Teradata / PyTd

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Not getting output on calling Stored Procedure. #122

Open tej1996 opened 4 years ago

tej1996 commented 4 years ago

I tried to call my SP using callproc method and by passing my inputs and output parameters. The procedure ran successfully but the output variable is empty (u'').

So, I went to the discussion on official page and found a simple code snippet and even that didn't work out. https://downloads.teradata.com/tools/reference/teradata-python-module?page=3 Comment by :- ericscheie

I tried following code:-

`for result in session.execute( """REPLACE PROCEDURE test.testProcedure1 (IN p1 INTEGER, OUT p2 INTEGER) BEGIN SET p2 = p1; END;"""): print(result)

result = session.callproc( "test.testProcedure1", (12345, teradata.OutParam("p2", dataType="INTEGER"))) print(result.p2) ` The result it printed for result.p2 was:- NaN

The logs generated shows following line:-

Procedure Executed! Duration: 0.075 seconds, Procedure: test.testProcedure1, Params: (12345, OutParam(name=p2, size=-3))


  1. python (2.7.10) - teradata module version -
  2. Teradata 16.10

Please help!