Teoge / MarkToolForParkingLotPoint

A tool for parking-slot labeling under surround-view image
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Training with addition of new type #2

Open chokkarapu opened 4 years ago

chokkarapu commented 4 years ago

Hello Teoge,

I want to add on more type of OPEN Slot parking type, following steps done

1) Labelled new type of Open SLOT Type with index number "2".... Now "0"---> for T Slot, "1"--->for L Shaped and "2"--->Open SLot. 2) Prepared dataset as per your code recommendations. 3) Trained the model, with above dataset for 20EPOCHS and finally model got trained. 4) Now during inference, observed that the marking_points.shape value, For L-Shaped and Open Shaped value greater then (>) 0.5 T-Shaped value is very less i.e. less then 0.5

I'm unable to differentiate the shapes between L and Open Shape parking slots. I kindly request you to provide information, how to differentiate between the shape types from model, do we need to change config parameter during training itself so that we get different shape values for different parking shapes.

I request you to provide some information for above regards.

Thanks, Anil.