TensorSpeech / TensorFlowASR

:zap: TensorFlowASR: Almost State-of-the-art Automatic Speech Recognition in Tensorflow 2. Supported languages that can use characters or subwords
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notebooks #262

Closed hammondm closed 2 years ago

hammondm commented 2 years ago

Hi I'm trying to run the conformer notebook and getting an error. The only thing I've changed in that notebook is the location of the dataset and reducing epochs to 2 for test purposes.

It says that tensorflow.python.keras.mixed_precision has no attribute experimental. This error seems to come from tensorflow_asr/models/base_model.py.

Googling around, it looks like things were restructured starting at tensorflow-gpu:2.5.

But the installation on the website won't let me install anything earlier than 2.5.

I'm running things in a docker image and how I create the image/container plus the commands I execute are below.


mike h.

docker run -it \
  --gpus all \
  -p 8888:8888 \
  --name tfasr \
apt update
apt upgrade -y
apt install -y libsndfile-dev vim
conda install -y pathlib cudatoolkit cudnn
echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/conda/lib' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
pip install -U tensorflow-gpu
pip install -U tensorflow-io
git clone https://github.com/TensorSpeech/TensorFlowASR.git
pip3 install -e ".[tf2.9]"
nglehuy commented 2 years ago

@hammondm The tensorflow.python.keras.mixed_precision.experimental is removed from tensorflow>=2.9 So can you use tf2.8? I'll remove the experimental in the next update, and restrict to only support tf>=2.8

Aegon007 commented 2 years ago


hammondm commented 2 years ago


Thanks. Just to be clear, should I change my installs like this:

apt update
apt upgrade -y
apt install -y libsndfile-dev vim
conda install -y pathlib cudatoolkit cudnn
echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/conda/lib' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
pip install -U tensorflow-gpu==2.8
pip install -U tensorflow-io
git clone https://github.com/TensorSpeech/TensorFlowASR.git
pip3 install -e ".[tf2.8]"

mike h

hammondm commented 2 years ago

Updating. I ran the install just as described above, some warnings, but install succeeded. Haven't got the notebook working yet; it's looking for transcript.tsv, so I have to sort that out next.

hammondm commented 2 years ago

Alas, the same error:

AttributeError: module 'keras.api._v2.keras.mixed_precision' has no attribute 'experimental'

I wonder if pip3 install -e ".[tf2.8]" is doing something it shouldn't, overriding my own versions above. If I type pip list, I get the list below.

