This task is has two parts, both of which are optional but could be nice-to-haves, so long as the overhead of it isn't a lot and doesn't mean we're overengineering it.
[ ] Find some easy way to deal with data and tag it.
Currently, they're stored as CSVs in the Google Drive, and if this is best, leave it be
There is potential to find ways to tag and label datasets (which subsystem, which sensors, which launch altitude, what launch platform (L1, L2, SAC, etc), weather conditions, etc).
If useful and doesn't introduce overhead to data management, implementing a more structured database that makes it easier to query data
[ ] Run data analyses on these launch data sets to analyze for trends
things like sensor fidelity, differin data by subsystem (and the corrections for this), correlations/differences between launch data and simulated predictions, etc.
This task is has two parts, both of which are optional but could be nice-to-haves, so long as the overhead of it isn't a lot and doesn't mean we're overengineering it.