Terminals-Origin / Terminals

Terminals is a secure, multi tab terminal services/remote desktop client. It uses Terminal Services ActiveX Client (mstscax.dll). The project started from the need of controlling multiple connections simultaneously. It is a complete replacement for the mstsc.exe (Terminal Services) client. This is official source moved from Codeplex.
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Can not login windows because of windows update in 3/16/2018 #184

Open tyronebj opened 6 years ago

tyronebj commented 6 years ago

Error Message "An authentication error has occurred and the required function is not supported "

I search by google . As I learned, Microfost update its "Credential Security Support Provider (CredSSP) Protocol " and embed these in the update in May.

And I want to know, there have any update in terminals to fix these problem?


Thanks a lot.

by the way : I like terminals very much.

RachelAmbler commented 6 years ago

That's not something Terminals can fix - this issue affects every single last Windows application that uses RDP.

You either need to ensure both client and servers are fully patched, or apply the workaround as described here: https://support.microsoft.com/ta-in/help/4295591/credssp-encryption-oracle-remediation-error-when-to-rdp-to-azure-vm

iadaz commented 6 years ago

I was mulling over suggesting that the CredSSP registry hack be wrapped up in a little option on the Tools menu so you could apply the workaround and then have Terminals automatically un-do the change when it closes (so you are forced to accept the workaround - and therefore the risk - each time you want to use it).

You could argue that such an option is not appropriate because the workaround should only be needed temporarily, whilst everyone gets patched. However during that interim period many people will apply the workaround and then forget about it, leaving them permanently insecure. There may also be people who (for whatever reason) are connecting to old operating systems that will never get patched.


Edit: Some of the Microsoft pages describing the workaround say a reboot is required to apply it, but that isn't my experience.