis saved_objects resolve_import_errors with kibana index with basic data existing should return 200 when skipping all the records"
        └-> should return 200 when manually overwriting each object
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (505ms) "apis saved_objects resolve_import_errors with kibana index with basic data existing should return 200 when manually overwriting each object"
        └-> should return 200 with only one record when overwriting 1 and skipping 1
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (1.0s) "apis saved_objects resolve_import_errors with kibana index with basic data existing should return 200 with only one record when overwriting 1 and skipping 1"
        └-> should return 200 when replacing references
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (1.0s) "apis saved_objects resolve_import_errors with kibana index with basic data existing should return 200 when replacing references"
        └-> "after all" hook
            │ info [saved_objects/basic] Unloading indices from "mappings.json"
            │ info [saved_objects/basic] Deleted existing index [".kibana_2",".kibana_1"]
            │ info [saved_objects/basic] Unloading indices from "data.json.gz"
        └-> "after all" hook
        └-> "after all" hook
    └-> "after all" hook
    └-: update
    └-> "before all" hook
    └-: with kibana index
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> "before all" hook
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Loading "mappings.json"
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Loading "data.json.gz"
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Created index ".kibana"
        │ debg [saved_objects/basic] ".kibana" settings {"index":{"number_of_shards":"1","number_of_replicas":"1"}}
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Indexed 8 docs into ".kibana"
        │ debg Migrating saved objects
        └-> should return 200
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (509ms) "apis saved_objects update with kibana index should return 200"
        └-> does not pass references if omitted
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (1.0s) "apis saved_objects update with kibana index does not pass references if omitted"
        └-> passes references if they are provided
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (1.0s) "apis saved_objects update with kibana index passes references if they are provided"
        └-> passes empty references array if empty references array is provided
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (1.0s) "apis saved_objects update with kibana index passes empty references array if empty references array is provided"
        └-: unknown id
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> should return a generic 404
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (7ms) "apis saved_objects update with kibana index unknown id should return a generic 404"
        └-> "after all" hook
        └-> "after all" hook
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Unloading indices from "mappings.json"
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Deleted existing index [".kibana_2",".kibana_1"]
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Unloading indices from "data.json.gz"
        └-> "after all" hook
    └-: without kibana index
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> should return generic 404
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (63ms) "apis saved_objects update without kibana index should return generic 404"
        └-> "after all" hook
    └-> "after all" hook
    └-: bulkUpdate
    └-> "before all" hook
    └-: with kibana index
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> "before all" hook
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Loading "mappings.json"
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Loading "data.json.gz"
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Deleted existing index [".kibana"]
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Created index ".kibana"
        │ debg [saved_objects/basic] ".kibana" settings {"index":{"number_of_shards":"1","number_of_replicas":"1"}}
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Indexed 8 docs into ".kibana"
        │ debg Migrating saved objects
        └-> should return 200
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (510ms) "apis saved_objects bulkUpdate with kibana index should return 200"
        └-> does not pass references if omitted
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (1.0s) "apis saved_objects bulkUpdate with kibana index does not pass references if omitted"
        └-> passes empty references array if empty references array is provided
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (1.0s) "apis saved_objects bulkUpdate with kibana index passes empty references array if empty references array is provided"
        └-: unknown id
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> should return a generic 404
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (1.0s) "apis saved_objects bulkUpdate with kibana index unknown id should return a generic 404"
        └-> "after all" hook
        └-> "after all" hook
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Unloading indices from "mappings.json"
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Deleted existing index [".kibana_2",".kibana_1"]
        │ info [saved_objects/basic] Unloading indices from "data.json.gz"
        └-> "after all" hook
    └-: without kibana index
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> should return generic 404
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (64ms) "apis saved_objects bulkUpdate without kibana index should return generic 404"
        └-> "after all" hook
    └-> "after all" hook
    └-: Kibana index migration
    └-> "before all" hook
    └-> "before all" hook
    └-> Migrates an existing index that has never been migrated before
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (614ms) "apis saved_objects Kibana index migration Migrates an existing index that has never been migrated before"
    └-> migrates a previously migrated index, if migrations change
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (720ms) "apis saved_objects Kibana index migration migrates a previously migrated index, if migrations change"
    └-> Coordinates migrations across the Kibana cluster
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (582ms) "apis saved_objects Kibana index migration Coordinates migrations across the Kibana cluster"
    └-> "after all" hook
    └-> "after all" hook
   └-: scripts
    └-> "before all" hook
    └-: Script Languages API
    └-> "before all" hook
    └-> should return 200 with an array of languages
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (3ms) "apis scripts Script Languages API should return 200 with an array of languages"
