TerriaJS / aremi-natmap

AREMI fork of the NICTA/nationalmap repo.
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extended low DNI #111

Open meh9 opened 7 years ago

meh9 commented 7 years ago

I have a nice data set on the spatial distribution of long periods of low DNI that I would love to include under the "Research" category of the data catalogue. A paper describing the data set is here: http://bit.ly/2rEluYm

I've put PNG images of the data at: https://air.net.au/~bje/dni-400-start.png https://air.net.au/~bje/dni-400-duration.png

The data is currently in the same "grid" file format as used by the BoM for its gridded solar irradiance products. What format is be needed to overlay raster data like this?

meh9 commented 7 years ago

@bje-, here's that issue I promised you.

meh9 commented 7 years ago

@bje-, to turn ArcGIS ASCII grids into GeoTIFFs we use something like this:

gdal_translate \
        -of GTiff \
        -co 'COMPRESS=DEFLATE' \
        -co 'TILED=YES' \
        -a_srs EPSG:4326 \
        input_file.txt output_file.tif
axman6 commented 7 years ago

@bje- any update on making this dataset for us? We'd like to be able to show it at the steering committee meeting coming up in August, where we'll need to get approval to add it.

bje- commented 7 years ago

The DNI < 400W/m2 data are in two saved Numpy arrays: duration of lull in hours and starting day of lull. I guess the format is not critical if these files are converted once. You may need to mask off excessive values around the edge of the map. See the journal paper for more details (or ask!)