mike h

(base) root@58ba90c10367:/TensorFlowASR/notebooks# pip list
Package                       Version              Location
----------------------------- -------------------- --------------
absl-py                       1.2.0
aiohttp                       3.8.1
aiosignal                     1.2.0
alabaster                     0.7.12
anaconda-client               1.9.0
anaconda-navigator            2.1.4
anaconda-project              0.10.2
anyio                         3.5.0
appdirs                       1.4.4
argon2-cffi                   21.3.0
argon2-cffi-bindings          21.2.0
arrow                         1.2.2
astroid                       2.6.6
astropy                       5.0.4
asttokens                     2.0.5
astunparse                    1.6.3
async-timeout                 4.0.1
atomicwrites                  1.4.0
attrs                         21.4.0
audioread                     3.0.0
Automat                       20.2.0
autopep8                      1.6.0
Babel                         2.9.1
backcall                      0.2.0
backports.functools-lru-cache 1.6.4
backports.tempfile            1.0
backports.weakref             1.0.post1
bcrypt                        3.2.0
beautifulsoup4                4.11.1
binaryornot                   0.4.4
bitarray                      2.4.1
bkcharts                      0.2
black                         21.7b0
bleach                        4.1.0
bokeh                         2.4.2
boto3                         1.21.32
botocore                      1.24.32
Bottleneck                    1.3.4
brotlipy                      0.7.0
cachetools                    4.2.2
certifi                       2021.10.8
cffi                          1.15.0
chardet                       4.0.0
charset-normalizer            2.0.4
click                         8.0.4
cloudpickle                   2.0.0
clyent                        1.2.2
colorama                      0.4.4
colorcet                      2.0.6
conda                         4.14.0
conda-build                   3.21.8
conda-content-trust           0+unknown
conda-pack                    0.6.0
conda-package-handling        1.8.1
conda-repo-cli                1.0.4
conda-token                   0.3.0
conda-verify                  3.4.2
constantly                    15.1.0
cookiecutter                  1.7.3
cryptography                  3.4.8
cssselect                     1.1.0
cycler                        0.11.0
Cython                        0.29.28
cytoolz                       0.11.0
daal4py                       2021.5.0
dask                          2022.2.1
datashader                    0.13.0
datashape                     0.5.4
debugpy                       1.5.1
decorator                     5.1.1
defusedxml                    0.7.1
diff-match-patch              20200713
distributed                   2022.2.1
docutils                      0.17.1
entrypoints                   0.4
et-xmlfile                    1.1.0
executing                     0.8.3
fastjsonschema                2.15.1
filelock                      3.6.0
fire                          0.4.0
flake8                        3.9.2
Flask                         1.1.2
flatbuffers                   1.12
fonttools                     4.25.0
frozenlist                    1.2.0
fsspec                        2022.2.0
future                        0.18.2
gast                          0.4.0
gensim                        4.1.2
glob2                         0.7
gmpy2                         2.1.2
google-api-core               1.25.1
google-auth                   1.33.0
google-auth-oauthlib          0.4.6
google-cloud-core             1.7.1
google-cloud-storage          1.31.0
google-crc32c                 1.1.2
google-pasta                  0.2.0
google-resumable-media        1.3.1
googleapis-common-protos      1.53.0
greenlet                      1.1.1
grpcio                        1.42.0
h5py                          3.6.0
HeapDict                      1.0.1
holoviews                     1.14.8
hvplot                        0.7.3
hyperlink                     21.0.0
idna                          3.3
imagecodecs                   2021.8.26
imageio                       2.9.0
imagesize                     1.3.0
importlib-metadata            4.11.3
incremental                   21.3.0
inflection                    0.5.1
iniconfig                     1.1.1
intake                        0.6.5
intervaltree                  3.1.0
ipykernel                     6.9.1
ipython                       8.2.0
ipython-genutils              0.2.0
ipywidgets                    7.6.5
isort                         5.9.3
itemadapter                   0.3.0
itemloaders                   1.0.4
itsdangerous                  2.0.1
jdcal                         1.4.1
jedi                          0.18.1
jeepney                       0.7.1
Jinja2                        2.11.3
jinja2-time                   0.2.0
jmespath                      0.10.0
joblib                        1.1.0
json5                         0.9.6
jsonschema                    4.4.0
jupyter                       1.0.0
jupyter-client                6.1.12
jupyter-console               6.4.0
jupyter-core                  4.9.2
jupyter-server                1.13.5
jupyterlab                    3.3.2
jupyterlab-pygments           0.1.2
jupyterlab-server             2.10.3
jupyterlab-widgets            1.0.0
keras                         2.9.0
Keras-Preprocessing           1.1.2
keyring                       23.4.0
kiwisolver                    1.3.2
lazy-object-proxy             1.6.0
libarchive-c                  2.9
libclang                      14.0.6
librosa                       0.8.1
llvmlite                      0.38.0
locket                        0.2.1
lxml                          4.8.0
Markdown                      3.3.4
MarkupSafe                    2.0.1
matplotlib                    3.5.1
matplotlib-inline             0.1.2
mccabe                        0.6.1
mistune                       0.8.4
mkl-fft                       1.3.1
mkl-random                    1.2.2
mkl-service                   2.4.0
mock                          4.0.3
mpmath                        1.2.1
msgpack                       1.0.2
multidict                     5.2.0
multipledispatch              0.6.0
munkres                       1.1.4
mypy-extensions               0.4.3
navigator-updater             0.2.1
nbclassic                     0.3.5
nbclient                      0.5.13
nbconvert                     6.4.4
nbformat                      5.3.0
nest-asyncio                  1.5.5
networkx                      2.7.1
nltk                          3.6.6
nose                          1.3.7
notebook                      6.4.8
numba                         0.55.1
numexpr                       2.8.1
numpy                         1.21.5
numpydoc                      1.2
oauthlib                      3.2.0
olefile                       0.46
openpyxl                      3.0.9
opt-einsum                    3.3.0
packaging                     21.3