    └-> should only return langs enabled for inline scripting
    └-> "after all" hook
    └-> "after all" hook
   └-: url shortener
    └-> "before all" hook
    └-> "before all" hook
    │ info [saved_objects/basic] Loading "mappings.json"
    │ info [saved_objects/basic] Loading "data.json.gz"
    │ info [saved_objects/basic] Deleted existing index [".kibana"]
    │ info [saved_objects/basic] Created index ".kibana"
    │ debg [saved_objects/basic] ".kibana" settings {"index":{"number_of_shards":"1","number_of_replicas":"1"}}
    │ info [saved_objects/basic] Indexed 8 docs into ".kibana"
    │ debg Migrating saved objects
    └-> generates shortened urls
    └-> "before each" hook: global before each
    └- ✓ pass  (489ms) "apis url shortener generates shortened urls"
    └-> redirects shortened urls
    └-> "before each" hook: global before each
    └- ✓ pass  (1.0s) "apis url shortener redirects shortened urls"
    └-> "after all" hook
    │ info [saved_objects/basic] Unloading indices from "mappings.json"
    │ info [saved_objects/basic] Deleted existing index [".kibana_2",".kibana_1"]
    │ info [saved_objects/basic] Unloading indices from "data.json.gz"
    └-> "after all" hook
   └-: suggestions
    └-> "before all" hook
    └-: Suggestions API
    └-> "before all" hook
    └-> "before all" hook
        │ info [index_patterns/basic_index] Loading "mappings.json"
        │ info [index_patterns/basic_index] Loading "data.json.gz"
        │ info [index_patterns/basic_index] Created index "basic_index"
        │ debg [index_patterns/basic_index] "basic_index" settings {"index":{"number_of_shards":"1","number_of_replicas":"1"}}
        │ info [index_patterns/basic_index] Indexed 1 docs into "basic_index"
        │ info [index_patterns/basic_kibana] Loading "mappings.json"
        │ info [index_patterns/basic_kibana] Loading "data.json"
        │ info [index_patterns/basic_kibana] Created index ".kibana"
        │ debg [index_patterns/basic_kibana] ".kibana" settings {"index":{"number_of_shards":"1","number_of_replicas":"1"}}
        │ info [index_patterns/basic_kibana] Indexed 1 docs into ".kibana"
        │ debg Migrating saved objects
    └-> should return 200 with special characters
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (50ms) "apis suggestions Suggestions API should return 200 with special characters"
    └-> should support nested fields
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (14ms) "apis suggestions Suggestions API should support nested fields"
    └-> "after all" hook
        │ info [index_patterns/basic_index] Unloading indices from "mappings.json"
        │ info [index_patterns/basic_index] Deleted existing index "basic_index"
        │ info [index_patterns/basic_index] Unloading indices from "data.json.gz"
        │ info [index_patterns/basic_kibana] Unloading indices from "mappings.json"
        │ info [index_patterns/basic_kibana] Deleted existing index [".kibana_2",".kibana_1"]
        │ info [index_patterns/basic_kibana] Unloading indices from "data.json"
    └-> "after all" hook
    └-> "after all" hook
   └-: status
    └-> "before all" hook
    └-: kibana status api
    └-> "before all" hook
    └-> returns version, status and metrics fields
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (15ms) "apis status kibana status api returns version, status and metrics fields"
    └-> "after all" hook
    └-> "after all" hook
   └-: stats
    └-> "before all" hook
    └-: kibana stats api
    └-> "before all" hook
    └-: basic
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> should return the stats without cluster_uuid with no query string params
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (9ms) "apis stats kibana stats api basic should return the stats without cluster_uuid with no query string params"
        └-> should return the stats without cluster_uuid with 'extended' query string param = false
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (6ms) "apis stats kibana stats api basic should return the stats without cluster_uuid with 'extended' query string param = false"
        └-> "after all" hook
    └-: extended
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> should return the stats, cluster_uuid, and usage with 'extended' query string param present
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (1.1s) "apis stats kibana stats api extended should return the stats, cluster_uuid, and usage with 'extended' query string param present"
        └-> should return the stats, cluster_uuid, and usage with 'extended' query string param = true
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (26ms) "apis stats kibana stats api extended should return the stats, cluster_uuid, and usage with 'extended' query string param = true"
        └-: legacy
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> should return return the 'extended' data in the old format with 'legacy' query string param present
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (20ms) "apis stats kibana stats api extended legacy should return return the 'extended' data in the old format with 'legacy' query string param present"
        └-> "after all" hook
        └-: exclude usage
        └-> "before all" hook
        └-> should include an empty usage object from the API response
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (4ms) "apis stats kibana stats api extended exclude usage should include an empty usage object from the API response"
        └-> should include an empty usage object from the API response if `legacy` is provided
            └-> "before each" hook: global before each
            └- ✓ pass  (5ms) "apis stats kibana stats api extended exclude usage should include an empty usage object from the API response if `legacy` is provided"
        └-> "after all" hook
        └-> "after all" hook
    └-> "after all" hook
    └-> "after all" hook
   └-: UI Metric
    └-> "before all" hook
    └-: ui_metric API
    └-> "before all" hook
    └-> increments the count field in the document defined by the {app}/{action_type} path
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (943ms) "apis UI Metric ui_metric API increments the count field in the document defined by the {app}/{action_type} path"
    └-> supports multiple events
        └-> "before each" hook: global before each
        └- ✓ pass  (1.0s) "apis UI Metric ui_metric API supports multiple events"
    └-> "after all" hook
    └-> "after all" hook
   └-> "after all" hook

166 passing (1.0m)
3 pending

Done in 76.24s.

yarn test:coverage

$ grunt test:coverage
Loading "verify_dependency_versions.js" tasks...ERROR
>> Error: Cannot find module '../x-pack/package.json'

Running "run:testCoverageServer" (run) task
Verifying property run.testCoverageServer exists in config...ERROR
>> Unable to process task.
Warning: Required config property "run.testCoverageServer" missing. Use --force to continue.

Aborted due to warnings.
error Command failed with exit code 3.