TerraFirmaGreg-Team / Modpack-Modern

An innovative modpack that contains GregTech and TerraFirmaCraft on 1.20.x.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Fix GT tools with duplicates in TFC cannot set on the tool racks, and fix GT spare parts melting recipes #334

Closed chemlzh closed 2 months ago

chemlzh commented 2 months ago

What for

Fix GT tools with duplicates in TFC cannot set on the tool racks in upcoming TFG 0.7.3. Since original program will throw ReferenceError from KubeJS.

Fix inconsistency in molten metal production from GT spared parts. Now 1 bolt equals to 18mB molten metal, 1 screw equals to 16mB molten metal, and 1 ring equals to 36mB molten metal.

Running platform

Tested on TFG 0.7.2 with TFC & GTM manually updated to newest version.

Some unfinished tasks

However, tools appear only in GTM still cannot put on the tool racks. Need further investigation.

Exzept1on commented 2 months ago

What you fixed in the tools doesn't really fix anything, because even now there is no error that you wrote about. ToolHelper should be used without $, because the binding for it is in TerraFirmaGregCore. You may be using scripts 0.7.3 on version 0.7.2 with the old version of TerraFirmaGregCore. image

Only the correction in the file turned out to be useful constants.js , where mining_hammer was replaced with a regular hard_hammer.

Exzept1on commented 2 months ago

And about second part of PR. Ring should have 36mb. Screw - 18mb. Bolt - 18mb.

Fix that and then I merge this