TerraME / terrame

TerraME is a programming environment for spatial dynamical modelling
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Unknown output message from terralib #2330

Open avancinirodrigo opened 4 years ago

avancinirodrigo commented 4 years ago

TerraLib is outputting too many messages, mainly when handling tif. It seems the messages come from Proj4 3rdparty:

proj_create_from_database: prime meridian not found
proj_uom_get_info_from_database: unit of measure not found
avancinirodrigo commented 4 years ago

That seems an exception em Proj: https://github.com/OSGeo/PROJ/blob/71e6438ba2173ee7c05ade1c395bd5949023cadc/src/iso19111/factory.cpp

avancinirodrigo commented 4 years ago

The error message raises when terralib is not identifying the projection.

The method on terralib that the error happens: terralib/gdal/Utils.cpp

te::rst::Grid* te::gdal::GetGrid(GDALDataset* gds, const int multiResLevel)
   const char* projRef = gds->GetProjectionRef(); // <-- right here

Comming from: terralib/gdal/Transactor.cpp

std::unique_ptr<te::da::DataSetType> te::gdal::Transactor::getType(const std::string& dsfullname)

An example of the return of GetProjectionRef() when the projection is not identified:


A valid one:

GEOGCS["SAD69",DATUM["South_American_Datum_1969",SPHEROID["GRS 1967 Modified",6378160,298.25,

A temporary solution is to reproject data. Another solution is not to allow unrecognized projection.