Tensegritics / ClojureDart

Clojure dialect for Flutter and Dart
1.4k stars 88 forks source link

docker recipe to get up and running example debian bullseye #111

Open MarcWeber opened 2 years ago

MarcWeber commented 2 years ago

This is a somewhat reproducible way to get ClojureDart up and running. Not sure whether it should find its way in the wiki or not. It's said that even android emulator works with --priviledged. But it might impose security risks. I haven't checked without yet. Mind #110

also follow main README https://github.com/Tensegritics/ClojureDart/ and it's getting started with flutter guide.

# The usb DISPLAY option cannot be changed later easily to my knowledge
docker run -ti --name bullseye_clojuredart2 --privileged -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb  -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v /tmp/.XIM-unix:/tmp/.XIM-unix  debian:bullseye

# following https://docs.flutter.dev/get-started/install/linux
apt-get update
# apt-install snapd -> failure cannot communicate
# migth be possible dropping security ..

apt-get sudo install curl xz-utils git unzip rlwrap openjdk-11-jdk -y

mkdir -p ~/Downloads

( # install google chrome, apt version too old
  cd ~/Downloads
  curl -O 'https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb'
  dpkg -i googl*.deb
  apt -y --fix-broken install

( # install clojure, apt version too old doesn't ship clj
  # trying to get clojure
  # .sh script from homepage works and provides clj, apt-get install doesn't
  # https://clojure.org/guides/install_clojure
  cd ~/Downloads
  curl -O https://download.clojure.org/install/linux-install-
  chmod +x linux-install-
  # clj should be working
  clj --help

# switching user cause chromium only runs as root with --no-sandbox as root
# no teven trying to make the web flutter backend use it
useradd -m user
sudo -u user bash
mkdir -p ~/development ~/Downloads

# setting up PATH
export CHROME_EXECUTABLE=$(which chromium)
export DISPLAY=:0

( # install flutter
  cd ~/Downloads; curl -O 'https://storage.googleapis.com/flutter_infra_release/releases/stable/linux/flutter_linux_3.0.2-stable.tar.xz';
  cd ~/development; tar xJf ~/Downloads/flutt*
  flutter doctor

( # optionally install android studio
  # get from here https://developer.android.com/studio?hl=de&gclid=CjwKCAjw46CVBhB1EiwAgy6M4ma8T8g2aD-HDrJKzK7lS4subnkXlanJFOtoS4qgvZk2NOUKGT14ORoC0wwQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  curl 'https://r1---sn-4g5lznes.gvt1.com/edgedl/android/studio/ide-zips/2021.2.1.15/android-studio-2021.2.1.15-linux.tar.gz?cms_redirect=yes&mh=BA&mip=' >  ~/Downloads/android-studio-2021.2.1.15-linux.tar.gz
  cd ~/development
  tar  xzf ~/Downloads/android-studio-*-linux.tar.gz
  # run studio.sh to open UI and get basic Android SDK
  # then flutter doctor detects it

# eventually switch flutter version ?
flutter channel beta
flutter -version # should be working

cd ~/development
git clone --depth=1 ~/development/ClojureDart

cd ~/development/ClojureDart/samples/counter

clj -M -m cljd.build init --dart sample.counter

# from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/72301239/clojuredart-error-while-host-compiling-ns-samples-tables-require-packagef
cat >> pubspec.yaml << EOF
  sdk: flutter
flutter pub get

clj -M -m cljd.build flutter -d chrome --release

# now with non release web backend doesn't seem to work running on a
# different host using DISPLAY from outer system
# So more testing is required.
# targeting Android on my phone worked.
# eg flutter devices should list your phone.
# if you're lucky its up and running

# If lib/main.dart is missnig (why ?)
# No idea why this file suddenly was gone ??
[ -f lib/main.dart ] || {
cat > lib/main.dart << EOF
export "cljd-out/sample/counter.dart" show main;
dupuchba commented 2 years ago

That's awesome. Does it work ?

cgrand commented 1 year ago

@dupuchba what we do with it?

dupuchba commented 1 year ago

Having a docker image might me good for some users but we'll have to maintain it. Might not be the right timing