TengerTechnologies / Fuzzyficator

(Work In Progress) A Gcode postprocessing script to add non-planar "Fuzzyskin" to top flat surfaces.
GNU General Public License v3.0
206 stars 11 forks source link

Typo on post script text. #7

Open DaVinci-10 opened 2 weeks ago

DaVinci-10 commented 2 weeks ago

capitalization on command given in read.me has incorrect formatting... I received an error 2 in script when exporting gcode from ocraslicer (with or without fuzzyskin enabled.) I received this message when trying to run it manually.

Fuzzyficator_Orcaslicer.py: error: unrecognized arguments: -zmin -connectWalls 1 in the output it showed caps on M and C [-zMin ZMIN] [-zMax ZMAX] [-ConnectWalls {0,1}] image

I changed it to: "C:\blabla\python.exe" "C:\blabla\Fuzzyficator_Orcaslicer.py" -run 1 -zMin 0 -zMax 0.5 -resolution 0.3 -ConnectWalls 1 -compensateExtrusion 1 And now it runs image

DaVinci-10 commented 2 weeks ago

btw, this is really cool... I applied it to a Lion statue model I scanned awhile back. with fuzzy skin before you can see the flat back... image after looks great, Ill have to try printing it! image Lets hope you can get it into base slicers as another fuzzy skin option Thank you!

edit: one more pic with just the top being fuzzy... :) image