pandas                        1.4.2
pandocfilters                 1.5.0
panel                         0.13.0
param                         1.12.0
parsel                        1.6.0
parso                         0.8.3
partd                         1.2.0
pathlib                       1.0.1
pathspec                      0.9.0
patsy                         0.5.2
pep8                          1.7.1
pexpect                       4.8.0
pickleshare                   0.7.5
Pillow                        9.0.1
pip                           21.2.4
pkginfo                       1.8.2
plotly                        5.6.0
pluggy                        1.0.0
pooch                         1.6.0
poyo                          0.5.0
prometheus-client             0.13.1
promise                       2.3
prompt-toolkit                3.0.20
Protego                       0.1.16
protobuf                      3.19.1
psutil                        5.8.0
ptyprocess                    0.7.0
pure-eval                     0.2.2
py                            1.11.0
pyasn1                        0.4.8
pyasn1-modules                0.2.8
pycodestyle                   2.7.0
pycosat                       0.6.3
pycparser                     2.21
pyct                          0.4.6
pycurl                        7.44.1
PyDispatcher                  2.0.5
pydocstyle                    6.1.1
pyerfa                        2.0.0
pyflakes                      2.3.1
Pygments                      2.11.2
PyHamcrest                    2.0.2
PyJWT                         2.1.0
pylint                        2.9.6
pyls-spyder                   0.4.0
pyodbc                        4.0.32
pyOpenSSL                     21.0.0
pyparsing                     3.0.4
pyrsistent                    0.18.0
PySocks                       1.7.1
pytest                        7.1.1
python-dateutil               2.8.2
python-lsp-black              1.0.0
python-lsp-jsonrpc            1.0.0
python-lsp-server             1.2.4
python-slugify                5.0.2
python-snappy                 0.6.0
pytz                          2021.3
pyviz-comms                   2.0.2
PyWavelets                    1.3.0
pyxdg                         0.27
PyYAML                        5.4.1
pyzmq                         22.3.0
QDarkStyle                    3.0.2
qstylizer                     0.1.10
QtAwesome                     1.0.3
qtconsole                     5.3.0
QtPy                          2.0.1
queuelib                      1.5.0
regex                         2022.3.15
requests                      2.27.1
requests-file                 1.5.1
requests-oauthlib             1.3.1
resampy                       0.4.0
rope                          0.22.0
rsa                           4.7.2
Rtree                         0.9.7
ruamel-yaml-conda             0.15.100
s3transfer                    0.5.0
scikit-image                  0.19.2
scikit-learn                  1.0.2
scikit-learn-intelex          2021.20220215.212715
scipy                         1.7.3
Scrapy                        2.6.1
seaborn                       0.11.2
SecretStorage                 3.3.1
Send2Trash                    1.8.0
sentencepiece                 0.1.96
service-identity              18.1.0
setuptools                    61.2.0
sip                           4.19.13
six                           1.16.0
smart-open                    5.1.0
sniffio                       1.2.0
snowballstemmer               2.2.0
sortedcollections             2.1.0
sortedcontainers              2.4.0
sounddevice                   0.4.3
SoundFile                     0.10.3.post1
soupsieve                     2.3.1
Sphinx                        4.4.0
sphinxcontrib-applehelp       1.0.2
sphinxcontrib-devhelp         1.0.2
sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp        2.0.0
sphinxcontrib-jsmath          1.0.1
sphinxcontrib-qthelp          1.0.3
sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 1.1.5
spyder                        5.1.5
spyder-kernels                2.1.3
SQLAlchemy                    1.4.32
stack-data                    0.2.0
statsmodels                   0.13.2
sympy                         1.10.1
tables                        3.6.1
tabulate                      0.8.9
TBB                           0.2
tblib                         1.7.0
tenacity                      8.0.1
tensorboard                   2.9.1
tensorboard-data-server       0.6.1
tensorboard-plugin-wit        1.8.1
tensorflow                    2.9.1
tensorflow-datasets           4.4.0
tensorflow-estimator          2.9.0
tensorflow-gpu                2.8.0
tensorflow-hub                0.12.0
tensorflow-io                 0.26.0
tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem  0.26.0
tensorflow-metadata           1.10.0
tensorflow-text               2.9.0
TensorFlowASR                 1.0.3                /TensorFlowASR
termcolor                     1.1.0
terminado                     0.13.1
testpath                      0.5.0
text-unidecode                1.3
textdistance                  4.2.1
tf-estimator-nightly          2.8.0.dev2021122109
threadpoolctl                 2.2.0
three-merge                   0.1.1
tifffile                      2021.7.2
tinycss                       0.4
tldextract                    3.2.0
toml                          0.10.2
tomli                         1.2.2
toolz                         0.11.2
tornado                       6.1
tqdm                          4.62.1
traitlets                     5.1.1
Twisted                       22.2.0
typed-ast                     1.4.3
typing_extensions             4.1.1
ujson                         5.1.0
Unidecode                     1.2.0
urllib3                       1.26.9
w3lib                         1.21.0
watchdog                      2.1.6
wcwidth                       0.2.5
webencodings                  0.5.1
websocket-client              0.58.0
Werkzeug                      2.0.3
wheel                         0.37.1
widgetsnbextension            3.5.2
wrapt                         1.12.1
wurlitzer                     3.0.2
xarray                        0.20.1
xlrd                          2.0.1
XlsxWriter                    3.0.3
yapf                          0.31.0
yarl                          1.6.3
zict                          2.0.0
zipp                          3.7.0
zope.interface                5.4.0
hammondm commented 2 years ago


Seems to be working now. Here's the steps:

apt update
apt upgrade -y
apt install -y libsndfile-dev vim
conda install -y pathlib cudatoolkit cudnn
echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/conda/lib' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
pip install -U tensorflow-gpu==2.8
pip install -U tensorflow-io==0.25
git clone https://github.com/TensorSpeech/TensorFlowASR.git
pip3 install -e ".[tf2.8-gpu]"

Just ran 3 epochs and training seemed to complete successfully. :) mike h.

nglehuy commented 2 years ago

@hammondm I'll close the issue here, feel free to reopen if you have any more questions. Thanks 😄