Tercioo / Plater-Nameplates

Source code for World of Warcraft addon Plater Nameplates.
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Buff special incorrectly showing in center of nameplate #181

Open justall opened 10 months ago

justall commented 10 months ago

Game and Plater version Plater-v564.2-Retail - DFv468 - 10.1.7

Describe the bug Recently (sometime during Season 2) buff special icons will randomly show up in the center of the nameplate instead of the set location (in my case to the right of nameplate). Was always pretty inconsistent on when it would happen but I noticed it happens basically every time in the mage tower healer instance with the Corrupted Risen Mage buff.

Screenshots The issue: screenshot

My buff special settings: screenshot2

cont1nuity commented 10 months ago

Is that a friendly or hostile unit?

cont1nuity commented 10 months ago

Please provide some screenshots of the Enemy NPC, Friendly NPC, Advanced and Level & Strata tabs as well please.

justall commented 10 months ago

It's happening with enemy NPCs

image image image image

cont1nuity commented 10 months ago

Are those units fully "clickable" on the whole health-bar size?

justall commented 10 months ago

When the buff icon appears in the middle, the area to the right of the buff is not clickable (and doesn't show hover highlight either). Normally I can click the whole healthbar. Screenshot showing lack of hover highlight: image

I'm beginning to wonder if it has to do with the units transitioning from not attack-able to attack-able. In the screenshot below, you can see each enemy starts as not attack-able. They then slowly "activate" in waves. Wondering if this is why I can replicate the issue so easily in this scenario but not in the open world. image

cont1nuity commented 10 months ago

It is. They likely count as "friendly nameplates" on blizzards end and inherit the "friendly box selection space" setting from the advanced tab. As the Buff Special area is anchored to the unitFrame directly, this directly translates to the close anchor. Might need to check if it can be safely re-anchored. As a workaround: increase friendly box selection space width a bit.