TerraformersMC / Terrestria

A Fabric mod enhancing the detail of Minecraft with unique and vibrant biomes. Inspired by ExtrabiomesXL.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
199 stars 43 forks source link

Let cypress saplings be waterlogged #240

Open saltyseadoggo opened 3 years ago

saltyseadoggo commented 3 years ago

Inspired by Biome Makeover, I think allowing cypress saplings to be waterlogged would be a great addition, as it would allow players to grow the large, 2x2 swamp cypress trees in water as they can be seen in the cypress swamp biome. You could prevent small cypress trees from growing if their saplings are waterlogged to ensure that it is only used to grow the large, 2x2 swamp cypress.~