TerraformersMC / ModMenu

A menu for, you guessed it, mods!
MIT License
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Crowdin #450

Open jackassmc opened 2 years ago

jackassmc commented 2 years ago

Mod Menu now uses Crowdin for translations: https://crowdin.com/project/mod-menu

Please post anything relating to the new setup here. Once a couple of Crowdin PRs get merged and translators are happy with the configuration this issue will be closed.

Andre601 commented 2 years ago

I've stated some of my concerns in the crowdin project itself. Namely:

jackassmc commented 2 years ago

Please feel free to improve the translations. Changing the source strings is out of scope for this issue, please open a new one.

Madis0 commented 2 years ago

You might want to unhide some duplicate strings so they could be translated separately. option.modmenu.mods_button_style is the most important one for me.

jackassmc commented 2 years ago

You might want to unhide some duplicate strings so they could be translated separately. option.modmenu.mods_button_style is the most important one for me.

Does it work now?

Madis0 commented 2 years ago

Yup, can be translated separately now.

jackassmc commented 2 years ago

Great, please let me know of any other issues.

Madis0 commented 2 years ago

I guess the glossary and 1.16, 1.18 projects no longer exist? Not sure if they are needed though.

jackassmc commented 2 years ago

I believe 1.18 is identical to 1.19 so it gets hidden. And 1.16 is no longer supported.

jackassmc commented 2 years ago

And the glossary component is a Weblate specific thing, there still exists a glossary but it isn't listed as a component like in Weblate.

jackassmc commented 2 years ago

The "Allow project members to manage glossary terms" option is enabled now, so now you should be able to use the glossary like on Weblate.

The "Duplicate Strings" setting is now set to "Show, but auto-translate them", so nothing should be hidden anymore and everything should be translatable.

Madis0 commented 2 years ago

Are there plans for introducing proofreaders and how would one apply for becoming one? I am interested in being an Estonian proofreader for example (username MadisO).

jackassmc commented 2 years ago

Proofreaders would be awesome but the way it works is that there is a setting "Export only approved translations" (Only texts that are both translated and approved will be included in the exported translation files. This will require additional efforts from your proofreaders to approve all suggestions.) that can only be enabled globally. So to make that work all languages need to have at least one proofreader.

You are now a proofreader for Estonian translations. Since there aren't enough proofreaders this means that all that changes for you is that you can now approve Estonian translations, but even unapproved translations are exported.

jackassmc commented 2 years ago

The "Notify translators about new strings" option is now enabled. They can also be disabled by a user setting here: https://crowdin.com/settings#notifications

jackassmc commented 2 years ago

Translations are now synced every three hours because GitHub actions are not guaranteed to run. This should make sure that an action is run at least once a day.

Andre601 commented 2 years ago

Are there plans for introducing proofreaders and how would one apply for becoming one? I am interested in being an Estonian proofreader for example (username MadisO).

I feel like one problem is to know if a String should be approved or not. One may like version A while the other may like B. There should Imo be a set of rules/guidelines for the languages first to make sure people know what formats should be used.

jackassmc commented 2 years ago

I feel like one problem is to know if a String should be approved or not. One may like version A while the other may like B. There should Imo be a set of rules/guidelines for the languages first to make sure people know what formats should be used.

Approval would be at the discretion of the languages proofreaders, but I don't know how disagreements between proofreaders would be handled. Mod Menu now has another proofreader: Maneschy. They are also a proofreader for Portuguese languages for Minecraft itself, maybe they can explain how that works.

Some guidelines for translations would make sense. I've written a bit about this here: https://github.com/TerraformersMC/ModMenu/issues/451#issuecomment-1153166621 - basically just that translations should be as close to the official Minecraft translations as possible. On Weblate this information could have been posted as an announcement, maybe Crowdin has something similar.

Andre601 commented 2 years ago

On Weblate this information could have been posted as an announcement, maybe Crowdin has something similar.

From my experience with Crowdin is there no such thing. Maybe the "Discussion" tab allows this, but it most likely requires people to have notifications for that active which may not be guaranteed...

Madis0 commented 2 years ago

I've seen announcements being posted as private messages from the project owner to the translators (similar to email BCC). For general, non-timely messages, the sidebar description can be used.

jackassmc commented 2 years ago

I've added a Translation Guidelines discussion, it is also linked from the project description.

Please let me know of any suggestions for the guidelines in this issue or in the Crowdin discussion.

jackassmc commented 2 years ago

Every time translations are synced all translations in the repo are first uploaded to Crowdin. This is done to enable direct commits to language files in the git repo (doing that would lock Weblate). But I've noticed that this does not ignore existing translations, so my question to the translators: is that a problem? I can disable the upload from git if it is, it's a nice-to-have, not a must-have.

Madis0 commented 2 years ago

I'd say it's not too bad when done occasionally (e.g. once per MC version), but overwriting translations every day or so would make translators lose all comments, alternative translations and the reference to the original translator (useful in filters and moderation), so that's indeed not ideal.

jackassmc commented 2 years ago

I see, I'll disable it then. Thanks!

jackassmc commented 2 years ago

Translations are not uploaded to Crowdin anymore.

Translations are now synced once a week, the reduction is because syncing creates a lot of repository events.

ludg1e commented 2 years ago

Hello, on the catalan language, could please both three json files (1.17, 18 and 19) be named as cat_es.json please? they're both three in en_us And also, do we need to translate for the three versions, right?

jackassmc commented 2 years ago

Hello, on the catalan language, could please both three json files (1.17, 18 and 19) be named as cat_es.json please? they're both three in en_us

That's not possible because en_us.json is the source file name and that name is shared between all languages. But all of them are now named Mod Menu to avoid confusion.

And also, do we need to translate for the three versions, right?

Duplicate strings are auto translated once one string is translated, so translators should only need to add one translation.

ludg1e commented 2 years ago

Ok, thanks

Amirhan-Taipovjan-Greatest-I commented 1 year ago

Hello! Is it possible to add Minecraft and Fabric descriptions as translatable strings?

image image

Prospector commented 1 year ago

Good idea, I will add that