TeriyakiGod / steamcmd-docker-arm64

Dockerfile containing a recipe for running steamcmd on arm64
52 stars 46 forks source link

Fail to build #5

Open justincm opened 7 months ago

justincm commented 7 months ago

After downloading ubuntu_22_04.tar.gz and steamcmd_linux.tar.gz. then using copy to load them into the image

the steam user has permission denied on unzipping and un taring the archives

tar: ./Ubuntu_22_04/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libLLVM-13.so.1: Cannot open: No such file or directory tar: ./Ubuntu_22_04: Cannot mkdir: Permission denied

as root user

Build completes, but run command fails

root@twig001:/home/steam/steamcmd-docker-arm64# docker run -it steamcmd-arm64 Invalid or Unsupported elf file. This is likely due to a misconfigured x86-64 RootFS Current RootFS path set to '' RootFS path doesn't exist. This is required on AArch64 hosts Use FEXRootFSFetcher to download a RootFS