Terasology / LightAndShadow

Light & Shadow is an experimental game type set in a quirky Alice in Wonderland inspired setting
Apache License 2.0
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In-Game Gameplay Instructions/Help for Players #241

Open jdrueckert opened 2 years ago

jdrueckert commented 2 years ago


:mag_right: Problem Space

:checkered_flag: Goal

Give the player some means to remember in-game how the gameplay works and what the important controls are

:spiral_notepad: Requirements

R1 - Accessible

R2 - Intelligible

R3 - Optional

R4 - Maintainable

:bulb: Solution Space

S1 - Books

Screenshot from Lost (starting inventory item): image

Accessible :heavy_minus_sign: :heavy_minus_sign:

  1. Optional: Open inventory, move item to quick access bar, close inventory
  2. Select quick access slot with item
  3. Right-click to bring up book screen
  4. Click on page-turn arrow to see first content page

Intelligible :shrug:

Optional :heavy_plus_sign: :heavy_plus_sign:

Maintainable :shrug:

S2 - Journal

Screenshot from Lost (accessible on key "J"): image

Accessible :heavy_plus_sign:

Intelligible :shrug:

Optional :heavy_plus_sign:

Maintainable :shrug:

S3 - Notifications

Screenshot from JoshariasSurvival (present at game start): image

Accessible :heavy_plus_sign: :heavy_plus_sign:

Intelligible :heavy_minus_sign:

Optional :shrug:

Maintainable :heavy_plus_sign:

S4 - Dialogs

Screenshot from Light & Shadow (appears on talking to Fool (E) on spawn platform) image

Accessible :heavy_minus_sign: :heavy_minus_sign:

Intelligible :shrug:

Optional :heavy_plus_sign: :heavy_plus_sign:

Maintainable :heavy_plus_sign:

S5 - InGameHelp

Screenshot from JoshariasSurvival (accessible on key "P"): image

Accessible :heavy_plus_sign:

Intelligible :shrug:

Optional :heavy_plus_sign:

Maintainable :shrug:

S6 - Custom Temporary On-Demand UI Screen

Screenshot from Light & Shadow (accessible on key "G", try it out yourself to experience the "temporary" part): image

Accessible :heavy_plus_sign:

Intelligible :shrug:

Optional :heavy_plus_sign:

Maintainable :shrug:

S7 - Custom Permanent UI Widget

Screenshot from Metal Renegades (Minimap): image

Accessible :heavy_plus_sign: :heavy_plus_sign:

Intelligible ( :heavy_minus_sign: )

Optional :heavy_plus_sign: / :heavy_minus_sign:

Maintainable ( :heavy_plus_sign: )

S8 - Loading Screen Hints

Screenshot from Light & Shadow: image

Accessible :heavy_minus_sign: :heavy_minus_sign:

Intelligible :shrug:

Optional ( :heavy_minus_sign: )

Maintainable :heavy_minus_sign: :heavy_minus_sign:

S9 - Conditional Screen Overlay

Screenshot from Light & Shadow (when coming close to the fool on the spawn platform): image

Accessible ( :heavy_plus_sign: )

Intelligible :heavy_plus_sign:

Optional :heavy_minus_sign: :heavy_minus_sign:

Maintainable :heavy_plus_sign:

jdrueckert commented 2 years ago

@ujjman Got a first version out, not sure how much time I'll have over the weekend to add more notes.

jdrueckert commented 2 years ago

LaS - In-Game Help / Instructions

ujjman commented 2 years ago

I tried to make this possible using Journal module. https://github.com/Terasology/LightAndShadow/pull/240