TeraTech / MMM-WiFiPassword

Magic Mirror Module that displays your WiFi network, password with QRCode
MIT License
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fixing issues with some android scanners #6

Closed skuethe closed 3 years ago

skuethe commented 3 years ago

This is regarding issue #5

We need an actual border around the QR code for this to be compatible with different QR code scanners. See: reason nr. 6 on this link -> added padding for the qr-image class.

In addition, the colors are inverted in the defaults, which also makes this run into errors on some scanners (see reason nr. 1 on the same link above).

Tested the implementation and it works. Made the background of the qr-image class use the "colorLight" specified color, so that you can still switch back to "full inverted" mode

skuethe commented 3 years ago

@TeraTech do you need anything else for the open PRs? Would be nice to get feedback or have it merged if there is no concern :)

TeraTech commented 3 years ago

Sorry for taking so long to look at this. I don't do this full time and am surprised that so many people are enjoying this module!