TerosTechnology / colibri

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Parsing macros in module port declarations #239

Closed sjkelly closed 3 years ago

sjkelly commented 3 years ago

Hey all, thanks for this great software package! So far I've had a great experience and got Colibri setup as a github action and integrated with sphinx. I noticed some issues parsing this type of idiom:


module foo(
    input in,
    input clk

Example output: https://rapcores.org/rapcores/internals.html#spi-state-machine

qarlosalberto commented 3 years ago

Thanks! I have fixed the bug, check if now it works.

sjkelly commented 3 years ago

Wow, thanks for the fast fix! Link above renders great!

qarlosalberto commented 3 years ago

Nice! Feel free to open an issue if you find other bug ;)